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Replace Me

Replace Me (Kin #2)(63)
Author: Jennifer Foor

“Are you okay?”

“No. I’m not.”

I proceeded to explain everything that had happened and the feelings that I was experiencing. Even after a few snickering comments, it was obvious to Lacey as well. “Shayne, I think you’re falling in love with them.”

Hearing the words were freaking me out. “Yeah right. She’s just a friend. I’ve known her for years. This was a favor for my brother.”

“Are you arguing with me, or yourself?”

“How could I let this happen?”

Lacey laughed at me. “You don’t let it happen, you fool. Love catches you by surprise when you least expect it. You’ve been living together for months. It’s only natural that you would develop feelings for her and the twins. You’re invested in them now.”

“What do I do now? She’s movin’ out. Her mind is made up.” I was fighting my feelings over what was taking place.

“Shayne, I never thought I’d be saying this, but one of us has to find happiness. You go after her. Did you ever consider that she’s leaving because she has feelings for you and feels guilty about it? You took her in and protected her, when nobody else would. She’d be a fool to not want you.”

“I talk to her about other girls. She knows I’ve been seeing someone.”

“Exactly. She thinks she’s in the way.”

“She’s not. She’s never been in the way.”

“I can’t tell you what to do, Shayne, but I think you need to talk to each other, before it’s too late.”

“You’re right. What about you, Lace? How are you doin’?”

She got quiet. “I miss him more and more each day. I thought I’d feel better as time passed, but the void in my heart is still there, reminding me every second of what I’ve given up. What if he was the one? What if he was my one chance at happiness and I pushed him away?”

“That’s not true and you know it. Look at us. We suck at romance.”

“True. At least you have a chance.”

“Ford’s goin’ to kick my ass again, but I think I want to date Ashley. I need to know if I’m being desperate or this is for real.”

“I better get going. I’ve got class in the morning.”

‘Thanks for the advice, Lacey. I’m glad we’re friends.”

“I’m glad too, Shayne.”

We hung up and I knew what had to be done. In the morning, as soon as visiting hours started, I was going back to that hospital and I wasn’t leaving until I knew where I stood.


I’d slept in his shirt every single night, because it made me feel close to him. I missed him so much. My depression had never been so bad and my whole body ached every day.

Sky did her best to comfort me, but I was empty inside.

On a Friday, I drove to her place, planning on spending the night. Like always, Joey’s car and motorcycle was in the driveway. My heart skipped a beat when I glanced at them. After getting out, I noticed a bunch of other cars were parked along the road.

Once inside of Sky and Ford’s place, I noticed that they were getting ready, like they had plans to go out. I’d only packed comfortable clothes and had nothing to wear to go out anywhere, not that I was in the mood.

Sky came out in a skirt and blouse. She was hooking an earring in her ear. “Hey, you need to change.”


“We’re going to a party.”

“I’m not in the mood. I’ll just stay here until you get home.”

Sky pulled me by the arm. “I knew you’d fight me. Come on. You can wear something of mine.”

I pulled away. “Seriously, I didn’t come for this shit. I don’t want to go.”

She put her hands on her hips and gave me a dirty look. “You’re going. Don’t make me kick your ass.”

She practically undressed me and threw something tight over my head, pulling it down to my thighs. The black dress was way too hot for a normal party. “Where the hell are you taking me?”

She smiled. “It doesn’t matter.” She drug me into the bathroom, doing my hair and makeup. I felt like a cross between a princess and a hooker when she was done. “Look at you!”

I smiled and pretended to be excited. The three of us gathered together and headed outside, where I thought we’d be getting into a car. They looked at each other. “Shit, I forgot something. Can you help me for a minute?” Sky asked Ford.

“Can I get the keys? It’s freezing out here.”

I felt something being placed over my shoulders. It was black and leather and I turned to see who was offering me a coat.

My eyes had to be mistaken.

He couldn’t be there, looking back at me, like he was.


He placed his warm hands on my cheeks. “Just so we’re clear, I don’t deal well with breakup letters.”

I was still in shock and my breathing was out of control. “When did you get back?”

“This mornin’.”

“Are you visiting?”

He shook his head and rubbed my cheeks with his thumbs. We stood there, staring into each other’s eyes. “I came all this way to chase this girl. You see, I don’t chase women, but this one slipped away from me. She thought she was doin’ the right thing, I suppose. She didn’t get that I would have done anything to keep her with me. She didn’t understand that my future was nothin’ without her in it.”

“She sounds like an ass**le,” I whispered.

“Well, maybe I wasn’t clear enough about my intentions.”

“Maybe you should tell her now.” I didn’t know why I was referring to myself like he was talking to someone else, but he was going along with it too.

“That’s what I’m standin’ here tryin’ to do.” He leaned in, kissing me softly on the lips. My knees got weak and my arms wrapped around him, like they belonged there. “You hurt me, Lacey.”

“I’m so sorry. I didn’t want to stand in the way of your career.”

“You wouldn’t talk to me. You completely shut me out, like I meant nothin’ to you.”

“It hurt too much. I’ve been miserable without you.”

“You have a terrible way of showin’ it.”

“So what happens now?”

“You see, you didn’t count on me comin’ back so soon did you? You thought I’d move on and pretend this never happened?” He motioned between us.
