Read Books Novel

Repair Me

Repair Me (Kin #1)
Author: Jennifer Foor

Chapter 1


“Are you seeing what I’m seeing, Sky? This is the guy that you think you’re going to grow old with? You should be glad people sent these pictures.”

“I don’t understand why. How could he do this to me? What did I ever do to deserve this?” My eyes were burning from the amount of crying I’d been doing. It was still a blur, seeing the pictures and coming to the realization that everything I’d believed about my happy relationship had been a lie.

I’d looked at my cell phone at least ten times. Somehow, I wanted to believe that these were fake pictures. If three people hadn’t forwarded them over, I may have been more forgiving with his explanation.

“He did it because he thinks with his dick. This has nothing to do with something you did. The guy is a prick and you need to get that through your head.”

I wanted to hate the things she was saying about my boyfriend, but I knew they were true. He’d cheated on me in the worst way possible.

Right under my nose, for everyone on campus to see.

I just didn’t understand how he could do it. We were juniors in college. One more year to go and we had our whole future planned out. I thought his years of screwing around were over.

I guess I was wrong.

I would have liked to be able to think that there was some way I could forgive him. We spent the last couple years planning a lifetime together. Now it had all turned to shit. It took one keg of beer and a sorority of little sluts to ruin our relationship.

Since I went to college out of state, the first thing I wanted to do was drive home. I called my best friends from high school and they talked me off the ledge, per se. I mean, I wasn’t going to hang myself or take a bottle of pills. I did, however, consider killing him, by ripping off his dick and hanging it on a flagpole for the whole campus to see.

Truth be told, we’d done our share of fighting which would always start at parties and become the entertainment everyone talked about the next week. I guess what kept us in the spotlight, was the fact that my boyfriend was the captain of the soccer team. His wavy blonde hair and bright blue eyes, combined with his perfect physique made all the girls chase after him. Apparently, my leash wasn’t as tight as I thought it was. All it took was one night of me having to work late for him to whip out his dick and give it to whoever wanted it.

I peeked at the pictures one more time then threw my phone down on the bed. I don’t know why I kept looking. The images were seared into my mind, especially the one where there were two skanks with him, on his bed, naked. One of them was blowing him, while the other was feeding him her pu**y. I recognized the bedding and the poster of Vegas at night that we’d bought together while vacationing there. On the nightstand was his watch that my parents had given him for Christmas. There was no mistake about it.

I wanted to gag.

Who took the pictures wasn’t relevant anymore. Whether they were trying to start problems or genuinely wanted me to know the truth didn’t matter. My heart was crushed, not to mention, I was totally embarrassed. I needed to get as far away from Mack Ritter as possible.

My roommate did her best to comfort me in such a devastating situation. She convinced me that I needed to get the hell away from this place and from Mack. After much consideration, I decided she was right. Sitting in my room crying wasn’t helping me at all. I needed a diversion, not a reminder.

While making phone calls and messaging my friends back in my hometown, I learned that they were all getting together for a road trip out of state and heading to the beach. It didn’t take me but a second to decide that it was exactly where I needed to go to get my mind off of my cheating, now ex-boyfriend.

I needed to get drunk enough to forget what my heart was going through.

It took me about ten minutes to pack up the little car that my dad had given me the day I got my license. I had to admit, the sixteen year old Honda Accord was on its last leg. The passenger door had no handle and the radio hung out of the dashboard and was missing the volume knob. Every time a good song came on, I had to take a pair of pliers to turn it up.

My father sent money for me to change the oil, which I only did sometimes. If we were low on beer money, the oil changes had to wait, because paying for the weekend entertainment was always a first priority.

Still, it was going to make it to the beach. My car had never let me down yet.

I’d been on the road for about three hours, my windows were down and I had the music blaring. When I say music, I mean one song. There was no way that I could hear all of the songs that played on the regular radio; most were about love and shit. I wanted to listen to songs about hating your ex.

Goodbye Earl, it was!

My friends would have told me I was losing my mind. Listening to one song repeatedly was definitely a sign that I was going insane, except I didn’t care what they thought. Obviously, they’d never experienced what it felt like to be cheated on and have wished for someone’s untimely death.

At any rate, being angry kept me from being an overemotional wreck.

A road sign whipped passed me. The beach was still a hundred miles away. The sun was beating down on my car as I drove, making it hotter than Hell since I had no AC to fall back on.

My last bottle of water was down to the final ring and I hadn’t seen any stores on the old empty road for over an hour. I wasn’t worried. A store was bound to pop up soon. I still had a half tank of gas, so I could last until I needed to fill up again.

Being the person that I was, I had to know what my friends were doing. While I was driving, I called them. Yes, it’s against the law, but to be fair, I hadn’t seen another car in a good half an hour. Driving through, what could have been the inspiration for Children of the Corn, I felt like I was in some horror movie where radioactive chemicals caused humans to turn into cannibals.

I watch too many movies, apparently. Come on, those deformed people would have been no match for little kids with freaky powers.

While still dialing, I looked up and spotted a damn fox crossing the road. It shocked me, causing me to swerve and go careening into the dirt shoulder. My car spun around before stopping in the middle of a wheat field.

I was so shaken up; I had to catch my breath before I could assess the damage. Thinking that the fox must have had rabies to be out in the blazing sun, I was afraid to get out of the car. It took me ten minutes to gather the courage to open the door.

Aside from my car being covered in wheat, it didn’t have any physical damage. I got back in and attempted to get the car turned around to get back on the road. Except, the car wouldn’t start. At all!
