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Red Hot Reunion

But Kate was only trying to be a good friend, just like she’d always been. “It’s just that I’m so happy,”

Emma said. “For the first time in such a long time. Ever, really. It’s like you said last night. I want to take risks. I want to buy sexy underwear and wear too much makeup.”

She could practically hear Kate smiling over the phone. “In that case, I say go for it. And give Jason my best. He was certainly looking good last night.”

Emma closed her cell, ready to put part two of her new impromptu plan into action. Seducing Jason in his restaurant had been a very successful part one. Seducing him in his bedroom clad in the naughtiest lingerie she could buy was round two. No matter what she wasn’t going to wimp out. Not after the ecstasy she’d read on his face this afternoon when his eyes were closed and he was loving her from the inside out.

Clipping the leash by the front door onto Marvin’s enormous collar, she said, “We’ve got some shopping to do.”

It had been a great night at Cravings. The tables had been full, the wine had flowed freely, and Jason’s staff, both in and out of the kitchen, had worked like a well-oiled machine.

Still, the whole night, Jason had been just left of his game. He’d burned the scallops, cut his wrist, and finally bowed out altogether to work on next month’s menu and inventory. He’d stared at the spreadsheet for hours, chomping at the bit for everyone to go home so that he could down a bottle of Grey Goose vodka.

Finally, the last customer cleared out and his staff restored the kitchen and dining room to order. Like an animal that had been pent up in its cage with no food or water, he burst out of the small office and hightailed it to the bar. Forcing away the image of Emma spread wide on the bar stool, impaled on his cock, he poured a hefty shot of vodka and downed it in one gulp.

Rocco emerged quietly from the kitchen and Jason nearly groaned. He needed to be alone with his thoughts for a while. When Emma had walked into his restaurant that afternoon,Holy shit, I still love her, had kept crowding his brain.

Somehow, he’d realized as she moved toward him and he barely managed to keep it together by pouring her a drink behind the bar, seeing her again, finally having sex with her, was making him crazy.

Because although he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about her since he’d left her shivering and wet by the lake the night before, he’d hoped that over time, the insanity of his need for her would recede. But seeing her again in the flesh, not twenty-four hours later…shit, he needed to crack down on his pathetic, useless feelings for her.

So when she’d offered to suck his c**k and he’d realized that she’d traveled all the way to the wine country for some good f**king, he was perfectly willing to acquiesce. But this time, he’d decided, it was going to be on his terms, on his timetable. Hot and heavy screwing wasall she was going to get. He would put his mouth on her, his dick in her, but he wasn’t going to let himself get emotionally involved.

Not this time. Not ever again.

Jason had never been a vengeful person. But knowing he couldn’t keep his hands off of Emma meant he’d have to figure something out to keep from getting stuck in Emma’s web of lies again.

It meant he was going to have to take the opportunity that she was handing him on a platter for payback.

So before he headed back to his house—and Emma—he needed some quiet time with the Goose to figure out exactly how he was going to stick to his newly hatched plans for revenge, not shoot the shit with a buddy.

“Pour me one,” Rocco said as he slid onto a bar stool. Jason filled Rocco’s glass, then refilled his own, more than ready to get from conflicted to numb. “Never did get a chance to ask you how it went with the hot blonde this afternoon.”


Rocco nodded, sipping his vodka slowly, appreciating the flavors the way they were meant to be savored, rather than the way Jason was gulping it down.

“Could have fooled me. You were a greenhorn in the kitchen tonight.”

Jason gave up. He came around the bar, bringing the bottle with him. Maybe Rocco would help him see sense. He’d never taken any bullshit where women were concerned.

“We used to date. Ten years ago.”

“Figured she was the one.”

“She was only slumming it with me while trolling for a bigger prize.”

“I take it she found one?”

Jason nodded. “What an ass**le. Quarterback, home-coming king, pre-law.”

“They got married?”

“Of course they did. Figured there’d be two-point-four children by now, too.”

“Got divorced instead, I take it.”

Jason sucked the last drop from his glass and studied it for a long moment, before deciding, what the hell, he was a long way from drunk. Might as well have another.

“Seems like you already know the story. Why don’t you go home and let me get drunk in peace?”

Rocco ignored him. “So you think she’s on the rebound from football boy?”

Jason ran one hand through his hair. “Maybe. Or it could have something to do with the fact that I stupidly attended our ten-year reunion last night. Couldn’t leave well enough alone.”

Rocco nodded. “That’s the thing about hot blondes with legs up to here.” He pointed to his neck. “Even when they’ve screwed you, you can’t help coming back for more punishment.”

Halfway through his fourth shot, Jason felt compelled to confide his plan to Rocco. For backup, if he needed it. “I want payback,” he said simply, enjoying the sound of the word as it left his mouth.

“Payback,” he repeated, letting it sink down deep as a reminder of his ultimate goal.

“Hmm,” Rocco said, setting his empty glass down on the counter. “How do you figure on getting that?”

“I’ve invited her to stay with me for the next few days. While she’s here I’ll have the perfect opportunity to reel her in. Then spit her out. Just like she did to me.”

Sliding off the bar stool, Rocco grabbed his coat. “Good luck with that, boss. See you tomorrow.”

Unwilling to take Rocco’s parting words at anything but face value, Jason pushed back from the bar. It was time to go home.

To Emma.

The door opened and Emma nearly shot off of Jason’s couch to run and lock herself in the bathroom.

Hours ago, when she’d come up with her brilliant plan to be sexy and fearless, she’d felt bold and reckless. Up to the challenge. But as the hours wore on, no matter how much wine she pumped into her system, her anxieties kept growing. If she moved quickly, she’d still have time to do the smart thing and run back to her clothes, to the safety of Jason’s guest bedroom and the shiny lock on the door.
