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Repair Me

Repair Me (Kin #1)(23)
Author: Jennifer Foor

We laid there, letting the air conditioning cool us off. I played with his hair as he rested his head on my chest. “I should have bought condoms or pulled out. It just felt so damn good.”

I smiled. “I can’t get pregnant.”

He looked up at me. “Never?”

“I get a shot. It last for six months at a time.” It was funny that we were both thinking about the same thing.

“Well, it wasn’t like I planned on spendin’ another night together. You were pretty adamant about seein’ your friends.”

I looked into his eyes. “I would have stayed with you, if you’d only asked.”

“Really?” He acted like it was a shocker.

“I like you, Ford.” While lying there naked next to him, I felt my cheeks heating up as I confessed.

“Yeah, I like you, too, Sky. I ain’t smiled in a long damn time. I know I played head games with you at first, but once I had you in my bed, naked, I didn’t want you to leave.”

I ran my hand through his hair again. “What happens now?”

He laughed and rolled over beside me. I watched him rub his face with his hands. “I reckon we need to go on a date, since we’ve done everything else ass backwards.”

I leaned up on my elbow. “Are you asking me out?” The idea of dating him was making me giddy. He was so hot and fantastic.

“I am.” He grabbed my hand and kissed it. “I want to lay on that beach next to your fine ass in a bikini. Then I’m going to take you on the boardwalk and I might even hold your hand, like this.” He intertwined our fingers together in the air.

“What are we waiting for?”

Ford was so happy, he leaned over and kissed me, before getting up and pulling on a pair of swimming trunks. I ran into the bathroom and grabbed a quick shower before putting on my bathing suit. Ford met me in the bathroom as I was brushing my teeth again. He shared the sink with me and made a mess as he brushed his, just to be funny.

Fifteen minutes later, we were walking on the beach with a bag of doughnuts and two waters. I couldn’t stop smiling, even though I knew at some point we’d have to say goodbye, even if it was temporary.

We laid on the beach and played in the water for hours, soaking up the rays of the sun and basking in each other’s company. We talked, so much that I felt like I’d known him for years.

Did I mention how beautiful he was without his shirt? His tattoos made him tough, but that smile of his made me melt.

We left the beach and went back to the motel to get cleaned up. I felt excited about spending another night with Ford. We were having a blast together, even when nothing we were doing revolved around sex.

After spending the day on the beach talking, we learned that we had a lot more in common than we ever thought. We’d even been at a couple concerts at the same time. Ford and I not only had the same taste in music, but we also liked the same genre of movies.

He said he wanted to take me someplace nice for dinner, and since I had packed for a couple nights out with my friends, I had a few outfits to choose from. Ford wasn’t prepared when I pulled on the little black dress and asked him to fasten the back. He gave me a once over and I could tell he was wanting to undress me. “Stop doing that!”

He laughed. “What?”

“You know.”

He grabbed me and pulled me into a kiss. “We could always stay here and eat in bed. In fact, we could eat each other.”

I pushed him away. “Take me out, right now, or you don’t get any of this later.”

He backed away, walked over and opened the door for me. “Lead the way!”

I smirked as I walked by, making sure he saw me doing it. “That’s what I thought!”

It was all just playing, but we were having so much fun doing it.

Dinner was fantastic. Ford took us to a place that was on the roof, looking over towards the boardwalk. We watched the sun set, sitting in the sand, after we were done with our meal. Then we took a long walk on the beach, before ending up back on the boardwalk.

That’s where all hell broke loose.

We were walking along, holding hands and minding our own business. I think we were both too focused on each other to notice anything going on around us.

Until I heard someone calling my name.

“Sky, is that you?”

I turned around to see my friend Lacey. Behind her, Mack stood with a couple of his friends. He pushed his way in front of her and stared from me to Ford. “What the f**k is this?” He motioned to our intertwined hands.

Ford didn’t let go. “What does it look like?”

I let go of his hand and got between them. “Don’t do this, Mack.”

He looked confused and pissed off. “Why are you holding this ass**le’s hand?”

I held Ford back again. “Because I want to.”

“I came all this way for you and this is how you repay me? You f**k around with some douche?”

Ford moved me out of the way and pushed Mack to the ground. By the time I turned around, two of Mack’s friends were holding Ford by the shoulders. I rushed over to Mack. “Please don’t do this.”

He pushed me away. “You did this, you whore.”

Just when I thought they were going to jump Ford, I turned to watch him running toward Mack. “She’s not a whore!” He punched him in the face, sending him right back down to the ground. “So back the f**k off!”

Mack surprisingly didn’t get up. He sat there, holding his jaw and looking at me like I’d crushed his soul. Then he shook his head and laughed. “You can have her ass. She ain’t nothing special anyway.”

“You wouldn’t know special if it slapped you in the face,” I screamed.

We heard the whistle of police officers that were approaching us on bikes. Mack and his friends started backing away. “The next time I see your punk ass, it’s so on!”

Ford didn’t seem threatened at all. He spread his arms open. “Any time, any place!”

Mack spit in my direction. “See you later, you slut ass cunt!”

It hurt to hear him say that about me, after all the time I’d devoted to our relationship. Ford grabbed me by the waist and led me away from Mack and his friends. We passed the police, but they must have assumed we weren’t involved. “I’m sorry they ruined our date. You didn’t have to take up for me, you know.”

“Don’t worry about it. You don’t deserve that shit.”

“He didn’t always used to be like that. You probably think I have terrible taste in guys.” Mack had made a fool of himself.
