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Renegade (Heven and Hell #4)(7)
Author: Cambria Hebert

“What about Dad? Did he know?”

“I think so. He was able to protect you and your mother for many years before he died.”

“Oh. God.” I gasped. “Did Beelzebub kill him too?”

“Oh, no. No. I honestly think your father’s death was because he interrupted an armed robbery while on duty and was shot.”

It didn’t make me feel any better. Whether my dad’s death was Beelzebub’s fault or not, my mother’s, grandfather’s, and Logan’s were. He was killing off my entire family.

When everyone around you is dead…

Beelzebub’s words came back to me, haunting me. He was making good on his promise. A little whimper escaped. Who would be next?

I rushed out of the house and down the porch steps into the yard. The sun was going down and the long-sleeved T-shirt I wore wasn’t enough to keep me warm, but I kept going. I dug the cell phone out of my pocket, hit a few buttons, and waited while it rang.

“I’m busy. You know what to do.” Beep.

I let out a frustrated cry. “Why did you even get a phone if you aren’t going to answer?” I yelled. “I haven’t heard from you in weeks. I want to know what you know. Now.” I disconnected the call and brought my arm down, tempted to throw the phone, but a hand shot out and grabbed it.

“You called Riley?”

“It’s been weeks, Sam. He should’ve found out where the souls are by now.”

Sam took a deep breath. I could see him reining in his dislike for his former roommate. “You knew him finding where they are was a long shot.”

“You mean him actually telling us if he found them,” I said, then sighed.

Sam shrugged. “That too.”

Just after we got back from hell, Riley took off, saying he was going to go take over where Beelzebub left off. From down there he’d be able to locate the souls, and he’d tell us where they were so I could go free my mother along with all the others being fed off of by the seven Princes of Hell. After Riley betrayed me, I hadn’t wanted anything to do with him. But then he helped us trap Beelzebub and Hecate, and he seemed to want to make up for the things he’d done, so when he offered to help us find the souls—I call it the Soul Graveyard—we agreed. Besides, having eyes in hell seemed like a good idea.

But what good were eyes in hell if they never called you back?

“You think he’s going to betray us again,” I said, flat.

“I wouldn’t be surprised. I think relying on Riley for anything is a very bad idea.”

“He’s killing off my family, Sam,” I whispered, staring at the low-lit sky. A breeze ruffled the trees and goose bumps prickled my arms. A navy hoodie fell around my shoulders and Sam’s scent filled my senses. I pushed my arms through the sweatshirt and leaned back against his chest. His arms came around me and I closed my eyes.

“What do you think went down with your mom and Beelzebub all those years ago?” he asked against my ear.

“I have no idea. If it was anyone else besides Gran saying those things about her I would’ve laughed in their face. She was the most prim and proper person I’ve ever known. She was religious to a fault, and I can’t imagine her getting involved in anything Beelzebub would be near.”

“Maybe she had a bad home life as a kid?”

I shook my head. “I don’t know. She never talked about her parents. They weren’t close. But if they really did kick her out when she got pregnant, I understand why she wouldn’t want to see them.”

“Well, at least we know why Gran didn’t seem to mind us burying my brother here or the fact that you’re dating a hellhound.”

“I think she’s relieved I’m dating a hellhound, me being marked and all. She’s probably glad I didn’t bring home a zombie.”

His chest shook against my back as he chuckled. “I’m way better looking than a zombie. And I won’t eat your brains.”

I groaned and looked up at the sky.

“Hey. No more of this marked stuff. Who cares that some Prince of Hell laid claim to you when you were a baby? It doesn’t make you evil. It makes you a target.”

“Then how come everyone else is dying and not me?”

“You’ve had your turn with that too,” he said, his voice going hoarse.

I turned in his arms and buried my face in his neck. “I’m tired of people dying.”

“Yeah, babe. Me too.”

I pulled back. “It just makes me more determined to release those souls. Not only will it bring them peace, but it will take away some of Beelzebub’s power. Maybe once some of his power is gone he won’t bother with us because he’ll be so busy trying to get it back.”

“Which means collecting more souls.”

“That could take years and years. Gemma thinks this will set him back for a very long time.”

“I know you’re scared and anxious, Hev, but this isn’t something we’re going to be able to do overnight. It’s going to take time to find them. Hell is a very big place.”

“I know.” I pulled back to start pacing. “But I can’t help but feel this urgency. This need to get it done quickly. Who knows how long Beelzebub and Hecate will stay trapped?”

“Riley has a lot of faults, but I do think he would at least tell us if Beelzebub got out.”

“And Kimber still has no powers, so we know Hecate’s are still bound,” I said, thinking about the fact that my BFF made a deal with Hecate, Queen of Witches, to become a witch. All she had to do was betray me—which she did gladly. When we bound Hecate’s powers, it bound Kimber’s too. Much to her annoyance.

“See?” Sam said reassuringly. “We have some time.”

Yes. But how much?

Chapter Four

The Vile

The sounds of gunshots followed by the tortured wail of a woman were like music to my ears. I smiled, walking down the sidewalk of a rundown neighborhood. The riffraff on the street corner eyed me menacingly, stuffing their hands into the oversized hoodies that hung from their too-thin frames.

I met their eyes in challenge. Let them pull whatever weapon they harbored. It would be no match for my bare hands. I continued by, no one yet daring to cross me. Even though they wanted to.

My fine clothes and expensive watch all but made these hungry thugs drool. These men and women were hungry here. Hungry to feed their empty bellies and their empty souls.

It is here that I collect.
