Read Books Novel

Redeem Me

Redeem Me (Kin #6)(37)
Author: Jennifer Foor

I finally laughed. “I’m not a fairytale princess.”

“I know, but it would be kickass if you were,” he added.

I let my head fall into his chest. Immediately both of his strong arms wrapped around me. “What would I do without you?”

He let out a loud sigh. “Stay a virgin and take over the family business, I suppose. Guess I f**ked that plan to shit.”

An air-filled laugh escaped me. “Yeah, I guess you did.”

For the rest of the night Parker and I got our things unpacked. We watched some television, and snacked on fruit. Even though we didn’t discuss anything of importance, it felt good being able to hang out without rules. We didn’t have a curfew, or a class to go to in the morning. It felt peaceful, almost surreal that while in the midst of all our troubles, we’d discovered a place where we could just be together.

I had to appreciate how much Parker seemed to lighten up once his parents got on board. Silently I wondered if whatever they’d held a secret had been resolved. I didn’t understand how my pregnancy would impact that particular issue, but I was content with seeing my boyfriend relaxed while being around them.

Later that night I fell asleep in Parker’s arms. He was right about the bed. Once we’d gotten it to an agreed setting we were quite comfortable. My mind was able to relax, and look forward to the positive, instead of dwelling on what we couldn’t change.

Chapter 25


I could tell that she was struggling with everything that had gone down. I didn’t blame her for being upset. If my parents had tried to force my hand I would have been in her same position.

As the first few weeks passed, it was getting easier to make our own routines. Due to my situation with school, I was having to report to two classes a week. The rest of the courses I was able to turn my work in online. Each Tuesday I’d take my uncle’s truck and drive the long ride it took me to get back to Pennsylvania. For the most part it wasn’t a hassle. I knew that my future was more important than ever, because I’d have a baby to support.

While Cameron was still indecisive about what she wanted to do with the current school situation, she continued turning in her assignments, and communicating with her professors. Unlike me, she was able to take most of her courses online. Her grades were so good that they didn’t even question her reasons for being away. Three out of her eight class workload even gave her the rest of the course material to work on from home. When I traveled once a week, I’d stop by and turn them in for her. She’d given them the reason being a medical emergency, with no real details pertaining to being pregnant. It was irrelevant in the big picture. No matter what her current condition was, it was the reason that she wouldn’t be returning back to the campus.

After the third week I came out of class to find her father standing in front of me. His arms were crossed over his chest, and the stern grin let me know that he wasn’t in the mood for small talk. “Parker, you’re going to tell me where my daughter is immediately.”

I wasn’t afraid of this guy. “She and the baby are safe. That’s all you need to know.”

“I’ve told you before not to cross me,” he threatened.

“Get out of my face. I ain’t crossing shit. Your daughter is old enough to make her own decisions. If she wants to have my baby, and raise it bein’ a stay at home mom, it’s fine by me. Get over your God complex. She’s not a tool.”

“Her mother and I will find her, and when we do this will all be over with.”

I laughed in his face. “The only thing that’s over is this conversation. Get out of my f**kin’ face.” There was a time when I used manners, and respect, but this dude had lost that privilege a long time ago. I wasn’t wasting my time dealing with someone who thought he could control my girlfriend.

“I’ll have you followed.”

His words cut me like a knife. I turned around and put on a fake smile. “Follow me all you want. I’m headin’ back to my frat house to take a f**kin’ nap. You really think I’d be stupid enough to lead you right to Cam? She’s in a safe place that you’ll never find.”

Realizing that I had to come up with a different strategy of an exit plan, I began walking away from the bastard, before I let my anger drive my fist into his face. He’d made the mistake of letting me know that someone was going to follow me. I had to come up with a plan to lose them, before I hit the state line. It was going to require some assistance from my family, which I already felt I’d abused enough.

Reluctantly, I dialed my brother’s landline, praying that Ashley would answer, because everyone else would still be at work.


“Ash, it’s me Parker. Don’t hang up.”

“I’m not that rude, Parker. What’s wrong? Your brother isn’t home.”

I hated even asking. “I’m in trouble. I’m at school, and Cameron’s father has now threatened to have me followed so that he can locate where we’ve been hidin’. I wouldn’t be callin’ if I wasn’t out of options.”

“What do you need?”

“I need someone to drive here. Look, I know it’s a long way, but –.”

“I can be there in a couple of hours. The twins are about ready to take a nap, so I’ll put them in the car now. It’s easier if they sleep the whole way.”

I couldn’t believe she was helping me. It wasn’t like we were enemies, but Ash had hard feelings even after I’d done everything I could to make things right.

“Should we call Shayne?” I certainly didn’t want to be on his shit list again.

“I’ll call him. Don’t worry about it. He’d want me to help. Besides, I think it’s time that you and I talked.”

I wasn’t looking forward to that part. God only knew what she was going to throw at me. “When you get to the state line call me. I’ll let you know where to meet. I’m thinkin’ I can get someone here to give me a ride. It blows that I’ve got to leave the truck, but I can’t let them find her. It’s a good thing that exams are next week. We’ll have the whole summer to relax.”

“We’ll see you soon, Parker. Don’t forget to call me.” The idea of her including the kids in that comment was unnerving. It wasn’t that I didn’t like them. The truth was that I loved them, so much that sometimes it hurt to admit. I knew they belonged to Shayne, and I’d vowed to never let anyone know. Every time I was around them I’d feel uncomfortable, like if I reached out I was overstepping my boundaries. I didn’t want to be their dad, but the connection was irrefutable.
