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Renegade (Heven and Hell #4)(44)
Author: Cambria Hebert

“You owe me a dance.”

“I’m going to use the ladies’ room first.”

I went through the house to the bathroom, where there was a long line. Instead of waiting, I bypassed the line and went farther into the house, where it was darkened. I supposed to discourage people from venturing into these rooms. I walked up the stairs, through Kimber’s bedroom, and into her adjoining bathroom. I did what I needed to do and checked my hair in the mirror and adjusted the multicolored chunky knit scarf draped over my white T-shirt and purple cardigan. When I came out of the bathroom, a figure to my right moved and I jerked, my hand going to my back pocket and the fork stashed there.

Then I realized who it was.


“Hey, Heven,” she said as she slid one of the dresser drawers closed.

“Are you snooping?” I asked, amusement in my voice.

She shrugged. “Just trying to get to know the resident witch.”

More like the girl who was trying to get her hooks into Cole, but I didn’t say that out loud. “She’s still staying at my place.”

“It hasn’t really kept her away from Cole.”

“I’m trying. It’s hard because she’s very persistent.”

“I don’t like her.”

“Not many people do.”

“There’s an awful lot of people here tonight.”

“Free food, lakeside party, music…” I listed and Gemma nodded.

“Have you seen Cole yet tonight?”

“Not yet, have you?”

She shook her head. “I’ve been laying low.”

“Maybe for one night you shouldn’t.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean it’s my birthday and I want you to have a good time. Find my brother and dance with him.”

“I don’t know,” she murmured, but I could see in her eyes she wanted to.

“Come on, Gemma. It’s a party. There’s a ton of people. It’s not like you two are alone in Sam’s apartment.”

She got this kind of faraway look in her eyes when I said that and I wondered what happened the time they had been alone at Sam’s.

“Let’s go,” I said, grabbing her by the wrist and pulling her out into the hall and back toward the party.

“I should go,” she protested, digging her boots into the floor.

“Riley’s here. He said there’s a rumor going through hell that Beelzebub got banished to Earth because Lucifer’s angry with him.”

“He could be anywhere,” she frowned.

I nodded. “Maybe you could stick around just in case he shows up.”

“You think he will?”

“I wouldn’t put it past him.” In fact, I was surprised he hadn’t showed up sooner. Besides the stunt he pulled at the gym, I hadn’t seen him. It was unlike Beelzebub to be so quiet. I would have expected him to try and kidnap me at least three times by now.

“You don’t seem very scared,” Gemma noted.

“I’m scared,” I admitted. “But hiding at home doesn’t work, either.”

“I’ll stick around,” she promised.

“Thanks.” I grabbed her hand, trying to steer her out of the house.

“There’s too many people out there.”

I released her. “Maybe you could find my brother and take a walk by the lake.”

When she didn’t refuse immediately, I smiled. “You know you want to,” I sang.

Her lips titled up. “Maybe.”

I grinned. “Awesome. Now if you’ll excuse me, I left Sam and Riley alone.”

Gemma grimaced.

“Have fun,” I called over my shoulder.

“Happy birthday,” she returned.

So far so good, yet I realized the night was far from over.


I was standing on the lower deck, soda in hand, watching Heven and Riley dance. He was actually smiling in a non-snarky way and she was bouncing up and down, flipping her hair back and forth. Just when I was about to think maybe Riley wasn’t as awful as I thought, he moved in closer to Heven and put his hands on her hips. Then he looked up at me and wagged his eyebrows.


Heven smacked at his hands, but she was laughing.

“What does she see in that guy?” Cole said, joining me at the railing, his own drink in hand.

“I have no idea,” I replied.

I guess I did, though. Riley was entertaining and sometimes he was funny. I guess I tended to be a little serious, and with people around us dying all the time, it was hard to lighten up. Maybe Riley was just comic relief for her.

Of course, the way Riley was with her when he thought I didn’t see made me think it might be more. Like they might be friends.

I didn’t get it. It annoyed me. But it made Heven happy and it seemed to keep Riley from being a nastier version of himself, so I wasn’t going to complain.

“I’m just glad it’s you she’s with ‘cause I can’t stand that guy,” Cole said into my ear over the music.

“You used to hate me too,” I reminded him.

He grinned. “Not anymore.”

I held up my fist and he bumped it against mine. I took a drink of my soda and watched Riley completely ignore a blonde who was trying to dance with him. He turned back to Heven and the girl sulked away into the crowd. It made me wonder if Riley had more than friendly feelings toward Heven…

“What did it feel like to die?” Cole asked, interrupting my thoughts.

I glanced at him. “That was totally random.”

He shrugged. I wondered if he had more than soda in his cup. He was waiting for an answer so I gave him one.

“I didn’t feel it.”

“It didn’t hurt?”

“No, but it’s not like I was shot or attacked or anything. Airis did it. It was quick. One minute I was here… and the next I wasn’t.”

“How long were you gone?”

I shrugged. “Few minutes, maybe.”

“Did it hurt when she brought you back?”

“No. Why are you asking me all this?”

“I’ve just been thinking about death.”

I understood that. There had been a lot of it lately.

“Gemma won’t be with me because she thinks it risks my life after I die.”

“You mean in heaven?”

He nodded.

This was interesting party conversation. I glanced back at Heven to make sure she was okay. She was still dancing it up with Riley. It was beginning to annoy me.
