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Red Hot Reunion

He drew her back under his spell, saying “What do you want me to do to your…pussy, Emma?”

Emma gasped at hearing the sexy words fall from his lips, just as they had leapt from her own. She was so close now, if only she could be brave enough to keep playing this game maybe he would take her to that heavenly place that even her dreams wouldn’t allow her to go.

Forcing herself to be bold, to risk everything yet again, she said, “Rub my clit, Jason.”

His lips and teeth bit into her neck just as his thumb pressed into her. This time he didn’t make any pointed comments about her new vocabulary. And she was glad. Because Emma had never felt anything so good in all her life and she didn’t want one single thing to spoil these wonderful new sensations.

Her body begged for more of his touch. Threading her fingers through his hair, Emma bit and sucked at his lips as the first waves of an orgasm crashed over her. She thought she tasted blood, and she didn’t know if it was hers or his, but it didn’t matter. She didn’t care. All she could concentrate on, all she wanted to think about, ever again, was the incredible pleasure of Jason touching her.

Jason loving her.

Jason making her come like this again and again and again.

When her orgasm was on its final legs, Jason pulled off his boxers. His incredible penis jutted out at her beneath the water and she wrapped her fingers around it, sighing with satisfaction at the throbbing, hot weight of him in her hand.

Being with Jason like this, so close to him, gave her courage. She was no longer afraid to tell him what she wanted, not with the aftershocks of her incredible explosion still rocking through her.

“I’ve waited my whole life to feel you inside of me. Take me, Jason. Take me now.”

He ripped off her bra, shoved her panties down her legs. She could feel the head of his penis, so hot, so big, pressing into her. Knowing she should wait until he had put a condom on, that she was being stupid and reckless, Emma was so desperate to feel him inside her she couldn’t help but sink her weight down onto his shaft. Just an inch. That’s what she told herself.

But an inch turned into two. And then three.

Unexpectedly, in the next breath Jason sank his entire length into her tight canal. Pain mixed with pleasure as his enormous erection stretched her so wide. Opening herself to him unconsciously, she rocked herself up and down on his shaft, using the water to buoy her hips up and down.

In a quick flash, he pulled all the way out.

“No,” she cried, the voice in her ears sounding desperate and needy and horny. She tried to position herself back onto his penis, but then she realized why he had pulled out. Unlike her, he obviously had retained a modicum of sense as he somehow rolled on a condom under the water then plunged back into her oh-so-willing flesh.

Again and again he drove into her. She threw her head back, relishing the feel of his mouth on her ni**les, his breath hot against the tight skin of her br**sts. Water rippled around them, splashing against her incredibly sensitive skin, making Jason’s body slip and slide on hers.

She was so close to coming again, just minutes after she had fallen apart in his arms, and she was amazed at how badly she needed this second orgasm. She’d die if she didn’t…

Reading her mind, his thumb found her again. A feral sound came from her lips and he covered her mouth with his to swallow it. His tongue pumped in and out in perfect rhythm to his thumb on her clit. All of which was magnified a thousand times by the thick, perfect weight of his shaft spreading her, claiming her most private flesh as his own. He grew bigger and bigger inside her, then grabbed her hips and roughly pounded them together, bone to bone, c**k to pu**y.

This was exactly how she had always wanted to be taken but hadn’t known it until right this very second.

With a roar that sounded all the way down the bottom of the lake he exploded into her.

Feeling like she had finally found the place she was supposed to be, the heaven she’d been searching for all her life, Emma let her orgasm spin her away into oblivion.

She had to have been lying.

It was the only rational, reasonable explanation for what she had said.I’ve waited my whole life to feel you inside me.

She’d probably said that to Steven every night before he slid inside her. The picture of Steven’s big, lumbering, football-playing body impaling Emma in their bed filled Jason with rage.

But what really killed him, absolutely crucified him, was the fact that he had just experienced the most sexually fulfilling f**k of his life.

Hadn’t he been with some of the world’s most beautiful women? Underwear models that put Barbie to shame, movie stars whose perfection created the latest craze in nose jobs and cheekbones, lush women who made Marilyn Monroe look coltish in comparison.

So why was it that one too-thin woman, with enough lines around her mouth at thirty-two to prove just how uptight she was, had to be the only woman who had ever truly driven him insane?

Fortunately, he wasn’t a dumb little twenty-one-

year-old kid. He’d come to Stanford tonight for closure. Like hell if he was leaving without it.

Emma’s limbs were wrapped tightly around his neck, his waist. Her face was pressed into his neck and she was panting. As a cold emptiness whipped through him, he efficiently disentangled her.

She came up sputtering, her perfectly straight, glossy blonde hair looking much more like it belonged on a mangy mutt than a society darling. Her eyes showed every ounce of her trademark fragility.

Granted, he’d just screwed her prim and proper bones raw in the middle of the Stanford campus. Who wouldn’t be feeling less than steady?

Jason deftly reached for the hardness inside him and spoke quickly, before she could say anything that would throw him off or call to the man inside of him that believed women should be taken care of, protected. Whether they deserved it or not.

“We should get out of here right away.”

“We should?”

Her voice trembled and Jason forced himself to ignore the softness that dared to creep into his heart. “Just in case the campus police are out and about. We wouldn’t want anyone to find out about this, would we?”

“Actually, the funny thing is—” she began, but Jason didn’t want to hear anything she had to say.

Especially when he couldn’t think of one single funny thing about his night so far.

Pulling her out of the water more roughly than he needed to, he said, “Wait onshore and I’ll fish out our clothes.” He dove to the bottom to pick up her bra and panties and his boxers. When he surfaced, Emma was shivering and holding her arms across her chest, and all he could focus on were her incredible naked br**sts. The last thirty minutes played out in his head in brilliant Technicolor and he couldn’t help but remember how amazing and beautiful and…
