Read Books Novel


Author: A.L. Jackson

“Daniel, I’m so sorry. I can’t imagine what you’re going through, but I’m here for you—whatever you need.” Okay, not disappointed, just understanding, and sympathetic.

I was afraid to voice the words. What if this was all too much for her? Could I ask her to deal with all of my baggage?

“I’m going to have joint custody,” I looked at her, hoping she’d understand what this would mean.

Her mouth hung open, gaping. “I don’t understand.

I thought you didn’t want him?”

I exhaled heavily, wishing I knew the answer to that question. “I don’t know what I was thinking when I told Vanessa that’s what I wanted. I’m not sure if it was out of spite or obligation.” I cringed as the words came out my mouth, appal ed at my admission, but I couldn’t be anything other than straightforward with Melanie. “I guess probably a bit of both.”

I was positive it weighed a little heavier on the spite side, demanding that control, doing anything to take some of it from Vanessa. She had been completely up my ass lately, texting and cal ing continuously, trying to get me involved in the pregnancy and, no doubt, with her. I’d almost recanted my claim to the child and offered just to cut her a check. But paying her off would give her control and would do nothing to stop her from hounding me in the future. I refused to all ow that to happen.

I waited, giving Melanie the opportunity to digest all of this information. I grew restless when she said nothing. Finally unable to take her silence any longer, I pleaded, “Please…say something. Tel me what you’re thinking.”

“I’m thinking that I love you, and anything you have to deal with, I have to deal with. She uttered the words without hesitation, freely.

I turned and pulled her to me, tugging her onto my lap. My arms wrapped around her to hold her close, cuddling her and rocking her like a child.

“Thank you.” It was all I could say.

I glanced at the little clock on the nightstand. It was already past two. We’d been in this bed for almost four hours.

“Come on, let’s get your stuff.” Gauging what little I knew about her marriage, I was betting that Melanie had very few possessions of her own. What we couldn’t fit in the car, we’d just replace.

Her head jerked back to meet my face, her brows drawn as she scrambled to sit up. “I can’t leave yet.” What? After everything we’d just shared and promised each other, how can she say, “I can’t leave yet?”

“Not a chance.” The thought of leaving her here with Nicholas—I didn’t even try to hide my disgust. “I wil not share you with that ass**le.”

“Stop. Listen to me,” she pleaded, gripping my shoulders. “You’ll never share me. I’m yours. If you look around,” she said, gesturing around the room with her hand,

“you’ll see that this is where I sleep. I haven’t shared his bed since the night of the dinner. I knew then I was yours, even if I couldn’t have you. I realized then I could never again give myself to anyone else, especially Nicholas.” I relaxed a little, not because I was conceding but because of the relief from knowing that Melanie hadn’t been sleeping with him.

“This isn’t just about us, Daniel. What about your building?” She looked at me pointedly, as if somehow that could be more important than she was.

“I couldn’t care less about the building, Melanie. It means nothing.”

“Maybe not to you, but what about Shane and Katie? They’re the only family I’ve had this whole time. I love them, and I owe them this for everything they’ve done for me. I honestly don’t know whether I would still exist if Katie hadn’t been there for me, and I just can’t do something that would jeopardize Shane’s freedom.”

“What are you talking about?”

Melanie looked at me and shrugged. “Shane hates Nicholas almost as much as I do. With the profit from the building, he’s planning to break off from Nicholas and start his own company. He needs this. We have to at least talk to him and figure out how to do this without putting the deal in jeopardy.”

It was so frustrating—Melanie always thinking about everyone except herself. I didn’t see how Melanie leaving Nicholas would affect the building. I had a signed contract. Nicholas had to stick to it, didn’t he? Honestly, I hadn’t even looked at the contract when I had signed it, so I had no idea.

Okay, so maybe I needed to talk to Shane—and my lawyer.

Melanie’s hands were back on my face, forcing me to look at her. “And my mom, I need try to work things out with her, to know her again. I miss her.” She looked away deep in thought before darting her eyes back to mine.

“I’m not ashamed of us, but I think she and I have to resolve the past before I tel her you and I are back together.” I groaned with frustration, but I knew Melanie was right. still , I couldn’t imagine walking out that door without her.

“If you think I want to stay here, you’re wrong.

There’s no other place I want to be than with you. But we have to think this through and make sure we don’t hurt anyone, including ourselves, in the process.” I realized her decision was resolute, and it was hard to argue with it when she clearly was right. Knowing it was right, though, didn’t make it any easier.

“It absolutely kil s me to leave you here.” She held me closer, exhaling softly, knowing I’d surrendered.

I knew a little part of her wished I’d refuse and throw her over my shoulder and carry her out the door.

“I know,” she agreed, “but we have to.”

She turned and pulled me down on the bed beside her, her face at peace as she smiled at me. Even though it had been hard revisiting all of our issues, we had come to the place where our questions were answered, and we were confident about our future.

Our future.

Melanie kissed me solidly on the mouth, humming in contentment as she snuggled in close to my side.

“Besides, was this afternoon so bad?”

I grinned back at her, nuzzling the soft skin of her neck. “No, no, not bad at all ,” I agreed as my hands began to roam her body.

The mood was light as we shared sweet kisses, gentle caresses, and intimate promises. I came to her for the second time that day with the desperation of our broken hearts gone, replaced with the security of what would be.

Chapter 19

I watched as the black car slowly drove away. It took all the power within me not to run after him. I stood there in silence as he disappeared from view, wondering if this qualified as breaking the promise that we had just reiterated, the one that bound me to tel him everything I was feeling, what I feared, and what I needed. Yeah, probably. But I couldn’t voice it to Daniel.
