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Reject Me

Reject Me (Kin #5)(46)
Author: Jennifer Foor

“Hey, sis. How’s it goin’ in Farmville?”

“It blows. Listen, I’m callin’ because I need your advice.”

“What have you gotten yourself into now?”

Leave it to my twin to assume I was in some kind of trouble. “I haven’t done anything. It’s Shayne.”

“What did he do? Did he cheat on his wife? Did she cheat on him?”

“Jesus, will you shut up and listen to me? It’s nothin’ like that.”

The line got quiet. “Is somethin’ wrong? Tell me, Pey. I can hear it in your voice. Are you okay?”

“Not really. I think Shayne my have sabotaged my relationship with Jamey. It’s a long story, but I wanted your advice on how I should handle it if it’s true. I live with him for Christ sakes. How can I look at him and not want to kill him in his sleep?”

My brother burst into laughter. “You’re not goin’ to kill him. Don’t even say that. If you’re that pissed you can always move back in with mom and dad.”

“That will never happen.”

“Then make amends with your boyfriend. Just know that if I find out he’s cheatin’ I’m going to have his balls removed with a steak knife.” I cringed just thinking about it.

“I’ll deal with Shayne in my own way.”

“Let me know if you want to come visit. My girlfriend wants to get to know the family more. It makes me nervous knowin’ what Shayne has over my head. She can’t know about the twins, Pey.”

“Parker, I don’t have time to discuss this. I’ll call you back when I get things figured out. Don’t worry about your girlfriend. I’ll come to visit as soon as I can.”

“Love you, sis.”

“Yeah, I love you too.”

Wayne handed me a cup of coffee when I walked out into the kitchen. I could tell he was waiting to hear about anything new I’d learned. “No new news yet. I’m trying to conjure up the courage to call Jamey. It’s hard to know what to expect.”

“You won’t know until you try.”

I pulled out my phone and dialed his number while Wayne watched like a hawk. After four rings it went straight to voicemail. I dialed again, getting the same result. “I don’t understand why he won’t answer. Jamey wouldn’t listen to my brother.”

Abigail came running in, making me spill my coffee down the front of Wayne’s t-shirt. “Shit.”

“I’ll clean it up. Go change so I can throw that in the washer with the load that just started.”

“You’re such a homemaker,” I teased.

“I’m a jack of all trades. Be jealous.” We both laughed for a moment, and I appreciated even the smallest of happy moments.

I headed into the bedroom to change my shirt and heard Wayne come in behind me. “Do you want us to go with you?”

I shook my head. “No. I need to handle this on my own. I’ve already burdened you enough.”

“We’re here if you need us.”

I hugged Wayne, knowing that without him I’d be a mess. “I know. It’s what is keeping me calm. I’m just goin’ to -.” Waves of nausea hit me all at once. I ran into the bathroom just in time to vomit in the toilet.

When I was finished I walked over to the sink to rinse out my mouth. Wayne handed me a washrag. He had a frown on his face. “Has that ever happened before?”

“What? Have I ever thrown up? Of course. It happens.”

“You’re missing the big picture. Peyton, is there a chance you could be pregnant?”

I shook my head. “No way!”

“Well are you on birth control?”

“Come on, Wayne. It’s just a little puke.” He was freaking me the hell out. I had enough problems. The last thing I needed was to turn up pregnant. “You gave me that pill last night on an empty stomach. I’m sure it was that. Besides, Jamey and I have had unprotected sex on and off for two years. I’ve never missed a period.”

“So you didn’t miss any lately then?”

I looked away and tried to think of what the date was. I’d started school, and been dealing with so many things in my life. Between Wayne and Abigail, homework, and my feelings for Jamey I’d been preoccupied. He chased me out of the bathroom. I pulled a calendar up on my phone and sat down on the bed. “Oh, God. This can’t be happenin’ to me. It’s got to be stress. I read somewhere that some women don’t get a period when they are stressed out.”

Wayne went right into dad mode. He grabbed his keys and headed for the front door. “I’ll be right back. If you’re pregnant you’re goin’ to need to see a doctor. I’m going to the drugstore around the corner. Keep an eye on Abigail for a minute.”

“Wayne, seriously, I’m not pregnant.”

“I’ll be right back.”

I waited until he left to start freaking out. Not only was I single and alone, but Jamey had made it clear we were through. I knew a pregnancy would only make him hate me more.

I didn’t know what to do. I’d certainly never been one to consider abortion.

When Wayne got back I’d thrown up again. Convinced that it was just my nerves, I was contemplating refusing to take the test, on account of his idea being ridiculous. One look into his concerned eyes let me know that he wasn’t going to leave me be until I proved him wrong.

I took the first stick in the bathroom and peed on it. Since I was sure it would be negative, I left it alone on the counter and walked away. Not even two minutes later Wayne was holding the stick. “I think you need to sit down.”

“Stop messin’ around. Just admit you wasted your money.” If this was his way of making a joke I wasn’t finding it funny.

“Peyton, there’s no easy way to tell you this. “You’re pregnant.”

I walked up and grabbed the stick, glancing at it for only a second before my legs gave out on me. “This can’t be happenin’. My whole life is a mess. This can’t be true. I’m in no condition to be a mother, Wayne. What am I goin’ to do?”

“It’s important that you try to remain calm. It’s not good for the baby. I feel like shit for giving you that pill last night. You’re going to have to tell the doctor that when you go in. I’ve read a ton of books on pregnancy and hopefully your still early enough along that it won’t affect anything.”

His words were becoming muffled. I felt dizzy, like I was going to pass out. “Stop. Please stop.”
