Read Books Novel


Recalled (Death Escorts #1)(40)
Author: Cambria Hebert

The song that was playing on the radio was not one of my favorites so I leaned forward to turn the volume down and when I did, some movement in the upstairs window caught my eye. I looked up, and there was definitely something or someone there. But the person—a man?—was standing back from the glass, not right up behind it so I couldn’t make out who it was. Plus, there were sheer curtains hanging and they were almost pulled together, only giving me a glimpse at the dark shape through the crack.

I doubted it was Dex. Why would he stand in the window and look out when he was supposed to be packing? Then I grinned. Maybe it was him and he was really looking to see if I had taken off with his car.

I leaned forward even more and waved up at him.

He didn’t wave back. In fact, he stepped away, the curtains swaying slightly from his movements, and then he disappeared.

Maybe it really hadn’t been Dex. Maybe it was the butler… Hobbs, I think.

But hadn’t he said Hobbs was off for a few days? I shrugged it off and leaned back in the seat.

A few minutes later Dex appeared, slamming the front door behind him and carrying a black duffle bag. I would never understand how guys managed to pack so lightly. Especially when here in Alaska we had to wear like a hundred layers just to keep from freezing.

He tossed the bag into the trunk and then hurried to get into the car.

I smiled at him, but he didn’t even look my way. Instead, he threw the car into reverse and backed out of the driveway suddenly.

“Is everything okay?” I asked him, concerned.

He barely glanced at me. “Everything’s fine.”

He put the car into drive and as we drove away I looked back at the house. There was someone standing in the window again, closer this time. I could see the looming shape of the man as he watched us drive away.

I shivered a little.

There was something creepy about the person standing there. Something ominous.

Dex must’ve noticed my shiver because he turned up the heat and when we turned the corner and headed off his street, he finally looked at me.

“This guy”—he hitched his thumb at himself—“is ready for a vacation.”

I smiled and nodded.

Who was that person in the window? Maybe this wasn’t a sudden vacation. Maybe Dex was running from something. Or someone. But whom?

Chapter Thirty-Three

“Alone – Being apart from others; solitary.”


I rented a small one-bedroom cabin with promises I would take the couch. It seemed even colder here, if that were possible, probably because there were no tall city buildings to buffer the frigid, whipping wind. When I rented the cabin, the man at the desk went on and on about the hot springs, the northern lights, and the many activities available to us here. I just looked at all this as my opportunity to finish my job.

True, I’d thought about maybe just going into the void for all eternity (the unprogrammed side of me), but that idea really wasn’t that appealing so it was back to plan A.

I let us into the small wooden cabin and shut the door against the cold, looking for a light switch. The small room flooded with light when I found it, and Piper went around pulling open the heavy drapes to reveal wide views of bare landscape and snow. Off in the distance was some water that looked icy even from here.

There was a very large couch in some kind of Navaho print in red and blue with two large leather chairs off to the side. A wood-burning stove sat directly adjacent from the couch and across the room was a pine table with seating for four. There was also a small kitchen in the main room with a fridge, stove, and a row of cabinets above the sink. Basically, the cabin was all one room, with the exception of the bedroom over to the right and the bathroom beside it.

“I heard, of course, how nice it was here, but I never really gave it much thought. It really is nice,” Piper said, standing in the center of the room.

I set down our bags and went over to the woodstove to build a fire.

“You probably need more pain medication. Is your head bothering you?” she said, coming to stand next to me.

“It’s fine,” I said, glad there was already a fire set up. I lit a match and got the kindling burning. I sat there and watched it burn for a while, long after I was sure the fire would stay lit. The truth was, I wasn’t really sure what to do now. I managed to get her alone. I managed to get her away from her friend and coworkers. Now all I had to do was kill her. Something I hadn’t been very good at up to this point.

I was also realizing I didn’t really know how to be alone with her.

Yes, we’d been alone before, but not completely alone, like it seemed now. Before, we were a door away from other people, just passengers in a car on a road full of other drivers, people in the diner who talked with others in earshot…

But now, now we were shut up in a small cabin at a resort with vacationing couples and families. No one would come walking through the cabin door.

“Let’s get out of here,” I said, feeling claustrophobic.

She laughed. “We just got here.”

“Yeah, but this is just a boring cabin. Let’s go do something.” I brushed my hands together and stood.

“Sure, why not? That’s why we’re here.”

As soon as the cabin door was behind us, I felt lighter; some of the tension inside me eased.

“Are you okay?” Piper asked, eyeing me.

“Of course. We’re on vacation.” I shot her a grin and she giggled.

“Let’s go to the Ice Museum,” she said, looking down at one of the pamphlets in her hand.

It advertised a museum completely made of ice. People could go there for tours and a martini at the ice bar.

“Okay, but you do realize we’re underage. That means no sitting at the bar for us. I can’t have you getting me drunk and then trying to take advantage of me,”

She hit me in the ribs with her pamphlet. “Oh, please. Like that would happen.”

“Right,” I muttered. “I forgot you’re still hung up on the dead guy.”

She gasped and narrowed her eyes. “Don’t talk about him that way! If it weren’t for him I’d be dead.”

Great. Now I’d gone and made her mad. Good going, Dex. With my luck she’d leave and never want to speak to me again. That would only make things harder.

I shook my head, not even knowing where that comment came from. It seemed that suddenly I had a shot of jealousy. I felt the need to compete. Against myself.

What an idiot.

“Look, I’m sorry. That was really crappy of me to say.” I apologized, trying to inject all the meaning I could behind my words.
