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Recalled (Death Escorts #1)(61)
Author: Cambria Hebert

Just then the office doors swung wide and Charming burst through. He stopped short when he saw me standing there and then he glanced at G.R. and a sly smile broke over his features. “Ah, so you know,” he said.

“Know that this boy is a complete and utter disappointment?” G.R. sighed. “Yes. I was just about to go collect the Target he refuses to kill. You can stay and make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid while I am gone.”

“With pleasure,” Charming said, coming farther into the room.

I watched as G.R. paused beside his coffee table to study the bowl of smooth stones. He debated for long seconds before choosing a very pale-colored one with a crack in the side. He glanced at me.

“It would’ve been the perfect stone if not for this damned crack. Very fitting, I would say, that it be the representation of the death that should have been yours to claim. You would have been the perfect Escort… but it seems you are also cracked.”

He left then. He didn’t use the door or even take a step. He was simply gone.

I wasted no time rushing toward the doors. If I could get there fast enough, maybe I could save her. Then Charming was there, shoving me back, sending me sprawling onto the hard floor.

With a roar, I was up and launching myself at him. I slammed into him so hard we both fell backwards with me straddling his chest. I had a flashback of the night before when I entered the diner to see the very same pose, except Piper was on the bottom while he tried to rob her of her life.

I plowed my fist into his jaw so hard I heard my knuckles crack, but I ignored it and did it again. Charming might be a seasoned killer, but I was from the streets and the one thing the streets taught me was how to fight.

He tried to push me off. He kicked and scratched, but I rebuffed his attempts with punches and jabs to the ribs. All I could see in my mind were the mottled purple bruises—the marks from his hands—that covered Piper’s throat.

His hits became weaker and I climbed off, pulling him up by the shirt and slamming him into the wall. He made a sound and swung, connecting with my jaw. It was a solid hit and I felt it, but it wasn’t enough to get me to release him.

“Would you look at that.” I taunted. “Pretty boy isn’t so pretty anymore.”

He kicked me, and this time I released him to stumble back. But he didn’t do what I would’ve done and take my weak moment to get in a good hit. Instead, he leaned against the wall, dabbing at the blood at the corner of his split lip.

“You can hit me all you want. My bruises will heal. My blood will dry, and in the end I’ll go back to killing and you’ll be dead.”

“I’d rather be dead than be like you,” I spat.

The realization hit me like a ton of bricks. It was true. All my life I thought I was some hellion, a product of something bad… I wasn’t. But I’d believed it so absolutely that my wake-up call had been death.

I had to die in order to see the way I should’ve been living.

It was a strong revelation to have, but even so, I knew it was too late for me. But it wasn’t for Piper.

I rushed toward the door as Charming caught hold of my sleeve. “You can’t stop it,” he said, for once the mocking disgust wasn’t in his tone.

“I have to.”

“Once the Grim Reaper leaves a stone, that person’s death is sealed.”

The stone.

It was the answer to all of this.

I looked at Charming. “What if I destroy the stone?”

He shook his head. “That’s impossible. Those stones are unbreakable. They’re perfect in their strength.”

A devious smile turned my lips. “But this stone isn’t perfect. It’s cracked—like me,” I said, repeating what we both heard G.R. say.

He digested my words for long seconds, then let go of my sleeve and looked at the door. “It won’t work.”

But it might and I could see that admission in his eyes.

I rushed to the door. Behind me, Charming called, “One stone. One death. One shot.”

Those were the kindest words I ever heard him say.

It was those words that sped my feet and gave me hope.

This wasn’t over. Not by a long shot.

Chapter Fifty-Six

“Visitor – a person who pays a visit; caller, guest, tourist, etc.”


The door to my room opened and my heart sped up, anticipating Dex, but it wasn’t him. It was a nurse dressed in a white uniform and wearing a cheerful smile.

“You look wide awake and ready to get out of here!” she said, coming to stand at the side of the bed.

“I’m feeling good, thank you. Will I be able to leave today?” I replied.

“I think so. The doctor will be in shortly to examine you one more time, and as long as he thinks you look good, then you’ll be able to go.”

I nodded. I was so ready to get out of here. “Thank you.”

“I will go get your discharge papers ready so when the doc gives his okay, we’ll be ready.” She motioned to a bag on the floor near the wall and said, “Your friends brought you some clean clothes.”

“Great,” I said, eyeing the bag.

I assumed she was talking about Dex’s butler, Hobbs. Dex hadn’t left to get me anything, and Frankie had no clue I was in here. I thought about calling her but figured I’d wait until after I saw the doctor. I wasn’t quite ready to deal with all her questions and explain what had been going on all these months. I wondered if she would even believe me.

The nurse bustled around the room a bit more, checking the IV machine, and then let herself out. My eyes wandered over to the bag with the clothes. I couldn’t help but be curious about what the butler chose for me.

I threw the covers back and went to the bag, bending to pick it up and bring it to the bed. When I bent down, I felt a gusty draft at the back of my robe. I grabbed it, bunching the material together around me. Why did hospital gowns have to be open at the butt? I mean, people here were already sick. Why make them wave around their bare booty?

Like a kid at Christmas, I delved into the plastic shopping bag to see what was there. I pulled out a pile of brand new clothes… all of them with the tags still attached and all of them in my size. Hobbs was good… and his taste was fantastic. It was also very expensive, I noted when I lifted one of the price tags. I couldn’t accept this outfit! It was worth more than an entire week of tips at the diner.

I stared down at the beautiful things… things I never had before. Hobbs probably paid for them with Dex’s money… A little smile curved my lips. He kind of owed me… I mean, he did try to kill me.
