Read Books Novel

Redeem Me

Redeem Me (Kin #6)(4)
Author: Jennifer Foor

I was going to aid my boyfriend in getting back what he’d pushed away, because at the end of the day I knew it was important to him. I know I nagged him too much at times, but it was only because I knew he could be better. He didn’t have to stoop to everyone else’s immature levels to be accepted. Parker was handsome, strong, and above all a good man. It didn’t take a genius to see that. Since he was the only man I’d ever loved, it was important to me to keep him around. It wasn’t just a law degree that I aspired for any longer. A part of me longed to know what it was like to be married and have a family.

Chapter 3


Feeling like I was going to be punished like a child, I persevered to the cafeteria to meet my girlfriend. She greeted me with a quick kiss on the cheek before sitting down in front of her large tray of breakfast essentials. Of course, the food was mostly for me, since she usually only ate a piece of fruit, and a yogurt.

I dug right into my egg and bacon sandwich, praying that it had enough grease to relieve my ever-growing hangover. I closed my eyes as I chewed, making a moaning sound before swallowing. “This tastes fantastic.”

“Apparently. So, have you gone in and untagged yourself from all of the photos yet?”

I put my hand down on her leg under the table. “Cam, can I enjoy my breakfast before you get on me about pictures that I had no knowledge of? Please?”

I wasn’t angry with her. The last thing I wanted was to give her father another reason to hate me. Apparently my hopes of being a professional football player were juvenile. Since it was all I ever wanted I didn’t see a problem with it. I worked hard to keep my GPA afloat, and spent all the rest of my time training to be the best athlete possible. I think since the whole falling out with my family I’d been even more focused. Several major league scouts had come to watch me play, and I was sure that in no time I’d be selected for at least a minor league contract to start with.

Cameron’s father still disapproved. Being married to a lawyer himself, I understood exactly what he wanted for his daughter; everything that I wasn’t.

She spooned another bite of yogurt in between those supple lips. “Don’t forget that we’re going to your sister’s baby shower this weekend coming up. I’ve already ordered her the cutest gift.”

“I won’t forget.” Peyton wasn’t just my sister. She was my twin, who was pregnant with her first child. As reluctant as we all were to accept her boyfriend in her life, he’d done everything he could to prove that he was worthy. At any rate, Peyton’s happiness was all that mattered to me. For so long she’d run around with the wrong crowds, sleeping with random guys at parties, and probably doing worse. There were just some things that I refused to ask about. Jamey had stopped all of that anyway, and although their relationship began very rocky, it was apparent they’d both grown up. I don’t know if I’d say they were ready to be parents, but we couldn’t plan out our perfect futures without obstacles.

My sister’s shower was to be held at my father’s shop. I think my brother Shayne had offered, but they’d changed their minds when they figured I’d be joining them. I can’t say I didn’t blame him for keeping me as far away as possible. Every time I saw those twins it was like a kick to my heart. I knew that I’d fathered them in that one drunken night. Nothing could change that. I was content to sign over parental rights, and get on with my life. What I hadn’t bargained on was my brother stepping up and taking full responsibility for them, raising them as his own. Not only did I have to see them, but his wife that I’d obviously slept with.

The worst part of it all was the fact that my entire family knew the truth. How awkward was it for me to bring my clueless girlfriend into the mix and pretend that everything wasn’t so f**ked up?

I thought about playing the sick card, opting out of traveling with some lame ass excuse. Cameron liked nothing more than to be able to take care of me in my time of need, but knowing about the secret only reminded me that she wouldn’t approve. Hiding something so powerful would send her packing, and I’d lose the only part of my heart that was left.

“Are we able to stay at your parents? I could always message your sister and make up a story that we’re in town.”

I tried to smile. “It’s fine. I already called Pey to tell her we were coming for a visit. She probably already knows about the shower anyway. It’s not like any of them are good with secrets.” I almost choked on those words. It couldn’t have been further from the truth in my case. “We’ll leave after class on Friday, grab a late lunch, and be there in time to help with dinner. I think she said somethin’ about cookin’ on the grill.”

“That sounds like you have everything planned out. Good for you.”

I swallowed another lump of my grease sandwich. “I’m a work in progress, baby.”

She rolled her eyes and giggled. “That you are.” Her hand extended, reaching up to wipe something that was apparently stuck to my chin. Our eyes met and I smiled back at her. “One day I’ll teach you how to get all of your food in your mouth, instead of all over your face.”

“I was savin’ that for later,” I teased.

“You’re sick.” She started to get up from her seat. I held onto her arm and pulled her back down to sit next to me.

“Wait. You’ve got a little somethin’ on your face.” I didn’t wait for her permission to lean in and kiss the side of her lips. Her eyes closed immediately, and I knew without a doubt that she wasn’t going to fight me. “There, I think I got it all.”

As I pulled away I noticed her cheeks had blushed. “That was smooth, but inexplicably obvious, Parker.”

I lifted her chin and planted a kiss directly over her lips. “I wasn’t tryin’ to hide anything.” With a quick wink I stood up and grabbed her book bag off the table. She followed my lead and we started on our way to our first classes. Each day I would walk her to hers, and then head over to mine. We’d hold hands, and talk about what we’re doing afterwards. It had become almost habitual.

Once we stood in front of her first class, I leaned down and kissed her on the cheek. “I’ll see you later, beautiful.”

She cocked her head to the side, and I appreciated that after dating for more than two years she still got giddy over things I said to her. “Okay.”

“I hate when you have to go, but that ass is sure nice to watch walking away.” Some random guy held up his hand and high-fived me after I’d said it. Cameron turned around and shook her head. Deep down she enjoyed my sense of humor, whether she’d admit it or not. Besides, it wasn’t like I was lying. I’d seen that fine piece of ass naked, and it was most definitely a blessed attribute.
