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Repair Me

Repair Me (Kin #1)(21)
Author: Jennifer Foor

“You just want me to f**k you again.”

He laughed and approached me. “You have no idea how much. How about I take you in that shower, wash you, and f**k you so hard that neither of us can get out of bed for the rest of the night?”

A fire ignited between my legs hearing what he wanted to do. “You drive a hard bargain.”

“Did you bring a razor?”

I cocked my eyebrow. “Why?”

“I want you to have the smoothest skin possible when I eat your pu**y again.”

I walked backwards, grabbing my duffle bag and pulling out the razor and my toiletries. Ford had the shower running when I stepped into the bathroom. He was already standing inside, waiting for me to join him.

I don’t know why, since we’d already been together so many times already, but I began to tremble. The anticipation of being with him and spending another day together made me giddy. It also made me feel like saying goodbye was going to be even harder.

He grabbed my chin and pulled my face up to look into my eyes. “What’s wrong?”

I shook my head, but kept looking at him. “Nothing. Everything’s great.”

He leaned down and put his wet lips over mine. “You afraid I’m goin’ to knick ya?”

“No! I trust you.”

He pulled away and just looked at me. “You shouldn’t trust people you don’t know, Sky. Not everyone is goin’ to be like me. I don’t want to see you hurt.”

Didn’t he know that he was hurting me? Every single moment, that we spent touching each other, kissing each other, left me more confused. I didn’t want to like him, but I did. I liked him a lot and I couldn’t stop my need to feel our bodies connecting again. “I know that. I’m just in shock, I guess. I’m not used to things not going as planned.”

“Do you want to get washed and just go out somewhere? We don’t have to have sex. We could go on a date if that will make you feel better.”

I wrapped my arms around him and closed my eyes. “No! Stay here with me. Please? You make the pain go away.”

He kissed the top of my head and wrapped his arms around my back. “You’re goin’ to be fine, Sky. It just takes time to heal. It just takes time.”

This was the first real time where I felt like his affection wasn’t sexual. He cared about me, or at least that’s the way it seemed. I felt safe and my failed relationship with Mack was slowly becoming a memory that I wasn’t dwelling on. My mind was full of Ford.

Slowly, I kissed down his hard chest, licking at his ni**les, before getting to his waist. I grabbed a handful of his erection and got comfortable on my knees as I took him into my mouth. He didn’t try to stop me, but instead, leaned back against the tile wall and closed his eyes.

If I couldn’t have this man in my life every day, then I wanted to be the best he’d ever had.


One minute I was dropping her off, watching her walk out of my life the same way she came into it, then she was there, walking into the motel with me. The change of events was a lot better than assuming that I was going to have to hang out with my ex for the next couple days, pretending that I wasn’t thinking of Sky every damn minute.

Her boyfriend was exactly how I expected him to look. He was dressed like a punk and held his shoulders like he was bigger than he was. His pu**y ass was no match for me. If Sky didn’t throw her petite body in between us, I would have jacked him up. When a girl said “no”, she meant it. Guys like him had a problem with that word and the boundaries that came with it. He’s lucky I didn’t tell him how Sky never said that word to me. In fact, she’d begged me for more and I gladly gave it to her.

After I’d checked in and got Sky in the room, I decided to end the slew of phone calls coming in on my cell phone. She needed some time to calm down, considering that she looked like she was ready to have me turn around so she could castrate her ex. I walked back outside and called Ashley and prepared to hear her sob story about how I should get over the past.

It rang one time before she picked up, which only reminded me of how desperate she was to get back together.

“I was wonderin’ when you would call back. Are you coming or not?”

“I had a change of plans.”

“So, you’re not coming?”

“No. I’m kind of tied up with somethin’. You’ll have to party without me.”

“Did you hook up with that girl from the other night? Is that why you’re dissing us? Is she with you now? Who is she?”

“Stop! I’m not gettin’ into this with you.”

“I just want to know. What does she have that I don’t?”

“Do you really want me to answer that, Ash?”

“Yes.” I could hear her starting to cry.

“She doesn’t remind me of what I lost. When I look at her, I only see her and not anything else.”

“That’s not fair.”

“Life isn’t fair. I’m sorry for hurtin’ you. We had some good times, but I can’t go back to the way things used to be. I’m sorry for that. Harley is gone and she ain’t ever comin’ back.”

“You act like I don’t miss her too. I do, every single day. I wish I would have kept her from gettin’ into that car.”

“I wish you would have, but we both know you didn’t do a damn thing to stop her. Ashley, I can’t be with you and not think about that night. I can’t do it. We just need to move on, meet new people and try to be happy, the best way we can.”

“Did you sleep with her, Ford?” She wasn’t going to give up.

“I’m not goin’ to answer that.”

“You don’t have to. I can hear it in your voice. I have to go.”

The phone disconnected and I stood there considering calling her back. She was crying and hurt. Just because I didn’t want to be with her anymore, didn’t mean I had to leave her hurt and jealous. I didn’t want that. After smoking my first cigarette in hours, I decided to not argue about it with her. I had a second chance to be with Sky and she was in the room waiting for me.

After I stood outside for a good ten minutes, I headed back into the room, wasting no time getting my hands on Sky. Just touching her soft skin made me recall every inch of her perfect body. With every inch of skin I touched, a bad memory disappeared, my mind cleared and she was all I could think about.

As bad as I wanted her to be naked, I also felt like I was at a point where I wanted to know more about her. Admittedly, that was harder than I thought it would be. She was clearly running from a douche of an ex and I’d be adding fuel to the fire if I just pushed my way into her life without letting her breathe first. I got that she needed time to heal. The wounds were still fresh and I couldn’t pour gasoline on them without expecting bad results.
