Read Books Novel


Author: A.L. Jackson

Fear consumed me during the drive to Melanie’s house. Every doubt I’d ever had about myself came to the surface, tel ing me I wasn’t good enough, reminding me of what I’d done. I tried to shove it down, to stamp it out, and to all ow only the assurance of Erin’s revelation and the promise of the pul from within her house to guide me. Yet my stomach was still in my throat. I gathered all of my courage, bracing myself against the possibility that Melanie could, once again, reject me. But I was through living with the questions; it was time to get answers. I would deal with the consequences later.

My palms were sweaty from gripping the steering wheel. I’d been sitting outside her house for more than twenty-five minutes. I swal owed hard, wiping my hands against my jeans. I opened the car door, and her presence intensified. My feet no longer felt heavy and quickened in anticipation. This was it. I bounded up to her porch, standing in front of her door. Another wave of uncertainty washed over me, leaving me unsure of myself again. I felt like I would go crazy with the constant surge of emotions, each one pushing me forward or dragging me back.

I lifted my hand and hesitated before rapping against the wooden door. The bel somehow felt too formal.

Why I even bothered, I didn’t know. Melanie would have already known I was near.

I ran my hands incessantly through my hair as I waited for her, dread creeping through my veins. The house remained completely stilll. I banged against the door, this time louder. “I’m not leaving untillyou talk to me, Melanie.” I leaned my forehead against the door and pounded my palm against it. Her presence was so strong, I felt as if I could touch her. I realized then she was leaning against the other side, the door our only barrier.

“Please, Melanie,” I whispered against the wood, my heart begging her. There was a shift in the air and the sound of metal sliding. The door cracked open, but only a lock of her brown hair was visible.

“You shouldn’t be here, Daniel.” As much as she wanted me to be believe what she said, I knew she was lying. The pul was overwhelming, and even if I’d wanted to, I could never have walked away.

I pushed against the door, nudging it open a little more. “We have to talk, Melanie, and I’m not leaving until we do.”

I felt her give in, and the door swung wide open. I tried to gather myself as I stepped forward.

I stood in a massive living room, the furniture pristine, unused, and completely uninviting. I cringed, thinking of Melanie living in this place. There was no hint of her in it whatsoever. The house was devoid of any warmth.

Slowly, I turned back to her, mentally preparing myself. My breath hitched, a lump forming in my throat when we came face-to-face. She was so beautiful that I couldn’t think straight. She appeared to be in her pajamas, pink sweats resting low on her waist and a pink tank top. Her creamy shoulders were exposed, accentuating her brown curls resting against them.

But I only all owed myself to focus on her face. Her expression was so sad and guarded, her emerald eyes glistening as she fought to hold back her tears.

It was hard to breathe with the weight on my chest.

Everything rode on this one moment.

“Melanie.” How did I even start? The pul to hold her was so intense it made it difficult to form words, but I fought it. We had to talk.

She stood feet from me and waited, her breathing even, though she couldn’t hide the tremors rol ing through her body. She looked so scared, so broken, but even that couldn’t mask the love shining in her eyes when she looked at me. I couldn’t help but vocalize my own.

“I love you.”

Her lip quivered, and she sucked it in, her eyes never leaving mine. Tears broke loose, running quickly down her face. “I know.”

I swal owed, and all owed the pain to come. I wouldn’t hold back. She had to know how deeply she’d wounded me.

“What you said in my office the other day…I couldn’t live another day with you believing that I don’t want you. You have to understand, nothing was more devastating than finding out you’d left me.”

The painful memory flashed in my mind. “She’s not here.” Peggy looked at me in confusion as if she thought I should know exactly what she was talking about.

“Melanie got married, Daniel. Didn’t you know?”

“What?” Melanie’s forehead crinkled, her voice suddenly high. “What are you talking about; the day you found out I left you?”

“When I went to Dal as to get you, Melanie. The day your mom ripped my heart out.”

Peggy’s voice filled my mind. “She’s happy, Daniel. Let her go. Find someone that makes you happy like she has.”

“I hardly slept or ate for nearly five months. I spent every minute worrying about you, dreaming of you, longing for you. I tried so hard to respect your wishes to stay away and let you heal, but it was too much. I had to come for you.” The words were laced with my disappointed, each one more heated as the anger I’d always ignored was released.

It was never my intention to come here and hurt her more, but it was time we were honest with each other.

“Do you have any idea what that felt like? Finding out that the one person I loved most in this world had left me for someone else, and she never even had the decency to tel me goodbye? Even then, I never stopped loving you, wanting you—ever.”

Melanie’s face twisted in rage.

“How dare you,” she seethed, inching closer, her hands bal ed in tiny fists, “come in here, and lie to me after all this time! If I wasn’t good enough for you, you should have just told me. Even though it would have broken my heart to hear you say it, you know I would have respected it, accepted it.” She was in my face now. “But to find her in my house! It was cruel, Daniel.” I could feel her anger dissipate, hurt taking its place. Her hands that had been fisted at her sides now fisted in my shirt.

I stared down at her, my mouth hanging open as I tried to process what she was saying.

“Who?” I stuttered.

“Stephanie!” Melanie screamed.

My hands trembled at the mention of Stephanie’s name.

How the f**k did Melanie know about Stephanie?

I reached out grasping her upper arms, forcing her to look at me.

“Melanie, please.” I was begging, pure and simple. “That meant nothing. I was so broken after you left I…I—”

“Broken after I left? I left?” she cried. “I never left you! I could never leave you! Ever!” Her voice softened as she reached out and caressed my cheek. “You were everything to me, my life, my soul.” She removed her shaky hand, taking a step back, withdrawing from me.
