Read Books Novel


Author: A.L. Jackson

The ass**le hit me!

I couldn’t tel if I was angrier about that or the fact that I could no longer feel the warmth Daniel had left on my skin; the throbbing from the back of Nicholas’s hand replaced it. My hand went to my face, my hate growing with each rise and fal of my chest.

“Melanie,” Nicholas said, his words dripping with venom. With a sneer, he brought his face close to mine.

“You’re very lucky that guy was as f**ked up as you are, otherwise I would beat the shit out of you right now.” He meticulously unbuttoned the sleeves of his shirt and rol ed them up his arms, quiet fury on his face as he waited for me to succumb. That was not going to happen.

I leaned in close to him, exhaling into his face. I felt the words form, knowing my response would change everything.

“Fuck you,” I said, the words slowly sliding through my lips. He froze, his shock evident, and I turned and left him standing in the foyer. I was through being his possession.

I went upstairs and got a pair of pajamas. When I got back downstairs, Nicholas still stood in the same spot. I didn’t acknowledge him as I retired to the guest bedroom.

There was no way I would lay next to that man.

As sleep neared, I could feel myself racing toward the usual dreams of love and loss. But tonight, I could also feel something new. It was the same feeling I couldn’t quite put my finger on earlier in the day.


Yes, change was coming.

I jolted upright, unaware of where I was while the events of last night slowly came back to me.


I smiled as I looked around the guest room, running my hands over the soft sheets, remembering the dreams I had had of him last night. It was the best sleep I’d had in years. Even though he wasn’t lying there beside me, his presence was never far.

I heard a distant rapping on the front door, my phone buzzing at the same time.

I glanced to the clock.

“Nine thirty-four?” I mumbled to myself.

I couldn’t believe I’d slept the morning away.

Nicholas would have left for the office hours ago. Never in nine years had I not gotten up to make him breakfast. I was still shocked that I’d finally stood up to him and refused him that control I’d so wil ingly given.

I felt so—free.

My phone buzzed again, and I grabbed it, seeing seven missed texts from Katie. The last demanded that I hurry up and open the front door. Grinning, I got up and padded barefoot across the tile floor, anxious to see my friend. I wasn’t sure what would have happened had she not been there last night.

I looked through the peephole before twisting the lock and opening the door. “Katie!” I threw myself into her arms as she stood in my entryway.

She was the only one who understood, and right now, I had never been more confused in my entire life. My heart was soaring with the palpable love I had felt from Daniel last night. It finally beat with true life, my dead soul resuscitated by his mere touch. At the same time, my chest had been torn open, old wounds gaping with fresh memories of our lost love, thoughts of what could have been—what should have been—and now what would never be. But he loved me. I knew I could go on, knowing that. The thought of him crawling into bed next to another woman nearly kil ed me, but I could accept it, and I would never attempt to come between him and his family.

She had his body, but I had his soul.

“I thought you were going to need me today.” Katie hugged me, rubbing my back as I buried my face on her shoulder.

She pulled back to look at my face, an audible

“hiss” coming from her lips. “That bastard.” Her hand came up to my chin, tilting my head her direction.

I reached to touch my cheek, wincing at the slight soreness. I turned to the mirror on the wal , seeing the purple bruise that marked my cheekbone. I ran my fingers across it, the sight of it stirring my hatred once again.

Katie stood behind me, concern on her face. “Are you okay?” I could see she was trying to control herself, but there was rage brewing in her.

I shook my head as I turned to her. “This,” I said, gesturing to the bruise, “is as far as the ass**le got.” I felt sick to my stomach as I recal ed the look on his face last night as he had tried to put me in my place.

“I can’t believe he actually hit me, Katie, after all these years of playing this part he wrote for me, fitting it perfectly. I’ve hated myself for so long. I’d all owed him to treat me like garbage because I didn’t feel like I was worth anything.” I chewed on my bottom lip, trying to keep the tears from coming.

“I don’t know what came over me. I was just done.

I finally stood up for myself, Katie. I slept in the guestroom last night.” A smal smile came crept over my face as I waited for her reaction.

She stared at me for a few moments before she rasped out, “I’m so proud of you.”

“Thank you, Katie. You don’t know what it means to me that you’re here, that you knew I’d need you.” Her serious expression changed, replaced by her signature smirk. “Did you really think I’d miss getting the scoop on what the hel was going on last night? You know me better than that.”

I laughed, and shook my head at her.

“Come on,” she nodded her head in the direction of the family room. “Go sit down, I’ll make us some coffee.

We need to talk.”

She turned, walking toward the kitchen, and I headed to the family room. Goose bumps popped up over my arms when I walked by the window. I could feel Daniel everywhere, the energy now a constant reminder of just how near he was.

Minutes later Katie came into the room, carrying two coffee cups. She handed one to me before settling onto the couch and drawing one leg up under her to face me. My back was propped against the armrest, my legs drawn to my chest. I brought the cup up to my lips, taking the first sip. I felt the warmth travel down my throat and into my belly. I relaxed as I mul ed over the events of the last twenty-four hours. It was almost as if it had all been a dream.

Katie brought her cup to her lips, looking for the right words. She looked me in the eyes, shaking her head.

“I almost can’t believe it, this whole fate thing you’ve always talked about with Daniel as if there were something magical between the two of you.” She inhaled deeply, scrunching up her nose. “I never believed in stuff like that, but first the necklace and now last night…,” she said, trailing off and waving her hand in the air as if she were trying to dismiss the whole concept.

“I know, Katie. The whole idea seems so cheesy or cliché, but there was always more to us than normal. Erin called us soul mates, but now…it’s like it’s even more than that.” I was almost embarrassed to describe it, but I needed Katie to understand. “It’s like we share the same soul, and when we’re apart, each half is looking for the other.” I was certain Katie would think I’d lost my mind, but it was the truth.
