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Recalled (Death Escorts #1)(38)
Author: Cambria Hebert

She made a sound like she disagreed, but I gritted my teeth against the pain.

I wasn’t lovesick. I’d never loved anyone in my entire life. I wasn’t about to start now.

* * *

When Piper let herself back into the room, the nurse was applying a bandage over my stitches. The whole upper half of my face hurt and I was rethinking my plan of getting her out of the diner. Why did my plans always end up with me getting hurt?

“I hear you had some morning!” the nurse exclaimed to Piper.

Piper glanced at me, then back at the nurse. “How much did you tell her?”

“When a woman has a needle in your head, you tell her whatever she asks,” I said, wincing and pushing myself into a sitting position.

Piper shifted and I noticed she was holding something in her hand. She came farther into the room and handed it to me. It was a cold pack.

“Here, this’ll help with the swelling.”

I took it gratefully.

“Now, tell me why you look so tired,” the nurse questioned her.

“It’s nothing,” Piper protested.

“Working too hard. Between school, work and this place, you never have any time to breathe.” She nodded her head.

I took advantage of the moment to set my plan into action. “I think she needs a vacation. After today, I think I need one too.”

“Ooh, yes! A vacation is what you need.”

I almost forgave her for jamming a needle in my head repeatedly.

Piper smiled. “That would be nice, but I don’t have time for that.”

“It’s the weekend. Why don’t we drive up to that resort I keep hearing people talk about… you know, the one northeast of Fairbanks…?” I snapped my fingers like I was trying to remember.

“Chena Hot Springs Resort?” The nurse supplied the name.

“That’s the one,” I agreed.

“I hear that place is nice. You can see the aurora borealis up there.”

“The what?” I said.

Piper smiled. “The northern lights. They’re supposed to be beautiful.”

“Good, let’s go,” I said, shifting to stand up.

“We can’t just go there,” Piper said.

“Why not?” the nurse demanded, putting her hands on her hips.

“I have work at the diner and here at the clinic.”

“I’ll cover for you here,” the nurse replied.

I was starting to like this lady.

“I really think lying low after what happened at the diner this morning is a good idea,” I said, trying to sound convincing while holding an ice pack on my head. “Besides, you should probably watch me for at least twenty-four hours in case I do have a concussion.”

“I thought you said you were fine,” Piper demanded.

The nurse snorted.

“I am. But just in case…” I looked at her and grinned. Maybe I could be charming too. “And you should probably drive. And I’ll pay for the entire weekend.”

“A free vacation?” the nurse exclaimed. “If you don’t go, I will.”

Piper laughed. “Okay, you convinced me.”

“Let’s go,” I said, jumping up, wobbling a little on my feet.

“Slow down,” Piper said, holding out her hands as if she might need to catch me. “I need to go home and pack a bag.”

“I dug some money out of my pocket and handed the nurse a couple hundred-dollar bills. “Will this cover the bill?”

“Sure will,” she said, taking it and then waving us away. “Don’t come back until you’ve had all the fun you can stand.”

My stomach tightened. I wondered what she’d say if she knew Piper wouldn’t be coming back at all.

Chapter Thirty

“Phone – To impart (information or news, for example) by telephone.”


She answered on the first ring.

“Hey, I’m running a few minutes late. I’ll be by soon to drive you to campus.”

“I don’t need a ride anymore, Frankie,” I replied, holding back a wince, waiting for the inquisition to begin.

“What do you mean? Are you riding the bus?”

“No, I’m actually not going to classes today.”

Here it comes… three… two… one.

“What happened?! Oh my God. Did you almost die again?!”

“No, Frankie, I didn’t.” I sighed. “I just… Dex came by the diner…”

“I should’ve known he was involved.” Frankie snorted. “What did he do?”

“He’s taking me away for the weekend. We’re going to that resort on the outside of town to see the northern lights.”

She gasped. Then she squealed. “I knew it! You got it so bad,” she yelled into the phone.

I slid a glance at Dex who was standing nearby, acting like he wasn’t listening. I’m sure he was. But I sure hoped he didn’t hear Frankie.

“I just wanted to let you know I wouldn’t be home so you wouldn’t worry,” I said into the phone, trying not to smile.

“Uh-huh. I want a full report when you come home.”

“Deal,” I agreed.

“Oh, and Piper,” she sang. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

It was my turn to snort. But then I sobered. “Frankie. Take it easy this weekend, huh? Stay in.”

“Oh, sure, you can go out, but I can’t?”

“I don’t want to worry about you,” I said low. Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea that I leave after that vision I had.

Frankie sighed dramatically. “I don’t have plans anyway. I have to work half of tomorrow and then Sunday I’ll probably sleep all day and await your juicy phone call full of details.”

I smiled. That made me feel a little better. “I’ll call you, ‘kay?”

“Yeah. Have fun. You deserve it.”

I hung up the phone and came around the nurse’s station where Dex was leaning on the counter.

“You ready?” he asked.

“Yes,” I agreed, butterflies dancing just beneath my ribcage. I’d never spent a weekend away with a guy before.

“We’ll go to your place so you can pack a bag and then mine so I can pack one too. After that we’ll hit the road,” he said as we walked to the door.

At first I wasn’t sure if this trip was a good idea, and I guess I was a little nervous, but it did sound like fun. Plus, it would give me a chance to spend a little extra time with Dex. Maybe, just maybe, by the end of the weekend all my questions about this guy would be answered and the “report” that I owed Frankie would be overflowing with information.
