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Redeem Me

Redeem Me (Kin #6)(29)
Author: Jennifer Foor

I sighed, and looked down at the wrinkled up check. Instead of causing a scene, and making things worse, I was going to agree to sleep on it, even though I knew I’d never give up on Cameron. If she didn’t want the baby I would understand, but I wasn’t going to let them make that decision for her. I’d call the hospital later when I knew they’d gone home. Hell or high water, I was determined to prove to Cam that I was the one person she could on count on, no matter what.


“Please, don’t make me do this, Mom. You can’t let him force me to give up my baby.” My father had stepped out to make a phone call. He was probably calling his detective goons to murder my boyfriend. Okay, I knew my father wasn’t capable of murdering someone, but he’d certainly do whatever he could to hurt Parker.

“He’s made his mind up, honey. We check out in the morning and you’re coming home with us. I’ll be with you every step of the way. Don’t let this tiny mistake ruin your future. You’ve got so much going for you.”

I rolled my eyes. “Seriously? You’re going to give me that same crap again? Do you care about my feelings at all? I won’t let you dictate my life like this. You can’t make me abort my baby. Parker will never let you make that decision for us.”

“Of course I care, and so does your father for that matter. This decision is for your own good, and frankly it’s not up to the father of the child. It’s up to the mother. Being that you’re incapable of caring for a child on your own, we’re going to help make it all go away.”

“Where’s Parker?” The more I thought about it the more I wondered if they’d seen him, and made him leave. I knew them well enough to know they’d do that if given the chance. In fact, they would have done anything in their power to convince him that an abortion was a good idea.

The bile rose in my throat as I contemplated all of the resources they had to make my life miserable.

“Parker went home. I told him you’d be fine for the night. There’s nothing more he can do for you anyway. He’s obviously done enough. We told you that boy was no good for you. Now get up in that bed. You’re only wearing that gown, and anyone could walk in here and see something you don’t want them to.” Was she really worried about someone seeing my bare back and a pair of underwear, when my life was in such disarray? I had a huge pad on that felt like a diaper. Couldn’t she see that I had bigger issues than being naked in a hospital?

Then there were her opinions about Parker. Don’t even get me started on how angry I felt when either of them talked down about him. Yes, we had issues, but Parker loved me. I never doubted that. He wouldn’t purposely hurt me, especially in this type of situation. He may have been confused, but he wouldn’t have left, even if they told him to. He would have fought them. I knew him enough to be confident about that. He’d had no problems in the past reminding me that they could never tear us apart. They had to have been threatening him with something. It irked me to no end. I was inconsolable, and helpless.

“He’s a good man, and I love him. You have no idea who he is, or how he treats me. You’d rather marry me off to one of your friends, because it’s good for your business. It’s disgusting. Nothing is going to make me stop loving Parker.”

That was the last straw. I started to climb further out of the bed. “I hate you. You’re ruining my life. I need Parker here with me. Give me your phone, Mom.” I held out my hand, but she refused. “Mom, please. I need your phone now! He needs to know I want him here. He should be here with me right now.”

“I’m not giving you my phone so you can make another mistake. Enough is enough, Cameron. You’re not calling that boy tonight, and that’s final. Stop asking about it. Parker won’t be returning. Get back in that bed or I’ll be forced to call the doctor and tell him that you’re not following his orders.”

“Please,” I pleaded, as more tears began to fall down my cheeks. I couldn’t remember ever feeling so distraught. “Please just let me call him. Let me tell him goodnight. I know he’s upset. Just let me talk to him for a minute,” I wasn’t going to stop desperately begging. This was my well-being she was messing with. My behavior may have seemed rash, but it was only because of the situation that they were putting me in.

“I’m sorry, Cameron, but it’s not going to happen. Your father had made it clear that he doesn’t want Parker in here with us.”

My father walked back into the room, conveniently at the same time my mother was speaking. “He’s gone, Cameron. He’s not coming back, so I’d appreciate it if you stopped asking.”

I was speechless for a moment as his damaging words sank in. “What’s that mean? Did you tell the hospital he wasn’t allowed in here?”

He shook his head. “You need to calm down.”

“I’m getting the nurse,” my mother interrupted before hauling ass out of the room.

I leaned against the bed, literally breaking down so terribly that I couldn’t hold myself up. I cried loudly, not caring what my father thought about me being so weak. They were keeping Parker from me, I just knew it.

While trying to think of something to say to my parents to convince them to reconsider, my mother came in followed by three nurses. Before I knew what was happening, they were putting me back in the bed, and strapping me down. I kicked and screamed, yelling profanities and threats. Another nurse came in with a needle, and proceeded to insert something into my IV. The room started to look blurry, while my eyes fought to stay open. Then I couldn’t fight it any longer.

I knew this was my parent’s doing, and I was never going to forgive them for caring more about control than my well-being.

Chapter 20


Apparently my feelings were irrelevant when it came to Cameron’s parents. Did they really think they could get rid of me that easy? I wasn’t going to be paid to stay out of their daughter’s life, and since they’d even made that assumption, I was now determined to get her the hell away from them.

They’d messed with the wrong guy if they thought I’d sit back and let them win. I’d lost everything in my life except for her, and even though things were looking up, I knew I’d never be the same without her by my side.

I waited until visiting hours were over before calling the hospital. I knew she’d be transferred to a real room by then, and have a direct line to call. It was strange when I called the main desk and they told me that Cameron Hynson was unavailable to accept calls. Feeling like her parents had interfered again, I decided to get some sleep and head over in the morning.
