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Repair Me

Repair Me (Kin #1)(53)
Author: Jennifer Foor

I bit down on my lips and watched him kissing my belly button. Then he stuck out his tongue and licked all the way up until he was between my br**sts. While he was kissing his way up my neck, I bit down on my bottom lip. When he reached my mouth, his tongue found mine immediately. I moaned as we kissed and mingled our lips together.

Ford cupped one of my br**sts and pinched the nipple with two fingers. I gasped pulling him closer to me by wrapping my legs around his back. He pulled away and looked into my eyes, holding my face with both hands. “I need you to sit on my face.”

I giggled, but soon realized that he was being completely serious. As hesitant as I was to sit on his face, I ran into the bathroom and turned on the shower. Of course, Ford followed me. I just didn’t feel comfortable doing something like that unless I was fresh and my body smelled like soap.

Since we were both in the shower, Ford washed my hair in between kisses, then I washed his. He ran the bar of soap over my whole body and even washed my most personal areas. I found myself become more turned on by the way the soap felt as it rubbed against the sensitive areas of my skin. As he rinsed me off, he crouched down and separated my lips with his tongue. I reached up and ran my hands into my wet hair. I’d never had a man do the things that Ford wanted to do to me. He not only had taught me so much about myself and my body, but he’d showed me what I’d been missing out on. The exploration of each other’s bodies had left me knowing every inch of him, as he knew every inch of me. I wasn’t sure when it had happened, or if it had always just been there lingering. All I knew was that I was madly and completely in love with him.

He was all I wanted and the thought of ever losing him was too painful to even consider. When I looked at Ford I knew one thing for sure; he may not have said those words, but I was positive he felt that same way about me too.


I carried Sky to the bed, still having the taste of her sweet pu**y on my lips. She was going to sit on my face and give me what I wanted without a fight. I just knew it. Her heart and her trust allowed me to devour her and enjoy every single second of it. I’d memorized the way she tasted months ago, so as I grabbed her and pulled her on top of me, I started to smell her musky scent and went for it. I sucked on her, tasting her juices and hearing her cry out. My tongue stiffened as I f**ked her with it. Sky moved her body up and down, her head falling back as she moaned even more.

I felt her grabbing my c**k from behind her back, but until she started rolling over, I wasn’t sure what her intentions were. I could feel her wet saliva dripping down my shaft before those perfect lips surrounded it. My hands went straight to her ass and I began licking her again, this time with more aggression. She was blowing me and it was making me crazy. I wanted her to cum first and I wasn’t going to let off until it happened.

I could tell she was getting close because her movements slowed. I started shaking my head around while using my tongue. I think my whiskers gave her the extra tickle she needed to lose control, because that is exactly what happened.

Once she was able, Sky put her mouth around my dick again and started moving. Her pace was rapid and I could tell she didn’t want to stop until I finished. The problem with that was the fact that I needed more than just a quick blowjob. With all that could go wrong in my life, I needed to feel her body close to mine, while I was inside of that perfect body. I wanted to be as close to her as physically possible.

I patted on her ass. “Darlin’, I need to kiss you.”

She finally stopped what she was doing and flipped her body around. Our first kiss was enough to send me over the edge, except I was too determined to have one certain thing. The best part was the fact that she’d flipped and was sitting in the right position for me to slide right inside of her. I didn’t even have to ask if she was ready, since she’d took it upon herself to grab ahold of my dick and sit it right where it needed to be.

I filled her warm pu**y with everything I had. Her eyes closed and I could tell that it felt good. She moaned and ran her hands over my chest, even pinching my ni**les while rocking back and forth. She was so determined to get me off that I clearly wasn’t going to be able to hold off much longer. I was going to have to let her know that this was different.

While holding onto her hips, I forced her to stop moving. “Not like this, Sky.” I flipped her around. As she fell down on her back, I rolled on top of her. “I need to look at you and see those pretty eyes looking back at me. I can’t f**k you tonight. It needs to be more.”

Sky reached her arms around my neck and pulled me into a slow kiss. I held my lips against hers as I imagined how hurt she was going to be. I thought about this being the last time we were ever like this and it took a lot to hide my emotions. Instead of looking into her eyes, I buried my face into her neck, so she couldn’t see me falling apart.

I’d never been so close to heaven as I was when I was with this woman and now something was going to take her away from me. What had started as a distraction was now the most important thing in my life. When I looked forward to my future, she was always in it. This pregnancy would end that dream.

I knew that I was going to have to lose Sky, but wasn’t sure about how it was going to happen. The last thing I wanted to do was break her heart. Even if Sky cared for me half as much as I cared for her, it would crush her forever. She’d never trust another man for as long as she lived. I hated myself.

While still trying to participate, I could feel myself losing control. Even my c**k has stopped participating. My emotions were causing me to go limp and Sky was going to start asking questions. I kissed her on the neck and then sucked her ni**les into my mouth. Nothing was happening. I couldn’t get hard and her hand was already grabbing it.

I looked at her to see her reaction. “Well, this has never happened before.”

I just kept looking at her, like it would somehow make her stop asking questions.

“Ford, seriously. What the hell is going on?”

I rolled over on my back and covered my face with my hands, trying to find the words to tell her the truth. No matter how I said it in my head, it was going to have the same result.

I avoided looking at her. “I reckon I need to tell you somethin’ and I know you’re not goin’ to like it.”

When she said nothing and rolled over, I saw her sitting there with tears in her eyes. “Ashley’s pregnant isn’t she?”

Chapter 24


I sat there waiting for him to respond, but he continued just staring at me.
