Read Books Novel


Author: A.L. Jackson

I was soaring.

I had awoken rested, refreshed, feeling loved and wanted. I’d read the text that had been patiently waiting for me as I slept, one sent hours before wishing me a good morning.

Yes it was.

I replied, tel ing him I couldn’t wait to see him again. I had no idea when that would be, but I knew we wouldn’t be able to stay apart for long. I carefully erased all of our messages, feeling a little guilty about doing so. Every single one of his words was precious to me, but knew I was going to have to be cautious if I was going to pul off this ruse. My phone immediately vibrated and I grinned, expecting his reply. Instead, a snarky message from Katie il uminated the screen, demanding to know what was going on.

Crap. That’s where Daniel had gotten my number.

I’d had every intention of cal ing her this morning, but she beat me to it. Instead of explaining myself on the phone, I asked her to meet me for lunch. Three hours later, I arrived at our favorite deli.

As I walked through the door, I found Katie already seated. Her eyes flooded with relief when she caught sight of me. It lasted only moments before a whole lot of curiosity washed it away. Apparently, Nicholas was not the only one who noticed the difference in me. I smiled as I crossed the white and black-checkered floor and slid into the red vinyl booth opposite her.

“Look at you.” She shook her head in disbelief, reaching both hands across the table to take one of mine.

Then she muttered, “Unbelievable,” under her breath, making me uncertain whether she’d intended for me to hear it or not.

Our regular waitress greeted us, and we ordered our usual chicken salad and iced tea. The moment she walked away, Katie assaulted me with questions.

“What the hel happened? I’ve been freaking out all night! Did Daniel callyou? I mean, obviously, look at you.” She waved her hand at me, exasperated, before continuing. “He called Shane and asked for your number and asked to have a meeting with him.” She was nearly panting by the time she finished. To the casual onlooker it would have appeared that Katie was upset with me, but I knew she was just dying to know what was going on. She did not like being kept in the dark.

“I was busy yesterday.” I spoke softly and slowly, communicating to her more by tone than with actual words. I watched as comprehension flickered in her features.

“So, he didn’t…just…call.”

I slowly shook my head, and I felt a blush make its way up my neck and onto my cheeks, confirming Katie’s unspoken question.

“Tel me everything.”

And I did just that, unable to keep myself from crying, once again, when I went into detail about how we’d been cheated out of the last nine years.

“That’s…awful.” Katie reached across the table to grab my hand with hers, gently squeezing. “See, I told you that you were his more.”

I nodded, this time without doubt.

“So?” Katie prodded, bouncing in her seat, impatient for me to get to the good part. She gaped as I described the most incredible day of my life. I thought I’d be embarrassed, but there was nothing embarrassing about what Daniel and I had shared yesterday.

“I’m so happy for you. all I’ve ever wanted for you is to see you happy, and I can see it. It was obvious when you walked through the door that you were—alive. I almost didn’t recognize you.”

She might not have recognized me, but I definitely did.

“So, what’s the plan?” She hesitated, lowering her voice. “I mean what are you going to do about Nicholas?

That ass**le isn’t going to take it very wel when he finds out you’re leaving him for another man.”

“Yeah, I know. Daniel was all set for me to leave with him yesterday, but I just couldn’t do it. I couldn’t even imagine what Nicholas would have done had he come home and found me gone. I needed some time to think about the best way to go about it.” I leaned in closer, hyperaware that the people around us could hear our conversation. “I feel terrible, but I misled Daniel. I told him we had to talk to Shane first and make sure it wouldn’t affect the building in any way. If I had told him the real reason, I know he would never have let me stay.”

“Oh, thank God, that’s what the meeting must be about. Shane’s been pissing his pants since Daniel cal ed.

He was convinced Daniel wanted to cancel.” She grimaced, stopping short. “Sorry, I didn’t mean it like that.

Seriously, we would happily let the building go if it meant your freedom.”

your freedom.”

I shook my head, dismissing her worry. The building was a really big deal, life changing for them. Of course, they would be worried about it. “No, it’s fine. You guys have been there for me more than you could ever know, and I want the building to happen too. Regardless of whether I stay in that house or not, I can’t see Nicholas letting that kind of money go.”

Katie took a bite of her salad, thinking about what I’d said. “Yeah, you’re probably right. I just don’t know what it’s gonna take for him to let you go. I don’t see him taking subtle hints. I mean, look what happened the last time you told him no. The guy’s a tyrant.”

I sighed, shifting uncomfortably. “It wasn’t the last time.” I pushed my sleeve up to reveal the very green and blue ring encircling my wrist.

Katie’s eyes darted to my wrist and reached across the table, taking my hand into hers.

“I’m going to kil that ass**le,” she said, her voice seething as she carefully inspected my wrist. “What led to this?”

I couldn’t contain the smug feeling I got when I described the altercation I’d had with Nicholas the previous evening. It’d left me feeling in control. Yeah, I’d been scared, really scared. But I won.

We sat silently for a few moments while we ate.

Katie, it seemed, wanted to say something else because she paused every few moments and chewed more on her lip than on her food, and Katie was never at a loss for words.

“What?” She was making me nervous.

She exhaled heavily, sitting back in her seat. “I just know this must be really hard on you.”

I looked at her, puzzled.

“The baby,” she clarified, “How do you feel about that whole situation?”

Oh. How did I feel about the baby? Jealous? Yes.

Scared? Yes. Sad? Very. Very, very sad. Truly, it was devastating. Every single insecurity I had was wrapped up in the fact that I couldn’t give Daniel a child. It was the reason that for nine years I had believed he didn’t want me.
