Read Books Novel


Author: A.L. Jackson

“And Dad?”

Anger flashed across her face.

“Erin, what did he do?”

She finally spoke. “He, uh…hit Daniel.”

“What?” I yelled.

“Melanie, he really messed Daniel up. He broke open all the stitches on his face.” She groaned, putting her hands over her face. “I don’t want to feel so angry at your dad, but how could he do that after everything you guys had been through? And now, he just hovers outside your door, not saying anything to anyone. It’s kinda creepy.”

He did exactly what I’d feared he’d do all these months. He’d hurt Daniel. If I could, I would have taken any punishment to prevent this, but I knew Daniel would always be the bad guy in my dad’s eyes no matter what he did.

“So, what are you going to do now?” Erin asked, ringing her hands together. “Are we cancelling the wedding?”

Right. I was supposed to get married in three weeks. All of my insecurities were back. Would Daniel still want me to be his wife? I wanted it more than anything.

Tears started to stream down my face.

“Melanie?” Erin leaned in closer, my hand still in hers. “You don’t have to, you know. We can wait untillyou’ve healed.”

“No, it’s not that, Erin.”

“Then what? Do you blame him?” The hurt on her face told me she had been fearful I would.

“No! Never, Erin.” Relief swept over her face before confusion took its place.


“Erin,” I spoke barely above a whisper. “What if he doesn’t want me anymore? I can’t give him a family.” I felt ashamed—I wasn’t whole—and Daniel deserved someone who was. He told me he wanted me, but what about in five years? Or ten? Would he still feel the same when he realized he would never have a normal life with me?

“Melanie,” her voice was stern and took me by surprise. “Are you insane? That man loves you more than anything. He can’t even look at another woman. What could possibly make you think that?”

Even though I knew she was right, I couldn’t help it. I felt like I was no longer good enough for him.

“I just want him to have everything, Erin, everything he’s ever wanted.”

“You realize that’s you, right?”

My heart did know that. Now I just had to convince my stupid head of it.

“Yeah, Erin. I know. I think we should wait though, maybe until summer.” Daniel at least deserved that time. I forced a bright smile to wash the disappointment from her face. “You know, I’d like to actually be able to walk down the aisle to marry your brother.” As I gestured to my leg, we laughed, dispelling the tension in the room. And for the first time, I felt real hope for the future.

I spent the rest of the day figuring out what to do from there. I’d privately asked Patrick if I could come and stay with them while I finished school. There was no way I could be in the same house with my father.

Patrick seemed thrilled and said he’d been thinking the same thing. Daniel’s face glowed when I told him of the plans.

I dreaded being separated from Daniel. I really just wanted to go back to Boulder with him, but I was going to need care he couldn’t provide if he was in school. I knew he’d take the rest of the semester off in a heartbeat, and there was no way I could allow that.

Mom fretted over me, trying to make up for the time we’d been apart. I loved her even more for it. It made me sad that Julia seemed to feel she had to step back.

She was a mother to me too, and I wanted them both. I didn’t want one to replace the other.

The day came and went. Daniel gave up trying to sleep on the chair and snuggled beside me on the bed instead. The nurses were not happy about it. It was, of course, against the rules, but it was the only way either of us could sleep. Friday morning I actually felt rested, and I could tell by the look on Daniel’s face he did too.

Today I had to tell Mom my plans. I figured it was going to be a fight, but I was tired of trying to hide things from her. She was cleaning up my area after lunch.

“Hey, Mom?”

She stopped. “What is it, sweetie?”

I was so nervous, I could feel the sweat on my palms, but it was time I grew up and told my parents what I wanted from my life. “I, uh, wanted to let you know I’m not going back to Dad’s. I’m going to stay with Patrick and Julia until I finish school. It just makes sense. Patrick will be able to monitor my therapy, and Erin can bring me my school work until I can actually go back to class.” She seemed disappointed.

“Honey, I thought maybe you’d come home with me.”

I didn’t want to hurt her more than I already had, but I couldn’t go with her. That wasn’t my home anymore.

“Mom, I can’t. I love him.”

She needed to understand my home was with Daniel now. She was quiet as she stared at her feet before looking up at me, grimacing. She pushed a lock of hair from my face. “Honey, I think you and Daniel should take some time away from each other.”

“What?” I looked at her in confusion and hurt.

She sighed and seemed to struggle with what to say. “It’s just…it might be the right time for the two of you to take some time to decide what you want to do with your lives. You both moved so quickly in this relationship, and I think it would be wise for you to take a step back.” I shook my head. “Daniel is what I want.”

“But are you sure this is what he wants, Melanie?

He’s an eighteen-year-old boy. Can you be certain he’s ready to decide who he wants to spend the rest of his life with?” Her face was sympathetic but her words stung.

“Yes,” flew from my mouth though her words brought questions—doubt. I pushed them aside and reiterated, “Yes.”

She closed her eyes and exhaled. “Just think about, Melanie.”

I didn’t want to think about it. “No, Mom. I’m staying here.”

She nodded and hugged me for a long time, her nose in my hair before she whispered, “Okay,” against my head.

When Mom left to get some rest, Daniel took her place. He was trying to give me time with her, but my heart hurt every time he walked out the door. He was never far and always returned the moment she left. I wanted to talk to him about the things my mom had said, her suggestion eating at me as every hour past. But every time he smiled at me and kissed me, I’d convince myself I was just being foolish.

We were both exhausted, and as soon as the sun set, Daniel, once again, crawled in beside me, holding me close as we drifted off to sleep.
