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Redeem Me

Redeem Me (Kin #6)(33)
Author: Jennifer Foor

“Parker, right now I’m concerned about my son, and nothing else. You’re stepping up and taking care of your responsibilities. It’s a step in the right direction.”

“We can talk more about this later, right, honey?” My mother asked.

“Yes. Let’s get them over to the apartment. We’ll have plenty of time to get this all figured out.”

It was almost unbelievable. Of course, once we were outside alone, my dad voiced his opinion.

“Son, I don’t even know what to say to you. When you were here did you already know she was pregnant?”

I shook my head. “No. I found out last night when she was havin’ the miscarriage.”

“This blows my mind. I don’t even know where to begin with my concerns.”

“Look, dad. I know it’s messed up. I get that you’re pissed. I know how much my football career means to you. It’s not that I want to give up on my chances, but things have changed. They weren’t planned, and God knows I wouldn’t have wished this on myself, but I can’t change them now. I’m scared to death, and I have no idea what I’m doin’. I just know I’m makin’ the right choice. Please, just help me out. I came to you because I’m tryin’ to do the right thing. She’s pregnant, and yeah, I know what I did in the past. This is different. She’s my girlfriend, and I want to spend the rest of my life with her. You may not understand, and I wouldn’t blame you if you hated my choices for the rest of my life, but as your son I’m askin’ for help. I’m desperate, dad. Her mother tried to pay me a hundred grand to stay away from her daughter, last night. She literally wrote me a damn check outside of her hospital room.”

“No shit?” My dad seemed as shocked as I was when it happened.

“They’ve got this twisted idea that Cam’s goin’ to do whatever they say. They actually think that they can force her into a set future. She’s got no say in her own life.”

He put his hand on my shoulder. “We’ve got issues between us, Parker. I’m going to put them aside and make sure you’re both safe. Right now I’m concerned about my son. That’s my grandchild she’s carrying, and I’ll be damned if I’m okay with them thinking it’s all right to just throw it away, like it’s some trash.”

I sighed and looked down at the ground. It was hard to not feel a little emotional when this man, who’d I’d let down so much, was still providing for me. He had every reason not to trust me, but instead was giving me a chance.

Soon after we loaded up their vehicle, my parents drove us over to the apartment above the garage. It had been empty for months, and we had no idea what to expect when we arrived. All I cared about was keeping Cameron away from the two people that were determined to ruin our futures.

Chapter 22


I looked around at the small apartment above the garage. Even though it was larger than my room at the dorm, it didn’t feel roomy. The couch was old with stains all over it, and the pull out bed was full of lumps from blankets, like someone had slept there but not had the decency to pull up the covers. There were beer cans on all of the tables, and on the opposite side the countertops seemed to need to be wiped off. The room smelled musty, like it had been closed up too long. I almost noticed a faint smell of cigarette smoke, which I couldn’t stand.

I think Parker sensed my fears as he took a second glance at the condition of the place. It was going to need work for us to be comfortable, which I knew he’d be up for the challenge. Ever since picking me up, he’d had this ambitious determination to make sure I was safe and cared for. “We’ll get a new couch, and I’ll paint the walls a brighter color. We can hang some pictures so it’s more cheerful.”

“It’s fine,” I lied, knowing we had no place else to go. With only a grand in my pocket, I didn’t even have the resources to make it nice on my own.

“I’ll get a new sofa sleeper this afternoon,” Parker’s dad announced. “Cameron’s going to need a good night’s sleep. That old thing won’t be good for her or the baby.”

“Thanks, Dad,” Parker said graciously.

We were interrupted by the sound of someone walking up the metal steps to the apartment. I don’t know why my heartbeat increased, or why I began to feel like it could be my parents. They had no idea where we were.

Ford’s mother stepped inside and looked around. “I’ve been meanin’ to clean up out here. It’s been sittin’ like this for a while.” She sat a bucket full of cleaners and rags down on the counter. She walked over and hugged Parker’s dad, who I’d learned was her brother. “I’ll make sure these two have everything they need. It will give me a reason to cook real meals again. We’ve been eatin’ TV dinners since Ford moved out.”

I knew we were throwing ourselves at these people, but they were so welcoming. As upset as I was about what Parker and I were doing, as compulsive as the decision had been, I honestly felt like we were going to be okay staying at this place. “Thank you for letting us stay here. I’m sorry we arrived without much notice.”

“Honey, you’re family, and we don’t turn our backs on them. Now, since we’ve got a lot of cleanin’ to do, and you need to get off your feet, I’m goin’ to have Parker take you up to the main house. You can sleep in my daughter’s room. The refrigerator has plenty of water bottles, and there’s some lunch meat if you get hungry. Once I get all this cleaned up, I’ll head out to the store. Don’t worry yourself about dinners. I like a reason to cook. We’ll make sure that baby has all the nutrients he or she needs.”

It almost shocked me to hear that she already knew about my pregnancy. I knew Parker’s dad had made the phone call, and assumed that’s when they learned about our predicament. “Thanks again. It means a lot to have people care for me.” I felt so pathetic admitting that. It was a definite shame that my parents couldn’t let me live my life.

Parker took me over to the main farmhouse. He got me settled into his late cousin’s room, tucking me under the covers and kissing me before walking out of the room. I’d been in this particular room before at one of the parties they’d thrown. Parker had brought me upstairs so that we could make out. Ford ended up walking in and giving him shit since it was his sister’s room. Parker later told me that for the longest time they left it exactly how it was the day she passed away. Even though it was still decorated the same, his mother had finally let go enough to clean up her personal things and put them away.
