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Recalled (Death Escorts #1)(22)
Author: Cambria Hebert

“Yes. A Ghost Escort.”

“I thought you said you weren’t a ghost.”

He made a sudden movement and this time I saw him spread out like smoke. He looked exactly like I had before I got this body, except he wasn’t purple. He was black.

“They call us that because we’re nearly invisible, like a ghost. That’s why we’re the ones who watch the Slated.”

“The Slated?”

“Yes, you call them Targets.”

“So you were hired by the same guy—rich, kinda eerily cheerful—but you didn’t get a body?”

“Ghost Escorts don’t get bodies. The fact that we don’t have bodies is to our advantage.”

He was the one at the college campus. It’s the reason he was able to be behind her one second, then yards in front of her the next. “So you can just appear and disappear, just like that?”

“Well, it’s a little harder than that, but once you learn it’s easy.”

“So I’m not supposed to see you?”

“You’re supposed to, but other people aren’t.”

Made sense. If I didn’t know better, I’d think I was standing here talking to myself.

“You can see me because you’re an Escort. We can all see each other. Though, I’ve never seen a purple one like you.”

“How’d you know I was purple?” I asked, holding out my arms to make sure I still had my body.

“It’s how we recognize each other. The color of your essence surrounds your body, but only fellow Escorts can see it.”

“You mean like an aura?”

“No. An aura changes colors with your feelings. Your essence never changes.”

I thought about the man surrounded with the ring of red. Turns out I wasn’t crazy. I’d seen another Escort—another killer.

“How many of us are there?”

“I don’t know. There aren’t as many Ghost Escorts as there are Death Escorts.”

“I don’t understand why you’re watching her.”

“When a person is chosen to die—Slated—they basically become property of our boss. He likes to know what his property is up to. You, uh, are taking longer than expected to finish the job, so he sent me here to watch her and make sure nothing was wrong.”

“Nothing is wrong,” I said, my hands balled into fists at my sides. “I don’t like being spied on.”

“I’m not spying on you. I’m spying on her.”

“Are you going to tell him I tried to kill her tonight and failed?”

“Not if you don’t tell him she saw me.”

That’s right. Piper saw him at the college and she wasn’t an Escort. “How come she saw you?”

“I don’t know. That’s never happened before.”

“She’s very perceptive.”

“I noticed,” he said wryly.

I wished I could see him more clearly. He actually didn’t seem like that bad of a guy—for a sorta ghost. It might be nice to have someone I could talk to about all this. But not a friend. I didn’t have those.

“So what’s your name?” I asked.


“For real?”

“Something wrong with my name?”

“Nope. I just think it’s kinda ironic your name is Storm and you look like a rain cloud.”

“Yeah, well, I guess I was born to be a Ghost Escort.” It sounded like he was grinning.

“Seriously, though, why would you agree to not have a body?”

“The alternative is worse,” he said.

I shrugged. I don’t really know why, but the idea of being sent to hell didn’t scare me. Maybe because I always knew that’s where I would go. Or maybe because I pretty much lived in my own personal hell all my life so it was nothing new.

“So you’re going to keep watching her, huh?”

“That’s my job,” Storm said. “And if I don’t do it, I don’t get paid.”

“Gotta get those Benjamins.”

“Hey, it ain’t all about the money,” he said. “Ghost Escorts get paid in other ways too.”

“What do you mean?” What other ways are there?

“Time off,” he said meaningfully.

It took me a minute to realize what would be so great about getting time off from following people around.

Then it dawned on me.

“He lets you have a body?”

“Right outta that freaky closet of his.”

I grinned. “It is pretty creepy.”

“Well, I guess when you’re the ultimate death dealer, having bodies in the closet it just like having cereal in the pantry.”

The ultimate death dealer?

The darkness around me shifted and I felt him move. “I better get back. I’m on the clock.”

I guess being reminded he could spend some time in an actual body made him anxious to finish his job. “So you aren’t supposed to kill her? Just watch her, right?”

“Killing would be hard to do without any hands.”

“I don’t know. I almost killed her tonight without lifting a finger.”

“That was a pretty good move, by the way.”

“You saw?”


I wondered what he thought about my sudden panic. I wondered if he thought that made me less of a man… less of an Escort.

“Anyway, better luck next time.”

“We cool?” I asked. An echo from my past. I used to say those words after every meeting or talk I had with someone on the streets. I guess standing out here in the dark between two buildings had a way of bringing things back.

“Yeah, we’re cool.”

I grinned and held up a fist. “I’d fist bump you, but that might be kind of hard.”

“Like I haven’t heard that before,” he muttered.

I laughed. “Find me when you have a body and we’ll hang.”

“Soon as you get this job done, I’ll get my time off.”

“You don’t get time off until I kill her?”

“Job won’t be over ‘til then.”

“Right,” I agreed.

The darkness seemed to absorb Storm, and everything went quiet. I tried to listen for which way he went, but all I heard was the sound of my own breathing. I walked around the front of the building and looked up toward her window. It was dark. She must’ve gone to bed. Something inside me twisted and tugged; my stomach turned. What was wrong with me? What was wrong with this body?
