Read Books Novel


Author: A.L. Jackson

I dialed Shane’s number before I all owed myself to think of the consequences. Shane dithered over the idea but ultimately conceded and promised he would tel Nicholas he had dropped them off himself.

“Just a glimpse, Melanie,” I promised myself as I ascended the stairs. I still hadn’t moved all of my things out, resigning myself to showering and dressing after Nicholas had gone.

I rushed through my shower. Trying to relax would be futile. My stomach was in knots, protesting against the anticipation igniting a path through my veins. I dried quickly, slipping into my robe and wrapping a towel around my head.

“Humph.” I hesitated when I walked into the closet.

I settled on a white-col ared blouse with the sleeves rol ed up and a black skirt that barely passed as business casual.

It was snug at the hips and tapered out to flow loosely down my thighs, coming to rest right above my knees. I slipped into some black round-toed pumps and stood in front of my mirror. It was conservative but cute, and it would just have to do as not a single emotion swirling through me even came close to resembling one of confidence.

I walked down the stairs, tension building with each step. My body knew each one brought me closer to him.

I took the now very familiar path to his office, my fingers kneading the steering wheel as I tried to give myself reassurance for the reason I was doing this. Was I trying to torture or comfort myself?

It was blatantly clear that seeing him this one time would never be enough or fulfil my need for him. Every time I felt him near, I only wanted more. Right now, though, I was willing to fool myself into believing anything.

The first wave of energy hit me as I turned onto his street, the pul seeking me out and drawing me near. He was here. My foot pressed down on the accelerator, my body instinctively traveling faster. When I reached the front of his building, I pulled into the first space I could find, and I gave myself a minute to compose myself. How was I going to walk in there as if this was nothing and I was simply handing the receptionist a pack of papers?

“Come on, Melanie. You can do this.” I breathed in as I coaxed my nerves to settle.

I just needed to get in there and get out. I would take with me a visual, a picture of where he spent his days so I could place him there in my mind as I thought of him each day.

Gathering my last bit of courage, I stepped out, something I’d tried once, the day after first seeing him, but my feet had been unable to carry me. I had never tried again. This time I pressed forward, my steps loud in my ears as I crossed the street. Daniel’s presence was a dul buzz in the back of my head, growing each second, becoming a steady throb. I inhaled and closed my eyes, swinging the door open. I was overwhelmed by the energy in the room. There was no oxygen to breathe, only Daniel, the one who supplied life to my lungs.

I stumbled as I entered the room, and I struggled to maintain some sort of composure. The room was silent except for the clinking of a keyboard and the pounding in my head.

Tentatively, I walked forward. The woman behind the desk halted her strokes to look up and smile at me.

“May I help you, dear?” I braced myself on the counter. It was difficult to make my mouth work. My jaw locked in restraint against every part of me that demanded I seek Daniel out, but I control ed myself and handed the woman the envelope. “Um, yes. I have a delivery for Dr.

Montgomery from Borel i & Preston Contractors.” Okay. Job done. Now it was time to run. I couldn’t handle being here. He was just too close. I had promised myself weeks ago I would keep my distance and all ow us to love each other through that space, and it was clear now I’d crossed that line.

I whispered, “Thank you.” Before I could turn to leave, she pushed the envelope back to me.

“Dr. Montgomery asked that I ensure he was able to speak with the person who delivered this, if you don’t mind?” Her eyes were kind.

I gulped down the nonexistent air in the room. I knew I should run, escape, but secretly I’d been hoping this would happen—to see him, talk to him. Just once. He’d never told me goodbye, and somewhere inside me, I wanted that resolution. I wanted him just to say it, to end the confusion I felt. But was I really ready for that rejection? To hear him say I wasn’t enough? And what would it change anyway? My soul would always belong to him just as his belonged to me, no matter what words he said.

The longing to see him ultimately won. I nodded and took the envelope back in my hands.

She pressed a button on her headset and spoke into it. “Dr. Montgomery, your delivery from Borel i & Preston is here.”

She bobbed her before saying, “Yes, doctor.”

“He’ll see you now.” She stood and started around her desk as the front door opened and somebody came through. She had a look of apology on her face. “He’s the first door on the right. Can you find it okay?”

“Sure,” I muttered mostly to myself as she turned to help the person who had come in. I stared down the hallway. Both fear and longing consumed me. I wil ed myself to walk, but every footstep was heavy, dragging with what I feared I would soon be regret. I stal ed outside his door, and my heart listened to his. I could feel it pounding, drawing me forward.

I didn’t even knock. I turned the knob and pushed the door open, my feet locked in place when I saw him.

Daniel. I blinked several times as I took him in. He was leaning over, bracing himself with his palms flat on his desk. He must have realized that it was me just before I opened the door. He had his head cocked up, his hazel eyes wide.

I couldn’t move. I felt as if I was caught in time and the second hand was unable to tick on.

He finally rose, cautious and slow. His eyes were fierce and desperate, a fire that I’d never seen before burned behind them. They drew me in. My feet moved of their own accord, and my arm dropped from the door.

Silently, it closed behind me. Everything in the room was still , except for the energy crackling between us.

“Melanie,” he called to me, a whisper directly to my heart, pumping it with life. I was mesmerized as he wet his dry lips. He held his shoulders rigid. His brow was heavy with tension, his chest trembling with his staggered breaths. I felt him; felt his longing, desire, hunger. And I knew he could feel mine. My body quivered under his intense stare, muscles twitching in anticipation. My knees went weak when I saw him snap, undecided no longer.

I could barely register the movement before he rounded his desk and his lips crashed against mine. His hands sank into my hair, pulling my body roughly against his.
