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Repair Me

Repair Me (Kin #1)(19)
Author: Jennifer Foor

“Neither will I.”

After a few moments, we separated and redressed. While he started back on the road, I sat there knowing that he’d filled me with everything he had to give. He’d never offered me anything else. We were just passing through each other’s lives. One day we’d stop thinking about each other. We’d find someone that made us happy and start a future with them.

It was the way of life; how it was all supposed to be.

For the rest of the ride, our conversations were kept to a minimum. Neither of us wanted to talk about the inevitable. In just a little while we’d only be a memory. His ex would be there waiting for him, and whether he decided to give it another go, it was none of my business.

As we reached the bridge to get to the beach, I almost asked him to turn back around. Instead, I watched him focus on the remainder of the ride. “What street is your friend’s place on?”

“Just drive to the inlet. Her place is right there at the end.”

This was it. We were spending our last few moments together and I had nothing else to say to him. It was horrible that I couldn’t get the courage to ask to see him again. There he was, so close to me, and I was just going to walk away.

As he pulled up, I took a few deep breaths. He put the truck in park and looked over at me, tracing my cheek with the back of his hand. “It’s been fun.”

I smiled. “Yeah, it really was.”

“My dad says your car will be ready in three days. Do you need a ride back?”

I wanted to ride with him, but it would only make me want him more. “No, thanks. I can get someone to take me.”

“How about a kiss goodbye?”

I smiled, thinking of what had happened the last time he’d ask for a goodbye kiss. I laughed and then leaned over, pressing my lips into his. “Goodbye, Ford.”

“Goodbye, Sky.”

Just like that I grabbed my duffle bag and walked up the sidewalk. He watched me until I reached the door to my friend’s place; he honked and pulled away when I waved back.

Then, he was gone.


Offering to take her to the beach was the second worst mistake of my life. I didn’t want to feel emotionally attached to her, but the past twenty four hours had awakened a part of me that had been dormant for too long. Sky made me feel alive and I wanted to get to know her. I wanted to know everything about her.

Seeing her grab her bag and walk out of my life was hard. Even though I had friends waiting, I knew I didn’t want to be anywhere around the people I knew. I needed to book a room somewhere that nobody would find me and drown myself in enough booze that Sky was just a fond memory. I was a fool to think that Ashley could help me get over the best sex I’d ever had. All she really knew how to do well was nag the hell out of me. As much as I used to the love the beach, I began to think I should just turn around and head home.

I’d gotten about a mile down the road when I noticed a strap sticking out from underneath the seat. Sky had left her purse in my truck. I reached down and grabbed it, pulling over to the side of the road. Without regard for ever being caught, I opened it. Inside I saw her wallet with her driver’s license. I pulled it out and looked at her picture. She was wearing more makeup than I’d seen on her. It made her look older and hotter, if that was even possible. After putting her license back, I grabbed her phone. Normally, I wouldn’t have cared about someone’s belongings, but after spending the night with Sky, I couldn’t help myself.

She had a pending text message from Mack, who I knew was her ex.

We need to talk. Where the f**k are you? I’m at the beach. Call me.

She wasn’t going to be happy and I was furious that I’d dropped her off to be with him. Without any regard for oncoming traffic, I made a U-turn and started heading back to where I’d dropped her off.

Nothing could have prepared me for the confrontation that I was about to walk into. After parking and looking for the door where Sky had walked towards, I found myself following the loud voices, one of which was Sky’s.

I prepared myself for the worst as I walked right inside without even knocking.

Chapter 8


It took me a second to open the door and look for my friends. A part of me wished that I would turn around and see Ford coming toward me. When that didn’t occur, I knew I had to go on with my trip as if he’d never happened.

What was waiting for me on the other side of the door was nothing like I could have expected.

Mack was sitting there on the couch talking to some other guy that I didn’t recognize. He had a beer in his hand and barely looked up when I came walking through the door.

Once my bag hit the floor, and we caught each other’s eye, that was a different story. He was up and in my face immediately. “Where have you been? I got here yesterday. I tried to call you to tell you I would come pick you up.”

I wasn’t about to tell him about Ford. “That’s none of your business! I don’t know why you came here, Mack. We’re through!”

He grabbed my arm and I pulled away quickly, reaching for my bag before flying back out the door. When I smacked into the chest of a muscular man, I didn’t have to look up to know who it was.

The two men froze and I threw my hands up between them. “Ford, I’m fine! It isn’t what it looks like.”

“What the hell, Sky? Who the f**k is this?”

Ford never flinched. He smiled and shook his head. “This is your ex?”

I tried to smile to the best of my ability considering the situation at hand. “Yes. I was just leaving.”

“Let’s roll then.”

He grabbed my hand without giving Mack the time of day. I let him lead me, while looking back to make sure Mack wasn’t following us and it was a good thing I did. Mack was coming at Ford full force. “Ford, watch out!”

Ford ducked just in time to miss a blow to the head. I backed up and watched as Ford got right up next to Mack. “You don’t want to do this, man!”

Mack pointed to me. “That’s my girlfriend you’re defending. You need to walk away before I hurt you!”

Ford stood there, with his hands at his sides. “I ain’t goin’ to fight you. If Sky wants to leave, I’m goin’ to take her.”

“The hell you are!” He pushed Ford.

In the time that he cocked his arm back, Ford’s fist went right into Mack’s face. He fell against the railing on the deck and tried to regain composure. Ford was standing there ready. “I ain’t kiddin’ around.”
