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Repair Me

Repair Me (Kin #1)(25)
Author: Jennifer Foor

“Exactly.” I ran my hands up to her br**sts and started playing with them. “I didn’t hear you complain one time since I got you into my bed.”

She reached up and ran her hands over my ears. “I tried not to want you. I kept telling myself that it was wrong and I wasn’t the type of person that hooked up with a stranger.”

“But you couldn’t stop yourself?”

She shook her head and rolled over to face me again. Her lips were close to mine and I could feel her breath on my skin. “You should have never kissed me.”

I kissed her ear. “You’re probably right.”

“Ford, would you come visit me at school sometime?”

It was what I wanted to hear, but it meant that she wanted to continue seeing me. Doing that would only hold her back from meeting someone that could give her a real future. Sky was a good girl. I’d taken advantage of that. Still, I couldn’t see giving her false hope. “It’s probably not a good idea. I don’t keep promises very well.”

I knew it hurt her feelings, but we were strangers and nothing else. Sure, I liked her and she liked me, but it wasn’t enough when I thought about everything it took to have a relationship with someone. Even hooking up with her was giving her false hope.

She looked forward, out at the waves. “I get it. I guess I just don’t know how to act. We aren’t a couple, but we’re hanging out like we are. I think you’re great, by the way.”

I ran my finger through hers. “I think your great too, Sky. I’m havin’ a real good time hangin’ out.”

“So that’s it? We just f**k and then say goodbye when we’re done?” She turned and looked at me again with those sad eyes.

I tried to think of the right thing to say, but nothing came to me. “What do you want me to say? I can’t make promises to you or anyone else. I ain’t the kind of guy that you want to be with. I’m too f**ked up. I don’t do feelin’s and I sure as hell don’t do commitments. I can’t be that guy anymore.”

“I thought we could be friends, at least. After what we’ve shared, I just thought you’d want that too.”

“I don’t want anything,” I lied. She immediately withdrew from my arms and sat in front of me, saying nothing. She was pissed and probably regretted sleeping with me. At the end of the day it was what was best for her. I was too f**ked up to give her what she needed.

Chapter 10


I guess I didn’t think he’d be so blunt about not wanting to be my friend. We’d connected like two people should when they were in a relationship. Ford made it clear that we were never going to be anything more than a shared sexual experience. Hearing that made me feel ill. Maybe it was just me feeling guilty for sleeping with a stranger. It definitely didn’t sit well when I thought about people finding out and being disappointed with me. I guess I was just regretting giving myself completely to a guy that didn’t give a damn about even himself.

After a few moments of silence, I stood up and walked around by the water’s edge. It surprised me when Ford walked up and made me look at him. He put his arms around me and held me close. “Don’t be mad, Sky. I never lied to you about my intentions.”

I shrugged. “I know. I just thought that…” I shook my head. “Never mind. I don’t even know why I would think otherwise. You’re right. You never made me any promises.”

He ran his thumb over my lips. “Don’t ruin this. We’re both havin’ fun here. Can’t we just be together and not worry about tomorrow?”

I shrugged again. “I guess.”

“You guess?” Even though I couldn’t see his face clearly, I knew he was giving me a cocked eyebrow.

“Sure. Let’s go back to the room and pretend tomorrow doesn’t exist. I mean, I don’t want to go home and think about Mack and what he did to me. Being with you allows me to not think about it. It feels good to not hurt so much. So, you can take me back to the motel and do whatever you want to me. I won’t ask anything from you again.”

Ford placed his forehead against mine. “I ain’t tryin’ to hurt your feelin’s.”

For someone that wasn’t trying to hurt me, he did a damn good job doing the exact opposite. Being with Ford felt so natural. The way my hands fit into his and how he touched me made me feel like I’d been with him for years. I hated knowing that it was all going to end. “I’m fine.”

His hands cupped my face as he pulled me in for a tender kiss that was loaded with more emotion than he was willing to reveal. When I opened my eyes again, I felt weak in the knees. “You want to head back to the room, or stay here for a while?”

I shrugged. “You can choose.”

He looked back to the boardwalk at the people walking around and mingling. “What if we get a drink and walk around for a bit. It’s still early and we do have all night to get naked.”

After agreeing, we stopped at a local saloon on the boardwalk and had several drinks. I was feeling the alcohol when I stepped off my stool and stood for the first time. The drinks had been strong, not that I cared. I knew Ford would take care of me. We danced to the beat of the music and Ford showed me how good he was at doing two things at once. While his hips swayed to the music, his hands went up under my shirt and traced my bra line. I leaned my back against him, letting him do whatever he wanted to me, even though we were in a crowded place where everyone could see.

He tugged down one of the padded sides of my bra and massaged my nipple under my shirt. I closed my eyes and lifted up my hands, wrapping them back around his neck. He kissed the inside of my sweaty neck and growled in my ear. “We need to get out of here.”

I agreed. Ford paid for our tab and we left promptly.

We’d been walking in the direction of our motel when I heard someone calling Ford’s name. We both turned around at the same time and saw Ashley standing there with a bunch of people.

“Great!” Ford whispered under his breath.

I pulled my hand out of his and he didn’t reach for it as she began to walk toward us. “I thought you weren’t comin’.” Ashley was ignoring the fact that I was standing there next to him.

“I said I had other plans.” He was stern with his words. They felt cold and I wondered if she was going to react to them in a foul way.

“Shayne’s here. I’m sure he’d like to hang out. You haven’t seen each other in a while. He said he needs to talk to you.”
