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Repair Me

Repair Me (Kin #1)(72)
Author: Jennifer Foor

My father had given him a chance and Ford took it and ran with it. In six months he had turned the new division into something so profitable that my dad was on cloud nine. They worked great together and Ford’s leadership skills had not only impressed my father, but made him create a job specifically for him.

As for me, well, I was still tiddling with college. I’d cut my classes back and changed my major. Nothing seemed appealing to me and I was sure I didn’t want to work alongside of my dad or Ford.

Since we’d gotten our apartment when Ford wasn’t making much, he never pressed me to get a job. He made plenty now and banked almost half. He’d even talked about buying a house in a year or two.

As we entered into the fancy restaurant, I saw my father waving us over. My mom sat beside him and she was all smiles.

After we all sat down and admired the slew of people around us, my father stood up and tapped on his glass. “Can I have everyone’s attention please?” He held up his glass. “I’d like to make a toast to the new Vice President of the international division. Mr. Cooper has proven that his leadership skills and keen eye for business could take this company to new heights. Thanks for all of your hard work, Ford.”

Ford stood up and shook my dad’s hand while everyone started applauding. I was so proud of him and could tell he was overwhelmed. When he sat back down, all eyes were still on him. “This ain’t uncomfortable at all,” he said sarcastically.

I patted him on the leg. “Pretend it’s just us.”

He gave me a funny look and got close to my ear. “If I did that, I’d be sitting here with a hard dick, tellin’ you to bend over.”

I tried not to smile, but it was so inappropriate that I couldn’t help myself. Then all eyes were on both of us. I smiled and tried to play off my red face. “When we get home, you are so cut off!” I whispered.

He ran his hand up my thigh. “We’ll see about that, darlin’.”
