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Replace Me

Replace Me (Kin #2)(18)
Author: Jennifer Foor

It was that moment where our chemistry was undeniable. I’d spent the night holding hands with this man, who had done nothing but try to get in my pants from the day we’d met. I knew he was attracted to the idea of having sex with me, but this was different. I wanted him to kiss me too. In fact, I needed to feel his lips covering mine. “Friends don’t kiss.”

He drug his lips over mine slowly and pulled away. “Maybe we shouldn’t be friends, then.”

I couldn’t answer him, because his wet lips were pressed against mine. This wasn’t an ordinary first kiss that was awkward and short. This kiss was filled with hot passion. His sultry tongue caressed mine, making me forget about how much I hated him. His fingers traced down one of my arms until he reached my fingers, where he intertwined them together.

I ran my other hand up his chest and felt his warm, smooth skin against my palm. Joey pressed me harder against the refrigerator. I was too afraid to open my eyes, so I kept them shut, as my entire body became overwhelmed with new sensations. When our kiss finally stopped, he kept his lips over mine and opened his eyes, looking right at me. I leaned in to place a small kiss on him, but he backed away and smiled. “Don’t get too carried away, Lace.”

When he pulled away, I couldn’t help but grab his arm and make him stop.

He cocked his eyebrow and gave me another half smile. “I told you that I wouldn’t beg.”

I sighed and watched him making his way back to the pan. Without arguing with him, I walked up and tapped him on the back. No words could have explained things more than me grabbing the waist of his pants and pulling him back into another kiss.

Joey drug his tongue over mine once and then pulled away. He took my hand and kissed it, before dropping it, picking me up and sitting me on the counter. He pushed his body in between my legs and teased the bottom of the t-shirt that I had on with his thumbs. With one swift tug, my shirt came over my head. I crossed my arms over my chest and he pulled them away. “Don’t hide from me. I’m a grown man and you have nothin’ to be ashamed of.”

I wasn’t used to being treated like an adult, or acting modest, but Joey intimidated me. He was so cocky and I completely believed that he was as good as he claimed to be. Maybe that’s what scared me so much about him in the first place.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned in to kiss him, but he pulled away. “Once you cross this line, there ain’t no goin’ back, Lace. When I get you naked and take you to my bed, it’s my rules, so you need to decide if that’s somethin’ you want. I’ve played this cat and mouse game with you, just waitin’ for you to admit that there’s somethin’ between us. I can wait longer, if I need to.” He leaned in, pecked me, and went back to cooking.

I sat there for a second hot and bothered. “You couldn’t have known that when we first met, because I thought you were an ass**le.”

He laughed. “You thought I was sexy.”

“Stop doing that. Don’t put words into my mouth.”

He looked over. “Admit it. You were just as curious as I was. You can hide behind your broken heart, but this never had anything to do with feelin’s. We have sexual chemistry. I could tell from that first night. Like I told you before, though, I won’t beg. When you’re ready to give your body to me, you know where to find me.”

His words gave me chills again. “What does that entail; me giving my body to you?”

He turned off the burner and moved the food to the side, before separating my legs and wedging himself between them. I felt his hands touching the strap to my bra, then it falling loose. He pulled it off and tossed it on the table behind him. “First I get you naked.” His tongue slid down the base of my neck and over my collarbone. “Then I carry you to my bed.”

I ran my hands through his dark hair, while feeling him sucking on one of my ni**les. I had butterflies everywhere and I was burning for him to touch me in all the right places.

While reaching my hand down into the front of his shorts, we heard someone knocking on the door. Joey licked my nipple again. “Just ignore it.”

They kept knocking.

He stood up and kissed me one more time before walking into the living room to open the door. “What do you want now?”

“Don’t act like I’m interupptin’ somethin’. I know this is all some show to piss me off.”

Hearing Shayne’s voice was shocker, but hearing him calling me a liar pissed me off, so much that I stood up, covered myself up with my hands and walked out into the living room topless. “Just a show?”

Chapter 10


I couldn’t believe my eyes. Lacey was standing there, in nothing but a pair of boxer shorts. Joey crossed his arms and had a cocky smile on his face that I wanted to rip off. It felt like someone was kicking me repeatedly in the gut, albeit I couldn’t take my eyes off of Lacey. “I…came to talk to you.”

“We were in the middle of something, obviously.” She wasn’t giving me an inch of respect, not that I could blame her.

“Please. It’s important.”

Joey motioned for me to sit down. “Have a seat, man. I’ll give you two some privacy.” He walked past Lacey and headed into the kitchen. She backed up and followed him, then seconds later came out with a large t-shirt on. She sat down on the other end of the couch, pulled her knees up to her chest and sipped on her coffee. “What do you want, Shayne?”

I covered my face with my hands. “I saw this goin’ differently.”

“Sorry that I ruined it for you.”

“Lace, please. Just hear me out.”

“If you’re going to tell me not to see Joey, I’m afraid that’s not going to happen.” She was adamant about me knowing that they were an item. I hated it so much.

“This is about me. I mean, I don’t like you bein’ with him, but I get that my opinion doesn’t matter to you.” I hesitated before I could begin talking again. It was hard for me to look at her, when inside I was dying because she was sleeping with Joey. “The baby ain’t mine, Lace. I never slept with Ashley and I never will. The reason I took responsibility was for Parker’s sake. He’s got a real chance at goin’ somewhere. I can’t let this keep him from that. I know in time, he’ll be ready to step up, but for now, it’s the least I can do to make amends with myself for what I did to Ford, Sky and even you.”
