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Repair Me

Repair Me (Kin #1)(34)
Author: Jennifer Foor

He leaned in closer to me. “So, you have no way to get in touch with this girl?”

I shook my head.

“All you know is her first name?”

I nodded.

“Do you know where she lives?”

I smiled. “I know what school she goes to.”

“You need to find her, man. That shit you’re feelin’ ain’t ever goin’ to go away until you do.”

“Even if I wanted to, I can’t drag her into this mess. Besides, I’m pretty sure she knows I slept with Ash. She showed up to get her keys and I was in the shower. It’s over. I’m probably the last person in the world she wants to see again. I can’t even blame her.” I was supposed to be making her forget about her ex. Instead, I was making it seem like all guys were complete ass**les.

“It’s probably better that she doesn’t get to know you. It ain’t like you have anything to offer her.”

I tossed a pillow at his face and heard him laughing. “Suck my dick!”

He laughed some more. “I’m pretty sure your dick is out of commission at the moment.”

I took a sip of a fresh beer he’d brought in with my sandwich. “Ain’t that the truth.”

Sky made me feel alive and I had to thank her for that, even if she never wanted to see me again. I’d remember being with her until my dying day, just hoping that I could feel that way again.

Since seeing my parents made me uncomfortable, I headed back to my place. Ashley was cleaning up when I walked in. She had made the bed and I saw the dirty sheets in the corner. I guess she didn’t want anything reminding me of being with someone else. Little did she know that Sky was all I could think about.

For the moment, I didn’t care about my parents or even what Ashley wanted. All I could think about was hurting Sky. I felt terrible. It just didn’t make sense, since I’d promised her nothing. Still, hurting her was something that tore me apart. She needed to know that I never would have done that with a clear head. I wanted her to know that I wanted to stay in that room with her for as long as she would have let me.

I guess it was just the way things were meant to turn out. It wasn’t like I’d given her hope of us ever being anything else. Maybe her catching me was best for our situation, because thinking about telling her goodbye was unbearable. She deserved so much more than I’d ever be able to offer her.

With my mother coming back into the picture, there was no telling how my life was going to go. I sure as hell couldn’t sit back and watch my dad fall apart again. He needed to be looked out for just as much as she did. Seeing him loving her, after all that time, was hard to understand. I’d never felt that way about someone until Sky and I probably never would again. I just wish there was some way for her to know what she’d done to me, what she’d allowed me to feel again.

Chapter 14


It would have been easier to move to another country; Mack didn’t give up easily. After ignoring his calls for nearly two weeks, he showed up at my door. It was a good thing my father was at work, because I’m pretty sure he would have killed him in the driveway. I refused to let him in the house. He would push my buttons until I felt sorry for him and time had taught me that it wasn’t what I wanted anymore.

“Come on, Sky. I’ve given you time. You can’t just avoid my calls and expect me to get over you. I miss you.”

I pointed right at him. “You miss the idea of having me for yourself, but you don’t know anything about being a good boyfriend. We’re supposed to be friends. We need to trust each other. I don’t feel either of those things apply to you anymore.”

He leaned against the post on the porch. “So, I’m just supposed to walk away and act like you meant nothing to me?”

I shrugged. “If that’s what you have to do.”

He pointed to the porch floor. “If I leave this house, I’m not coming back for you. I’m done playing this game where I chase you.”

“If you think threatening me is going to make me reconsider, I wonder if you ever knew me at all.” I let out a laugh, which seemed to piss him off.

“I’m sorry I wasted my time on you, Skylar. You’ll never find someone like me.” He started to walk to his car.

I stepped off the porch. “You’re right about that. I’m sure my next boyfriend will love and respect me, which are two things you suck at.”

He opened his car door, shook his head and muttered, “Fuck this,” as he climbed into the vehicle.

I sat down on the rocker, next to the front door and pulled my knees up to my chest. Despite the emotions I was feeling, I couldn’t help but notice a bit of relief. It was like a weight had been lifted off of me.

Since my mother was due home in the evening, my dad had arranged for us to go out to dinner. I looked forward to spending more time with each of them, considering they were the only things holding me together. No matter how many things I tried to do to occupy my time, my mind always reverted back to Ford. Two weeks had passed since I last saw him, but it still felt like it was yesterday.

I traced my fingers over my lips and thought about the way that he’d kissed me. I could still smell his deodorant and remember how his hair smelled the first night we were together. Even the smell of someone smoking reminded me of Ford.

Seeing my mother was just what I needed. She pulled me into her arms and I didn’t want her to let go. “I missed you so much.”

She pushed me away so that she could get a good look at me. “How’s my girl? Are you feeling any better? Dad says that you are meeting with the local college to see if you can enroll for this semester that’s getting ready to start. It will be nice to have you home with us.”

I smiled, thinking of them being there for me. “Yeah, they said it shouldn’t be a problem. Of course, my credits will transfer and I can take general courses until I figure out if I want to stick with my current major.”

She put her arm around me as we walked. “It seems like you have everything taken care of. I was worried when I had to stay in Japan for an extra week. Thankfully, I’ll be home for the next two without having to travel. We can catch up and go shopping if you’d like.”

‘’Are you kidding? I’d never pass up a chance to go shopping.”

“That’s my girl!”

Dinner was more like a celebration, instead of a pity party. It wasn’t like I was dwelling on the fact that I’d never see Ford again. Sure I thought about it all of the time, but knew it was important for me to move forward with my life. I’d be a fool to dwell on something or someone I had no control of.
