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Repair Me

Repair Me (Kin #1)(49)
Author: Jennifer Foor

I looked at my house, but saw nothing out of the ordinary. We lived right outside of the town of Easton in a place called Royal Oak. My parents had money, but it wasn’t like I bragged about it. Sure, my house was pretty large. It was professionally landscaped and the driveway had just been redone in a circular shape. Our ten-acre lot was small compared to some of my neighbors on either side.

“Just because my parents have done well doesn’t mean I am a snob, or rich. My car used to be my mom’s. They kept it in the garage and gave it to me. It wasn’t bad when they first gave it to me. I’ve neglected it a little.”

“You think?”

I smacked him on his leg. “Would you calm down? You’re going in.”

He grabbed my arm as I was about to climb out. “Seriously, Sky. I can’t meet your parents. Why didn’t you tell me you lived in a house like this?”

“What do you mean? It’s just a house. Ford, please. You’re being ridiculous.”

I walked to his side of the car and literally had to pull him out. He held my hand even as I opened the front door and started to walk in. “It’s just me!”

“We’re in the kitchen, honey!” My Dad was an amazing cook and I was sure Ford would be impressed, if he could calm down enough to communicate.

I pulled him into the kitchen like he was a kid going to the dentist. When he saw my parents standing there looking at him, he froze.

My dad walked over and stuck out his hand. “It’s good to finally meet the infamous Ford. My daughter has told me a lot about you.”

Ford was quiet for a few seconds, and then finally he smiled. “It’s good to meet you as well. I hope she said nice things about me.”

“If they were bad, you wouldn’t be standing here, would ya?” My dad could sense that Ford was nervous, so he was trying to break the ice.

I think Ford took it as a threat. “Yes, Sir.”

My mother walked up. “I can see why Sky couldn’t stop thinking about you. You’re a very handsome boy.”

“Thank you, ma’am. I think your daughter is great. I mean, she’s real fun to be around.” He shook his head. “I enjoy her company very much.”

I couldn’t help myself. I burst into laughter. It got so out of control that I had to grab Ford. “Come with me.”

When we got upstairs I showed him to my room first. As soon as the door was shut, I grabbed him and pushed him onto my bed. “Stop being weird! They like you. It isn’t necessary to try to impress them. If I like you, they like you. My parents are cool. They know we’ve slept together. We are adults, you know?”

He laughed at himself. “Yeah, I don’t know what’s gotten into me.”

I leaned over and kissed him. “Ford, I want them to know you, because I want this to work out. I didn’t expect to meet someone so soon after my last breakup, but there you were. I don’t care what anyone else has to say about it. I want you and that is all that matters to me.”

He grabbed both of my hands and pulled me on the bed, while looking around my room. “So this is where you cried yourself to sleep thinkin’ about never seein’ me again?”

I laughed. “Yeah. It sure is.”

“It’s a nice room.”

“Do you want to see the rest of the house?” I didn’t want to be rude and keep my parents waiting, but I knew Ford needed some time to calm down. He’d gotten himself so worked up over nothing.

“You can show me later. Let’s not give them any reasons to think my intentions aren’t proper.”

I laughed again. “They aren’t.”

“Darlin, they don’t have to know what I do to you when you’re naked in my apartment, do they?”

We kissed one more time before joining them downstairs. To be honest, I don’t even think they noticed we’d been gone. They were caught up in a conversation about one of my mother’s trips.

When Ford finally sat down, he seemed to relax. My dad got them both a beer and they turned on an Oriole’s game and started discussing baseball. When dinner was ready, we all sat at the table and discussed a variety of things. Thankfully, neither my mother nor father discussed any private details of my relationship. However, they did ask him about his family, which made Ford clam right up again. I helped him out by explaining that it was a conversation for a different time and they were fine with that.

After dinner, we retreated to the billiard room, where he and my dad played a few games. My mother kept telling me how attractive Ford was and comparing him to the way my father looked when they first met.

In no time at all, it was late and they both went up to bed. I knew it was getting near the time that Ford would have to leave and it made me sad, so I did what any good girlfriend would do in my situation. “I don’t want you to go. Will you stay here with me?”

“Sky, your parent’s were so nice. I don’t want to piss them off.”

I moved my head to the side and yelled up the stairs. “Can Ford stay the night so he doesn’t have to drive?”

“Sure, honey!” My dad replied.

I grabbed Ford’s hand and started pulling him up the stairs. “Please?”

He tried to fight me, I’ll give him that. In the end, I won. Within minutes, he was sitting on my bed watching me change in my pajamas. “I feel like I’m goin’ to get in trouble,” he whispered.

I climbed into bed and leaned up on my elbow. “Take off your pants and get in here with me. If you’re going to drive an hour to work, we should go to bed soon. It’s almost midnight.”

He shook his head, but did as I told him. Soon he was holding me. “Your bed is comfortable. Maybe I should get one like this.”

“Maybe you should.”

“Sky, I need to tell you somethin’.”

I sat up and looked right at him. “What’s wrong?”

He smiled. “Nothin’. I just want you to know that I’m glad we found each other again. I know it’s early in this thing we got goin’ on, but I care about you. I just want you to know how special you already are to me, that’s all.”

I pressed my lips over his and kissed him slowly. “If I let myself fall for you, do you promise not to hurt me?”

He got a real serious look on his face. “As long as you promise not to hurt me.”

I nodded. “Okay.”

He kissed me one more time. “Goodnight, beautiful.”
