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Repair Me

Repair Me (Kin #1)(28)
Author: Jennifer Foor

Soon, my saliva wasn’t the only thing making her so wet. Her natural juices let me know she was ready to be filled. I felt her legs reaching up and her feet pushing down my shorts. I sat up and helped her get them off, while pulling her panties the rest of the way off her own legs. When I got to her face she pulled me into her lips. We kissed roughly, with no real pattern, while I grabbed my c**k and placed it against her entrance. I was so eager to be inside of her that I didn’t waste any time teasing her. With little force, I slid inside of her. The warmth overwhelmed me, almost making me move without instructing myself to do so.

I felt her legs wrapping around my back and sat up, pulling her into a sitting position with me. I grabbed her hair on both sides and looked right into her eyes, while she rocked her body back and forth. The friction was undeniably the best feeling a man could ever have, with the exception of the orgasm itself. This was as close to heaven as I had ever been.

Knowing that it couldn’t last forever, I needed her to remember it. I didn’t tell her what I was doing when I pulled out of her and pushed her down on the bed. She leaned up on her elbows as I sunk down to her pu**y and sucked it into my mouth. I let go and repeated the process, sucking on her clit until she cried out and dug her nails into the sheets. Just knowing that I’d given her such pleasure was enough for me to finish without even being inside of her. Since I didn’t want that happening, I moved back up and entered her.

We switched positions, with her on top. I watched her reach up and grab her hair. I was so turned on just watching her br**sts moving around that I wasn’t sure whether to grab them or play with her pu**y. She rocked her body, making the friction incredible for me. I had to grab onto her ass to get her to steady before I lost it too soon again.

Sky spun around and started riding me backwards. It felt amazing, and I got off holding onto her hips as she did it. I was close but managing myself fine until she started playing with my balls. The moment I felt her fingers touching them, I lost it. My hands dug into her sides, causing her to still while I exploded inside of her.

We were still attached as she leaned back against my chest and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around her and held her there. This was how I wanted to remember her and how I wanted her to remember me. In a few short hours I’d be gone and she’d never forgive me.

This was our goodbye.

Chapter 11


The only reason I woke up was because I felt cold. Sure enough, I was lying in bed alone. At first I thought Ford was using the bathroom, except he never came out. I finally got up and looked around outside for him. His truck was there, but there wasn’t anyone in sight. I headed back into the room and saw a note sitting on the table.

I was surprised that I hadn’t seen it before, although I hadn’t been looking.


I’m sorry for leaving without waking you, but you seemed so peaceful sleeping. I lied to you last night when I said nothing was wrong. Someone that I care about is in trouble and I’m obligated to help them, whether I want to or not. I just want you to know that I will never forget the days that we shared. You made me feel alive and I owe you big time for it. As far as getting back to your car goes… I’ve left you my truck. The room is paid up until tomorrow. My dad says your car will be ready when you get back.

Take Care,


He’d left me there all alone without telling me. Had I known he was going to do that I would have made other arrangements. Now, I was obligated to drive his truck back and possibly see him. Words could not describe how let down I felt. This was someone that I trusted. I’d given him parts of myself that no other man had ever touched.

How could he just leave and think that I’d be okay about it?

I tossed his letter into the wastebasket and fell on the bed, letting the tears fall down on my pillow. If this was what sleeping with a stranger got me, than I didn’t ever want to experience it again.

After some time, I finally got myself together enough to gather my things. Along with my belongings, I found Ford’s t-shirt behind the bathroom door. It still smelled like him when I held it up to my nose. As pissed off as I was, I didn’t want to let go of the past couple days.

My heart was numb from the loss of Mack and now Ford. I didn’t know which one of them I was hurting for more. Mack had been a huge part of my life, but he’d never once made me feel the way Ford had on the first night we’d met. Each time we were together, those feelings intensified. I didn’t understand it and now I would never know what could have been.

Our tryst was over and I was alone in a dark motel room, holding the shirt of a man that I may never see again.

After showering and getting dressed, I gathered my things and tossed them into the truck. It was a beautiful day outside and I loved the way the sound of the seashore relaxed me. I thought about calling my friends, but didn’t really want to deal with Mack, so I headed out onto the beach myself. It was a good thing that I was wearing sunglasses. Five minutes after I laid down on the beach-blanket, I started bawling. I hated myself for my decisions and just wanted to disappear.

A little after noon it began to rain. Since I’d checked out of the motel, I knew I didn’t have many choices of sticking around. The truck was bigger than I was used to driving; at least I would be on country roads the whole way.

To say that I was reluctant to see Ford again would have been an understatement. He’d left me at the beach to run after some friend. For all I knew, he’d hooked up with his ex. She was the one who had come to the door and argued with him. It didn’t even matter, really. When he wrote me that note he knew whatever was happening between us was over. I needed to get that through my head and forget about it.

After the long drive I was happy to pull into the auto repair shop and see my car sitting in the parking lot. I hoped that the keys were in the car, but figuring since I hadn’t paid yet, I’d have to go in and face him.

The doors to the shop were locked and the lights were turned out. It was weird since it was still early, but maybe they closed on certain days. Without another choice, I knew I’d have to knock on Ford’s apartment door to get my keys. I climbed the metal stairs and knocked twice. While waiting for him to answer, I felt like I was going to vomit. What was I supposed to say to him? Could I even look him in the eyes?

My heart started beating out of my chest as I heard the doorknob turning.

Ford wasn’t the person standing on the other side. It was Ashley and she was wearing only an oversized t-shirt. “What do you want?”
