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Reject Me

Reject Me (Kin #5)(11)
Author: Jennifer Foor

It was weird, feeling so much rejection all at once. A few minutes later the chick paid her tab and left me sitting there without a single sentence. I shrugged and drank my beer in silence, checking my phone more times than I wanted to admit.

Six beers later I was out of cash, and knew I didn’t want to break out the debit card, so I paid and left. I had every intention of going home and crashing, except that’s not where I ended up.

Her car was parked out in front of her brother’s house like I figured it would be. At first I got out and considered leaving her a note inside. I knew she left it unlocked all of the time, because everyone did where we lived.

I’d like to blame my next move on alcohol consumption, since I usually didn’t drink so much, but truthfully I probably would have done the same sober.

With no regard for the time I walked up to the front door and started banging on it.

“Let me the f**k in! I need to see Peyton. I’m tired of her games.”

It took them forever to answer, and it definitely wasn’t Peyton that I was looking into the eyes of. Shayne was standing there in a pair of boxer shorts. He opened the door all of the way as he spoke to me, and I couldn’t help but look past him for her. “What the f**k is wrong with you, Jamey? Do you have any idea what time it is? I’ve got kids that are sleepin’.”

“Screw you. I need to see Peyton.” I was determined.

“You’re drunk.”

“No, I ain’t!” I smiled and asked again. “Go get Peyton for me, man.”

“You’re slurring your words and swaying as you talk to me. Don’t give me some bullshit about not bein’ drunk. Get off my property Jamey. I’m not kiddin’.”

“What are you goin’ to do, Shayne? You goin’ to come outside and attempt to beat my ass? I need to talk to your sister. Just let me in. I need ten minutes to straighten this out.”

He shook his head. “I’m closin’ the door. You bang on it, and you’ll see my fist down your throat. I’m not f**kin’ around.”

His comment made me laugh. To me, Shayne was always weak. We were about the same build, but he was always whining about something when we were all younger. Now that he was married I just assumed he was a pu**y. “I need to see Peyton. I ain’t tryin’ to rough you up or nothin’. I didn’t come here to fight. I came here to get her back in my bed. You know how it is, right?”

He shut the door in my face.

I laughed and knocked quietly again. “Come on, dude. Let me in. Let me see my girl. She belongs to me, man.”

Peyton opened the door in tears. “What are you doin’?”

I smiled and motioned for her to get in my car. “Come back to bed, baby. I’ll make you feel better.” I was sure of it.

“Bed? You came here to ask me to come back to your bed? You’re an ass**le. I can’t believe you, Jamey.” She closed the door on me again.

I knocked for the third time, but nobody would come to the door to let me in, so I took drastic measures to get her attention. I was determined that I wasn’t leaving until she was with me.

I walked over to my car, leaned in the open window and started honking the horn continually until someone would come outside. Finally Shayne came outside with a baseball bat pointed toward me. “Get off my property or I’m callin’ the cops.”

“Call whoever you want. They can’t make me leave from the road. You don’t own this, the state highway does.”

Shayne put down the bat, shook his head and walked inside. Figuring that I’d told him, I kept honking the horn, calling out for Peyton to come outside. Who knows how long I was doing it, but the police lights let me know that he’d done exactly what he said he was going to do. I stopped with the horn and greeted the officer. “Good evenin’ Officer Sparks. I haven’t seen you at the diner in a while.”

“Jamey, please tell me you ain’t the disturbance that someone called about?”

“Me? Disturbin’? Nah, it ain’t me. I just came to pick up my girl.”

He walked toward the house and I stood there watching. Shayne came right out and started pointing toward me. I knew I was in trouble when Officer Sparks started walking in my direction, so I climbed in my car and took off down the road.

I suppose it was probably a bad idea after drinking to blatantly run from a deputy while intoxicated. I should have known better.

My head sank to the steering wheel as I finally stopped and realized that I was in big trouble. Sparks came up and opened my door. “Get out of the car, Jamey.”

I put my hands in the air. “Okay, okay.”

I did as he told me and watched him looking me over. “You’ve been drinkin’?”

“I had a couple drinks. I’m all good though.”

He motioned for me to walk to the rear of the vehicle. “Then you don’t mind me doin’ a sobriety test, do you?”

“Fuck you! I ain’t drunk!”

He shoved me against the car and started handcuffing me, while reading me my rights.

A few minutes later we were on our way to the station. I was being booked for a DWI, and resisting an officer. I couldn’t believe he was being such a dick to me, considering all the meals that he’d eaten at my mom’s establishment.

I tried to plead my case to him, explaining that my girl left me and I needed her to come back to my bed. After calling me a few names, he refused to talk to me anymore. I was left in the backseat to worry about other things, like what my mother was going to do to me when she found out.

I don’t remember much after that, except for getting fingerprinted and actually being put in a cell with another drunk dude.

I used my one call to contact Joey and ask him to pick me up in the morning. Apparently I wasn’t allowed to leave until I was sobered up. While the drunk man sang until he passed out, I sat in the corner thinking about how I’d gotten myself locked up.

Peyton filled every part of my mind, and I knew I was going to have to change if I wanted her back, the problem was that I didn’t know how, and it was soon going to be the hardest thing I’d ever had to learn how to do.

Chapter 7


I couldn’t believe this was happening. First Jamey showed up at the house drunk as a skunk, trying to get me to come home with him. Though I took into consideration that he was making an effort, there was no way that I was getting into a car with him that way.

I didn’t blame my brother for calling the cops, but I sure did feel bad over it. Jamey was going to be in huge trouble, and I felt like I was to blame. If I’d just stayed with him none of this would be happening.
