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Recalled (Death Escorts #1)(51)
Author: Cambria Hebert

“Is that coffee fresh?” he asked in response to my admission and stepped around me toward the pot.

“Yes, help yourself.”

He did and then he extended a mug to me, which I took. Then I went to the fridge and pulled out the creamer that Hobbs stocked and offered it to G.R. He shook his head and sipped his black coffee. I poured the rest of the bottle into my mug before taking a drink.

“That’s good coffee,” Grim said, setting his mug on the counter. “Now, about the job. You are running out of time.”

“I know, I—”

He cut me off. “I don’t listen to excuses. You have everything you need at your disposal. I gave you more than enough time to eliminate your Target. I see now that you are one of the recruits that require more information.”

“More information?” I asked. I did want to know how he managed to transfer the abilities from one person to someone else. And I also wanted to know what he did with the bodies (besides hang them in his closet)… and their souls. “I do have some questions,” I said.

“You know all you need to know!” he spat. “What I do with my bodies and their souls is none of your concern.”

That meant it was really bad.

And how did he know that’s what I wanted to know? How much power did he really have?

“What you need is to learn what it would be like if you don’t complete the job. You need a taste of what it’s like to be recalled.”

“No, I don’t,” I said, shaking my head. Feeling my life force pulled even partially out of me was bad enough.

“Yes. Then you will fully understand what is at stake.”

I didn’t say anything else because I couldn’t. For the second time that hour, my life force was being pulled out of my body, leaking from every pore of my skin. The purple mist oozed out and around me, curling around my body like smoke. The tendrils rose upward and out toward a black gaping hole that suddenly appeared.

There was no resisting. All I could do was stand there and feel my body become less and less until it dropped to the floor like a ragdoll and I was hovering above it, staring down as I was slowly and completely being pulled into a void.

Chapter Forty-Four

“Stranger – One who is neither a friend nor an acquaintance.”


“That’s it. I’m moving in,” Frankie said from the hallway just outside my door.

I smiled and motioned for her to come in.

“I mean, really, how many times have you almost died lately? I swear it’s like you have a death wish!” she exclaimed as she came inside and I shut the door behind her.

“I don’t have a death wish, Frankie,” I said, sinking back onto the couch with my blanket as she threw off her coat to reveal a beautiful teal sweater. It looked new, yet something about it seemed familiar.

“Then maybe someone else has one for you,” she said dramatically as she paced by the window. Momentarily a cloud moved over the sun, creating a shadow on her face.

“You’re just being ridiculous now,” I told her, patting the couch so she would come sit down.

“Tell me everything that happened,” she said, finally sitting down and giving me her full attention.

I decided not to tell her about the accident and the Ice Museum because that would only make her even more worried but focused instead on falling through the ice on the lake.

When I was done Frankie was shaking her head. “I don’t know, Piper,” she began. “Every time you’re around that guy something bad happens. I think you should stay away from him.”

“It’s not his fault we fell through the ice and I ate peanut oil.” I said in Dex’s defense.

“Maybe not, but that guy is bad news, Piper. Why are you even hanging around him anyway? Because of that vision? You need to let it go.”

“It’s not just the vision,” I said, readjusting with the blanket covering my legs.

“Piper!” Frankie gasped, slapping her hand on my foot. “Tell me you do not have feelings for this guy.”

I didn’t say anything at first because I was beginning to think I did. Okay, I wasn’t beginning to think that; I already knew. Finally, I sighed. “Who cares if I do?”

“I need to meet this guy. I need to see what you see in him.”

“I don’t know if that’s a good idea, Frank. It’s not like we’re dating or something. He probably doesn’t even like me like that.”

“Of course he does! Why else would be take you away for the weekend?”

“He hasn’t even kissed me,” I said, my voice dropping like I was telling her a secret.

She made a choked sound. “Now I know there’s something wrong with him.”

I laughed and smacked at her. “There is not!”

“If I were a guy, I would totally kiss you,” Frankie said and we both burst out laughing.

Our good time was interrupted by a knock at the door. Frankie looked at me, lifting a blond eyebrow. “Maybe that’s him now.”

“Be nice!” I demanded in a loud whisper as she got off the couch and headed for the door.

She motioned dramatically and wagged her eyebrows before grabbing the knob and pulling open the door.

“What are you doing here?” she said, exasperated, when the door was open.

I turned to look over my shoulder, the smile falling from my lips. It wasn’t Dex. It was a man I’d never seen before. He was very good-looking and dressed in an expensive wool coat buttoned all the way up around his neck. He had dark hair that was artfully arranged to look messy (not like Dex’s, which actually was messy) and green eyes that held a light of mischief.

“Don’t you have a home?” the man sad, his eyes settling on Frankie.

“If I did I wouldn’t give you the address,” Frankie retorted.

“Can we help you?” I said, ignoring the obvious undercurrents of dislike between my best friend and this man.

“Piper, this is that guy I told you about, the annoying one who came by the other day when you weren’t home.”

I got up off the couch, wondering why someone I didn’t know would come here to see me.

“I’m sorry, do we know each other?” I asked. Maybe he was someone I had a class with and didn’t remember.

“No. We don’t. We have a mutual friend.”

“Who?” I asked as he stepped through the door into the apartment. A feeling of unease came over me.

“Dex.” He replied around a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes.
