Read Books Novel


Author: A.L. Jackson

I wanted to tel him so many things. I wanted to tel him how wonderful he was. I wanted to praise his extraordinary heart, his perfect soul. I wanted to tel him that this meant as much to me as it did to him. Instead, I whispered the only thing I could manage, “It is right.” He exhaled heavily, and his rigid muscles eased as his arms slid from my upper arms to my waist.

Intertwining our hands, he hugged me tightly, never letting go while we continued to sway.

Neither of us wanted to move, the moment sublime. Daniel reluctantly pulled away when we realized how awkward it had to be for the realtor. Her back was to us as she stared blankly out the kitchen window into the backyard gazing out upon the unkempt lawn.

Daniel brushed his lips along my ear. “I love you.” I nodded, and he walked away to speak with her.

I ran my hands through my hair, dried my eyes, and pulled myself together, feeling strong enough to explore the house that had taken hold of me. It was perfect, except for the glaring void it held because Eva wasn’t here.

I desperately tried to see him here, to picture a crib in the corner of the smal bedroom or a highchair beside the dining room table. I strained to hear the laughter of a child as he ran down the wood floors of the hallway and to see him playing in the backyard. Instead, there was nothing.

I wanted to feel, needed to feel because I had promised Daniel I would do this with him, but I didn’t think I’d even begun to grasp how that child was going to rip my heart out.

My nerves were out of control. My hands shook as I packed a pair of pajamas and change of clothes into my overnight bag. I’d seen Daniel every day this week. Every morning I’d anticipate his cal to meet him for lunch, and I’d race to meet him as soon as I got word. We’d hold hands as we walked the streets, sharing all of our favorite places.

And at the end of the day, we’d always find ourselves back at his apartment.

I was playing a dangerous game of cat and mouse with Nicholas, teetering on the line between accomplishing the goal I’d set and exposing what was going on between Daniel and me. I knew Nicholas would eventually find out about us, but I hoped that I would be long gone before that happened.

Nicholas had been watching my every move, studying me as I moved about the house. I knew that I wanted him to see a difference in me, to feel that a change was coming. still , I couldn’t control the natural instinct I felt to hide it from him. On some level, I’d always been a little fearful of Nicholas, though I’d never really cared because I’d thought I had nothing to lose. But now, truly, I was terrified of him, terrified of what he would destroy. Yet, I pressed on, determined to do this.

I slung the strap of the overnight bag over my shoulder and went downstairs. It was only five-fifteen, and he was already home. Never in nine years had he been home this early unless he had a real reason to be, and I knew that reason was me. There was no way I would all ow his presence to deter my plans for the night. His eyes narrowed when he noticed the bag draped around my shoulder. “Going somewhere?”

I prayed that he didn’t see the way my muscles flinched under his menacing tone, and I raised my chin to look him straight in the eye. “Katie’s. I’ll be back in the morning.”

I saw the rise of his chest as he breathed in and held it. His anger made a visible ascent up his neck and settled on his reddened cheeks. I could see the war in his eyes as he decided how to best deal with my insubordination. The way his lip twitched and his fists flexed and released, it was clear he wanted to tear me apart.

Instead, his mouth spread into a cocky, arrogant grin, and his head tilted to the side. “Mm, I see.” I was pretty sure “I see” meant he could see right through me, but I didn’t wait for him to clarify. Hurriedly, I escaped the room and his knowing eyes, threw my stuff in my car, and left as quickly as possible.

I was suddenly very thankful for the arrangement Katie and I had made earlier. I planned go to her house and change for the dinner with Daniel’s family, leave my car at the Preston’s, and then she’d drive me to Daniel’s place to drop me off. I really didn’t think I could stomach another near miss with Nicholas.

I sat in Katie’s car, hoping I wouldn’t be late. My knee bounced as I watched the clock draw closer to six. Of course, Katie wouldn’t all ow that. She pulled up in front of Daniel’s building just before six. She slammed the brakes as she brought us to an abrupt stop. “Thank you so much, Katie. I’m so sorry I have you involved in this.” I waved my hand toward Daniel’s building, feeling guilty that I was putting her in this situation once again.

“Pssh.” She shrugged my concerns off, turning and giving me a quick hug. “You have no idea how happy it makes me to see you like this.” She laughed. “Plus, Nicholas is pissed, right? I mean, how much better could this night get?”

I returned her laugher and shook my head as I gathered my things. “Yeah. Let’s just pray he doesn’t show up at your house tonight.” I stepped onto the curb, leaning in and thanking her once again.

I rushed upstairs. Daniel opened the door, standing at the entrance of his apartment in black dress pants and a maroon button up, the sleeves rol ed. He never ceased to take my breath away. He immediately took me in his arms, his scent washing over me.

“Hi.” I pulled back to see his face, grinning at the joy I found.

“Hi, beautiful.” His hand ran through the curls that settled on my shoulder. Raking his eyes over my body, he appraised my charcoal gray cowl neck sweater and black skinny pants. They rested a beat longer on my favorite stiletto boots. “You look stunning.”

“Thank you.” I smiled warmly at him because I really meant it. I loved that he noticed. Daniel was the only one I’d ever wanted to impress. He grabbed his keys and wal et from the smal table beside the door and tucked me into his side. “Ready?”

The forty-minute drive passed quickly. We pulled up in front of the most beautiful house I’d ever seen, both grand and humble. Only the group of people waiting anxiously on the portico was more captivating.

I’d anticipated being timid and unsure of myself, insecure of exactly what my place would be, but as soon as I saw their faces, I was gone. My hand was on the door handle before the car came to a complete standstill. I hurled myself from the car and raced into Julia’s waiting arms. We crushed each other in our embrace, barely aware that we were both crying and laughing at the same time. It felt amazing to hold this woman who meant so much to me—
