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Replace Me

Replace Me (Kin #2)(21)
Author: Jennifer Foor

“I didn’t want to share you, but clearly you thought it was okay to hook up with other people.” I could tell from the way she was being defensive that he’d gotten under her skin.

I reached over and tried to touch her hand, but she pulled away. “Do you have feelin’s for him?”

“I like him.”

“What about me?”

She looked at me as I pulled over and put the car into park. “I still love you.”

Lacey wouldn’t look at me and I could tell she was conflicted. I’d never considered what it was like for the other person in a relationship to have to share affections. I felt like shit. “I can be faithful. I’ll change.”

She turned and finally peered at me, but the look on her face was different. “Have you been with anyone since we broke up?”

I could feel the bile rising to my throat. Why had she asked me that? Was it really important? “Of course not.” The lie lingered on my lips. I knew it was wrong, but telling her the truth would of sent her right back to Joey. Knowing that she still loved me meant I had a chance. I needed a clean slate to make things right. I couldn’t add fuel to the open fire and expect to not get burned.

Lacey smiled, seeming pleased of my faithfulness, even though it was a load of crap. “Did you really miss me?”

I ran my hand through her hair and leaned against the headrest. The sun came in the window, showing off the natural highlights of her blonde hair. “Like a crazy person.”

“Yeah. I know what you mean.”

We stared at each other for a few moments, saying nothing. We were together, maybe not as a couple, but she was still with me and she loved me. It was enough for me to be happy about. Lacey was worth fighting for and I just needed to prove it to her.

We saw three apartments, all about thirty minutes from where I worked. Provided that my dad would have me back, I’d be able to pay for it easily. Of course, if I had a roommate, someone to share my expenses and my bed, it would make things even better.

Lacey was great for the rest of the day, giving me her opinions like she’d be around to help me decorate. I took her out for a late lunch and she even agreed to go with me to get things from my parent’s house. I knew he’d be at work, so it was be easy to gather my things without him getting in my face again.

Peyton was in the kitchen when we entered. She gave me a look and shook her head at me. “Save it, sis. I’ve heard enough from Dad.”

I pulled Lacey in my room and shut the door before I could hear my sister respond. We were alone and in private, where no one could interfere. Taking advantage of the situation, I pulled her into my arms and held her there. She didn’t reciprocate at first, albeit it didn’t take her long to put her arms around my back and lay her head into my chest. “If I could go back, I would.”

She looked up and smiled. “Do you really love me, Shayne.”

I nodded. “I do.”

Our lips met and it felt so good to kiss her. After a few moments, she pulled away. “I’m going to go out and wait with Peyton. You better hurry in case he comes home early.”

I started packing up all my things in duffle bags. Twenty minutes later, I realized that Peyton could blow everything up in my face. I grabbed the rest of my shit and ran out toward the kitchen.

Lacey’s face told me I was too late.


It was good to see Peyton and I wanted to chat with her while Shayne was packing. He was starting to push for more from me and I wasn’t ready for that, especially after being intimate with Joey earlier in the day. Not to mention the fact that my body tingled every time I thought of him touching me. It wasn’t right to be with Shayne when I was thinking of someone else.

Peyton hugged me right away. “I missed you.”

“I missed you, too. How are you?”

She shrugged. “I didn’t think I’d miss Parker, but I do. Dad is being even more ridiculous with this whole baby situation. I can’t believe you’re standin’ here when Shayne got another girl pregnant. What are you doin’ with him?”

“We’re trying to be friends. He’s told me the truth about everything. There’s no more secrets between us. It doesn’t solve things, but it gives us a clean slate.”

“Shew, you’re a brave woman. If my boyfriend slept with two girls at once, I don’t think I could get over that.” She was calm and serious.

My mouth literally dropped open and I saw him walking into the kitchen. He put his head down and started shaking his head. “Take me back to the car, right now!”

Shayne waited until we got into the car to talk to me. He called his sister a few choice words before the kitchen door shut. After realizing she’d stuck her foot in her mouth, she didn’t offer a goodbye to me.

I refused to look at him as he drove us back to my car. All I wanted to do was get away from him. I’d asked him to be honest and he couldn’t do it, again. How was I supposed to move forward or start over when he couldn’t tell the truth. Our relationship depended on trust and I had none.

When he pulled up to my car, he hit the lock button so I couldn’t jump right out. “Lacey, please wait. Hear me out, at least.”

“Screw you!” I slapped him on the arm. “I can’t even look at you, right now. Two girls, Shayne? My god, I thought that cheating was bad enough, but now I get why you had to do it. One woman will never be enough for you, I guess. Save your speeches. We’re done and I’m not playing around anymore. I refuse to forgive you this time. Call one of your whores when you need pu**y. I’d tell you to lose my number, but I’ve already taken care of that problem, when you crushed my heart the first time.”

I climbed out of the car and got into mine as fast as I could. Shayne laid his head on his steering wheel as I pulled away. He had me so worked up that I didn’t even realize I’d driven back to Joey’s, until I pulled in the driveway. I’d cried away all my makeup and looked like Hell, so I figured I go talk to Sky. She always knew how to make me feel better.

Unfortunately, they’d gone out with her parents and weren’t home. I sat in my car crying for the longest time, until a motorcycle pulled in, catching my attention. Joey knocked on my window and I wouldn’t look up. He opened my car door and crouched down in front of me. “I’m not goin’ to ask you what happened, but my doors open if it’s where you want to go.”

He walked away, never forcing me to reply. I didn’t understand why he was so nice to me, but I didn’t want to be alone. Once I wiped my eyes and grabbed my bag of clothes from the backseat, I headed into Joey’s. He was in the kitchen and I could smell garlic. I leaned on the wall in between the rooms. “Do you care if I get a shower?”
