Read Books Novel


Author: Diane Alberts

Oh, sweet God.

His lips closed around her nipple, and she lost all thought. She arched her back in frenzy, needing to get closer to his mouth, to give him free rein over her body. His tongue bathed her sensitive nipple, and a jolt of liquid desire shot straight to her clitoris. She almost came, then and there. She’d done this before; she was no innocent. But never before had it felt like this. Like she could explode at a single touch. Seriously, just one touch from him, and she’d surely burst into a million pieces.

He moved to her other breast, and she trailed her fingers down his smooth back. She skimmed her hand over his bu**ocks and moved around to the front of his body to run her fingers over his tight abdomen, and smiled in pure satisfaction when his muscles clenched at her touch. She heard him take a swift intake of breath when her hand closed around his hard shaft, and she moved suggestively beneath him while gently stroking him. A drop of moisture gathered at the tip of his penis, and she rubbed it over the head of his shaft. He groaned and crushed her lips beneath his again, plunging his tongue inside much as she would like him to do with his penis.

He positioned himself between her legs and threaded his hands through her hair. Triumph swelled inside her, and she pulled demandingly at his hips. At the point of entering her body, he paused to look outside. The wind howled, and the skies were turbulent. He took a calming breath, uncertainty clear in his features.

Oh, hell no. They weren’t stopping now. She didn’t give a damn if a tornado came and killed her while he came inside her or not—the time for waiting had ended. Sabrina grabbed his face in both of her hands.

“Focus on me, look at me.”

He followed her command, and she stared into his eyes. His desire burned as clearly as his insecurity, laid bare for her to see. The world outside calmed as his breathing slowed. “I love you, Isaac.”

“God, I don’t deserve you, but I love you, too.”

He kissed her and entered her in one swift thrust, all the way to the hilt. He filled her completely, stretching her as far as she could go, and she had never felt better. Any other time she had done this became a pale imitation of making love. This man brought new meaning to making love. It should always feel so good. So right. Sabrina tensed, and widened her eyes as she instantaneously climaxed when he touched her clitoris. The combination of him inside her and his fingers proved too much to bear. And oh, God, he hadn’t finished. Not even close to it.

He continued to move in her as he stroked her. Pressure built up inside her again. She would die. But man, it would be the best. Death. Ever. She cried out and met his every push as burning need encompassed her, the greedy need to feel more pleasure, to fall to pieces once more. He cried out her name, and as she watched his face as he climaxed, she let go of herself and joined him, allowing satisfaction to overtake her once more.

Lightning flashing illuminated her closed eyes, thunder boomed, and the house groaned under the force of the winds outside, but neither occupant noticed. She was too busy staring at him in awe, and he did the same.

When they both crashed back to reality, she giggled as she realized a freak storm had wiped out the power. Apparently, the darkness that had overcome her during sex turned out to be more than a climax. It had been a power outage. Isaac groaned in despair and hid his face.

“Oh, don’t do that! Obviously, we did a good job if we caused that to happen.” She wiggled her eyebrows, but he still looked bashful. “Don’t make me hurt you, boy,” she warned.

She finally got a reaction out of him, even if it had come from laughter at her weakness. “Now, that is a funny thought,” he teased as his lips quirked. His eyes were sparkling.

“Oh, you think I’m amusing, do you?” She jumped on him and tickled him, but only got a grunt for her efforts. Okay, not ticklish. She studied him, determined to get a reaction. “I have other ways of torturing you, you know,” she whispered in his ear. Her fingers trailed down his taut abdomen, and when he realized her intentions, he bolted into a sitting position. She giggled at his reaction.

“Oh no, you don’t.” He gripped her wrist firmly and pulled it close to him, making her drape across his chest even more closely. “Let’s give England a break from the storms for a little while.” He kissed the tender inside of her wrist and smiled at her.

God, she loved him.

“We’ll figure it out, don’t worry. We just need more practice. Given time, we can probably avoid the storms entirely, and instead it’ll be sunny out.”

“I don’t think you’ll ever not cause storms with me.” He smirked. “The weather reflects my emotions, and how I am feeling at a particular period of time. When I am inside of you, I do not feel sunny and calm.”

She laughed. “Well, I guess I shouldn’t strive for sunshine, huh?”

“Hell, no,” Isaac mumbled. He tackled her beneath him and pressed his lips to hers. When it started getting too passionate, she regretfully pulled her mouth away from his. This didn’t deter him; he just kissed a trail down her neck, and suspiciously seemed to be heading for her br**sts.

“I thought you were giving the people of England a rest from the storm.” She breathed deeply as her heartbeat quickened and her legs trembled.

“Screw the people of England,” he muttered. A low rumble of thunder boomed in the distance.

“Well, in that case….”

His moan matched the loud boom of thunder outside as she flipped him over on his back and straddled his hips.

“Let’s give them a show,” she whispered.


The storm passed, and the sun shone brightly. The weathermen of England were completely mystified, and even more so frustrated. Sabrina, on the other hand, had never felt happier, or more deliciously, perfectly, completely satisfied. The lights flickered and turned back on, and she wiggled her eyebrows and asked, “Wanna go again?”

He laughed and smacked her butt. He jumped out of her reach and declared, “I need food first. I wouldn’t want to be found lacking due to hunger.”

“Ow, that hurt.” She pouted as she lurched to her feet and rubbed her butt while grimacing. It didn’t really hurt, but if he thought it did, maybe he’d kiss her to make it better. She sneaked a peek at him, only to see him pulling on his pants with his back to her. She sighed and gave up her show of pain, and dressed before following him into the kitchen.

As they prepared dinner, Sabrina studied Isaac as he strolled around the kitchen. He wore only a pair of jeans, and every movement of his muscles taunted her. She found it hard to focus on cutting boring potatoes. He looked like much more fun to watch. His chest muscles flexed as he prepared the steak with seasoning, and his arms contracted as well.
