Read Books Novel


Author: A.L. Jackson

He halted mid-stride when he entered the room, seeing I had already awakened. Hazel eyes devoured me from across the room, washing me in complete adoration, pulling me to their depths. I felt drawn further into them than I’d ever been before, as if the recesses had expanded and his spirit had been amplified.

“Hey,” he cal ed, his voice muted. “You’re awake.

How are you feeling?” He crossed the room to my side, drawing the chair up so he could sit next to me.

“My head hurts.” The pain flared as attention was drawn to it. “But other than that, I think I feel fine.” I turned on my side to face him, and he gathered my hands in both of his, brushing his lips across each knuckle. He leaned in closer, pressing a sweet, lingering kiss against my mouth. He was careful, acutely aware of each of my injuries, managing still to cover every exposed inch of my skin with his praise.

His mouth was at my ear, giving it his full consideration. My body trembled when he whispered into the sensitive skin, “I love you.” He sat back to take in my face. His expression was intense, full of devotion and love but shrouded in compassion and a tinge of apprehension.

“Baby, I need to talk to you.” My first instinct was to be concerned, but the light in his eyes held a promise, so instead, I watched him with curiosity.

He ran the pad of his thumb over my cheek and moved his hand to rest on my neck. His expression was somber, but his eyes conveyed no real sadness.

I narrowed my eyes at him, unable to make sense of the conflicting signals he was sending. “Daniel—” He shook his head, cutting me off.

“Melanie.” His eyes flitted over my face. He chose his words carefully, each one impassioned as it passed through his lips. “My son was born on Saturday.” His announcement echoed through the room and crashed against my ears. His mouth claimed, “My son,” while his spirit cried, “I adore him.”

I desperately tried to hide it, to conceal the all –

consuming ache his news brought me. I wanted to shield from this man the hurt that invaded every fiber of my body. I wanted to protect him from the envy that flowed through me, infecting my heart, my mind, and my very soul. I struggled to pretend I did not covet what I could not have, but I couldn’t stop the tears from fal ing. I turned away to spare him my reaction, one I had tried in vain to contain, ashamed of the jealously ravaging me.

How did I become such a terrible person? Daniel had been given a gift, this child, and he felt a deep love for him that was unmistakable, a love he never believed would be possible for him to feel. I should have rejoiced, but I couldn’t. It just hurt too much.

I felt as if a barrier had been erected, cutting me off from a part of him that I could not share. The void in my life had never been more pronounced.

My tears fel harder when he stood hovering above me, encircling me in his arms from behind while I buried my head in the pil ow. “Baby, it’s okay to cry.” His arm wrapped around to the front of my chest, pulling me closer to him. “I know it hurts…just…let it out.” His tender encouragement touched me, and I gave into it, weeping loudly into the pil ow, deep, ragged sobs born of years of insecurity and loss and want and need. And with this agonizing jealously, it all released simultaneously in a torrent of raw emotions.

Daniel’s soft words were there as he let me mourn. He rocked me and whispered comfort. “I wil always love you. I’ll never let you go. You wil always mean everything to me. There is nothing that could change the way I feel about you.” His heart was in sync with my fears, mol ifying each one as I expel ed it from my body.

When he felt me calm, he leaned in closer to my face. His cheek rested against mine as he almost painfully gripped me to him. “I promise we wil make this work.” Shuddering, I took in a deep breath, resolving that I would do whatever it took, knowing that promise depended more on me than anything else. I would take this burden and the sorrow it would bring. I nodded as I wiped my nose and the last of my own self-pity into the sleeve of my hospital gown, turning to face the one man I would do anything for. Mesmerizing pools of understanding waited, filled with undying devotion when they latched onto me. “I love you, Melanie.”

I swal owed, wetting my dry mouth and lips, reaching out to stroke the day-old stubble on his face. “I love you, too.” Gathering all my strength, I pushed forward and took the next step. My voice shook. “Tel me about him.”

Daniel’s expression turned reverent, full of wonder and awe as if he could not quite comprehend the way he felt. “He’s…amazing, Melanie.” He scooted his chair closer, taking each of my hands back in his. “His name is Andrew…Andrew Daniel.”

Daniel’s pride in his son was so obvious as he said his baby’s name—his grandfather’s name. I wanted so badly to share in this joy with him, but I couldn’t find it within me and was more than grateful when movement from the door distracted us. Patrick cleared his throat, and a sympathetic smile graced his features as he looked at me. I smiled back and nodded, silently welcoming him. He opened the door wide, all owing Julia to step in before him, grasping her hand as they crossed the room together.

“How are you today?” His eyes appraised me as he took a seat on the edge of the bed opposite Daniel.

“Better, thank you.”

Julia squeezed in beside Daniel, her bottom lip trembling as she tried not to cry. She embraced me the way only a mother would her own child. “Sweetheart, I was so scared. Are you okay?”

I nodded into her shoulder, my chest tightening as her affection washed over me. There were days when I still couldn’t believe I had found this family again. Julia pulled back and cupped my cheek, her expression kind and understanding, seeing the sadness in my eyes for what it really was.

She glanced warily at Daniel and wrapped me in her arms, murmuring against my ear as she ran her fingers lovingly through my mass of tangled hair. “You are strong, Melanie, and you wil make it through this. I have faith in you, just like I did in Daniel.”

I acknowledged her by tightening my hold, praying with everything in me she was right.

Julia and Patrick stayed only a few minutes, as Daniel’s attorney had shown up and was waiting outside my door to begin the paperwork needed to put an end to my marriage.

“Are you up for this?” Daniel looked at me, concerned.

I nodded too rapidly, causing me wince against the throb in my head. “The sooner we get this over with the better.” His smile was warm as he stood, kissing me in agreement. He stepped out and returned only seconds later with his lawyer in tow. He was much younger than I would have expected, probably not much older than Daniel. He had stark black hair and striking green eyes, and his manner was brash, no-nonsense, and all business. He extended his hand formally, introducing himself as Wil iam Bailey before grabbing a chair against the wal and getting straight to work.
