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Replace Me

Replace Me (Kin #2)(12)
Author: Jennifer Foor

I slapped him hard across the face and he grabbed my arm again, shoving his lips onto mine. I pulled away, backing up while still facing him. “Don’t you ever do that again!”

“Why?” He laughed. “You’ve been dreamin’ of that for weeks.”

“Screw you and you’re sloppy ass attempt. If you touch me again, I swear you’ll be sorry. You’re the last person I’d ever consider sleeping with.”

He cocked his eyebrow, but remained smiling. “Your loss, not mine. I don’t beg for pu**y, never had to and never will.”

I didn’t get how he was still being such a dick. I refused to say anything more to him. This day was for Sky and Ford. I didn’t have to even look at Joey, not that I wanted to. “Ugh, you’re hopeless!”

His smile, the one that made me want to walk up and jump into his arms, forsaking the fact that I loathed him, flashed at me. “You look real nice today, by the way.”

I noticed him staring at my br**sts. “Seriously? Get a life and leave me alone. If you can get so much pu**y, how come you never have anyone here?”

He leaned against the doorframe and cleared his voice. “I didn’t want you gettin’ jealous.”

“Paleease. You are the last man that would ever make me jealous. Screw whoever you want.”

“I do. They come by durin’ the week, when I know you’re not around. If you want, I can give you some numbers so that you can hear about me from them. I’m sure they’d concede that I’m the best they’ve ever had. In case you’re doubting me.”

I tossed my hands up. “I’m out of here. You’re hopeless.”

Arguing with him, over his skills was the last thing that I wanted to do. I’d rather sit in my best friends kitchen and watch her swooning over her boyfriend. Both were torture, but one worse than the other, in so many ways.

Chapter 7


Two weeks went by before I had a chance to talk to her. Ford and his cousin Joey had moved into the same apartment building. Ford’s mother and his aunt Viv were throwing them a joint house warming party. It was low key, but since I was family, we’d been invited. Okay, maybe I wasn’t invited, per se, but I was going anyway, because I knew she’d be there for her best friend.

The day of the party, I paced around my room, thinking of the best way to tell her what I was planning on doing. No way would have worked to my advantage, so I was forced to just be honest, for once. It was going to hurt, but I had to go through with it. There was a baby out there that was going to need a father in its life. I’d promised Ashley that I would take full responsibility and that was what I was going to do.

Lacey was my only concern, though. It wasn’t about telling my family, or even Ford. She was the one I was worried about having to face again.

Knowing that this was going to hurt more this time around, I prepared myself the best I could. I wore her favorite cologne she’d bought me and a shirt that I hated, but she loved. My efforts would be for nothing, but at least I could go out remembering that I’d tried.

This was all about sacrifice for me.

I’d lied to my family, my girlfriend and myself for too long.

I’d done crazy things without regard for the people that I hurt, including me.

I deserved this fate as much as my brother deserved to be happy.

Ford had made it clear that he wanted nothing to do with me, but I was willing to bet that when he found out my plan, he’d reconsider. The most important thing to Ford was family. He knew it and I had to at least try to make things right with everyone. It was the only way I’d be able to live with myself and my decisions.

I had to ring his phone twice before he answered and it wasn’t a pleasant introduction. “What do you want, Shayne?”

“We need to talk.”

“No we don’t!”

“I can’t let this mistake ruin Parker’s life.”

“What are you tellin’ me for? I don’t give a shit about her or that baby.”

“That baby is our blood, whether you like it or not. That’s why I’m goin’ to take responsibility for it. I’m goin’ to tell the family it’s mine, so Parker can have a chance.”

“You’re insane.”

“I need to know that you’ll keep the secret. I’m comin’ to you first, cuz. I know you’re pissed at me. Hell, I’m pissed at myself, but it’s been weeks and I don’t want to fight anymore. Lacey refuses to talk to me and I have nothin’ else to lose.”

He got quiet and I wondered if he’d hung up on me.

“You sure this is what you want to do? It’s a big commitment. Your life will never be the same.”

“Yeah, I get it.”

“I ain’t ready to forgive you for lyin’ yet. We’re kin, so I got your back. This is your problem, Shayne. Keep me and Sky out of it.”

“You have my word. Is Lacey there?”


“You mind if I come by later to tell the family? I’m going to tell them that I slept with Ash that night. There can’t be any question as to me being the father.”

“Are you f**kin’ kiddin’ me right now? You’re goin’ to be a couple with that lyin’ whore? You’ve lost your damn mind, Shayne. This plan of yours is insane, you know that right?”

“What would you do if you were me? He’s got a chance to do something great. He’s so f**kin’ talented. I can’t sit back knowing that I could do this for him. Ash agreed to keep it a secret as long as the baby was taken care of. I gave her my word. Besides, you don’t have to be a couple to raise a kid. When the time is right, Parker can step up and be a father. For right now, I need to do this, for my brother.”

“Do what you gotta do. Good luck with that. I know one person here that may tie your balls up and burn you alive. Have you considered what this is goin’ to do to Lacey when you announce that you cheated on her and made a kid, then tried to blame it on your brother? She’s going to flip.”

“Make sure Sky knows, Ford. When the shock has died down and I’ve gone, she can pull Lace aside and tell her the truth. I don’t expect her to take me back, but I want her to know the truth.”

“You’re a damn fool. That chick is crazy about your ass. She’s done cried every time she’s been here. You didn’t know what you had there.”

“I know. It’s too late now. I can’t change the past.”
