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Reject Me

Reject Me (Kin #5)(38)
Author: Jennifer Foor

I stopped dead in my tracks and turned to see her running towards me. She jumped up into my arms wrapping her arms and legs around the back of me.

“What are you doin’?”

“I’m gettin’ away from Shayne.” That wasn’t the answer that I wanted to hear from her.

She dropped down to stand in front of me and all I could do was smile. Peyton wasn’t smacking me in the face or calling me names. She wanted to be around me, and last night we’d made love and held each other. It had to mean progress.

I felt happy when we walked into my brother’s condo holding hands. It also felt nice to see people smiling at us envying our connection. I’d always considered it annoying, so it was all a new learning experience for me.

Joey, Lacey, Sky and Ford all looked at us like we had three heads. “Hey guys, do you mind if Peyton hangs out with us on the beach today?”

Ford took a bite of an apple and just shook his head, while my brother whispered something in Lacey’s ear. Sky was the only person who had anything to say at all. “Sure. The more the merrier. How have you been, Pey?”

I left the girls to talk while I went to take a piss. After brushing my teeth I stepped out to find my brother and Ford standing there ready to hound me. “Where were you last night?” Ford has his arms crossed as he demanded an answer.

“I stayed with Peyton.”

“Don’t tell me Shayne was there. Is that what his call was about?”

“He called?” I wanted to know what he told them.

“I didn’t answer. We knew you didn’t come home, and we ran into them last night. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out who you were with. I just don’t get why you keep diggin’ your grave deeper.”

“Screw you both. It’s different now. I told you, I want to be with Peyton. I’m done playin’ games.”

Joey laughed. “So you keep sayin’. I’ll believe it when I see it.”

“Yeah,” Ford agreed.

“I don’t care what either of you ass**les say about me. I’ll prove you wrong. Just wait and see.”

My brother chimed in again. “I just want to know how you convinced her to hang out with your ass.”

“It’s a long story, that’s none of your damn business. She’s here, and neither of you are goin’ to say anything to piss her off. You got that?”

They both threw up their arms as if they were innocent.

“I’m serious. Peyton’s here because she’s fightin’ with Shayne. She doesn’t trust me right now. Hell, I don’t know if she ever will again, but I at least have to try. A little support would be nice. I’m really tryin’ to not f**k up this time.”

Ford nudged my brother. “It would be good if you kept that little dick in your pants.” They both laughed at my brother’s comment.

“You can suck my little dick, both of you.”

They kept laughing, so I walked out on the porch. They could joke all they wanted, and the girls could fill Peyton’s head with nonsense. At the end of the day this was all between her and I. There was no way for me to know what was going through her head, or if she was just using me to get away from her brother. All I knew was that I was going to do my damndest to change her mind.

Chapter 21


“So what happened?” Lacey asked as soon as the guys walked out of the room.

I played with the bracelet that was still on my wrist. “Where do I even begin?”

“We want details,” Sky added.

“Jamey asked me to go to dinner, as a last date kind of thing. I was reluctant about agreein’, but we all know that I find it hard to tell him no to anything. So I agreed, and at first it was perfect. He was a gentleman, and he gave me this bracelet, which you already knew about. Thanks for that by the way. It’s beautiful.”

“So then what happened?” Sky interrupted.

I shrugged. “I asked him about things I really didn’t want to know. The date went downhill pretty fast after that.” Just talking about it got me choked up again. “I’m sorry. I can’t help but get emotional.”

Lacey walked over and hugged me. “I know it hurts. You have to realize that it was a long time ago. Jamey’s talked to us about all of this. I really don’t see a reason for him to lie.”

I shook my head. “I wish I could get past it, I do. Jamey means everything to me. No matter how hard I try I can’t let him go.”

“That’s what love is. You’re both so young. It takes a long time to learn how to forgive and move forward. You two are both going through your own kind of hell.”

“I suppose.”

“I’ve been cheated on, Peyton. It sucks big time. What you need to keep in mind is that it was never about you. Guys cheat because they need to feel empowered. Don’t get me wrong, they are ass**les for doing it. I just think that Jamey saw Joey’s old lifestyle and thought it was cool. He did it because in his eyes he didn’t need to ever be serious with someone. I don’t think he ever anticipated falling in love with you, but that’s exactly what happened. Now he’s a crazy mess. The problem is that this all falls on you. Whether or not you two work things out is all in your hands.”

“I don’t know what to do. Jamey’s the only person I’ve ever loved. Even when I hate him, I still want to be close to him. It makes no sense.”

Lacey and Sky looked at each other and shook their heads. After taking a sip of her coffee, it was Lacey who chimed in next. “Pey, how long have we been friends?”

I’ve known her for years. She’d dated my brother before she got with Joey. “A long time.”

“Have I ever given you bad advice?”

“Of course not!” If anyone made me feel better it was Lacey. She was always just a phone call away. Her kind heart had gotten me through a bunch of dark times.

“It’s none of my business, and you can certainly tell me to go to hell, but if I were you I’d try to figure things out with Jamey. You can’t live your life in the past. If you’re that distraught over losing him, then why put yourself through it?”

“What if he cheats again?” I was petrified of it.

“Peyton, you can’t dwell on the past. You either have to forgive him, or let him go. It’s as simple as that. Do you love him enough to let go?” Sky asked.

My hands were shaking so badly while I considered those options. It was so hard for me to make that kind of choice. I knew that no matter what I wanted, I’d always worry about Jamey straying again. While I fought with myself, two concerned friends awaited my reply. “I just don’t know.”
