Read Books Novel


Rhett (Rhett #1)(16)
Author: J.S. Cooper

“So what do you think, Tomas?” I asked him loudly and he grinned at me.

“Those are fake ol’ titties.” He grinned and I nodded.

“Plastic, baby.” I laughed.

“Saline, actually.” Yvette made a face and did her bra back up. “It’s not that obvious.”

“Girl, you couldn’t even feel my fingers until I was rubbing your nips.” I gave her a wry look. “It’s very obvious.”

“Whatever.” She flicked her head. “No one’s ever complained before.”

“Shit, I wouldn’t complain.” Tomas ran his fingers over her br**sts again. “I’d titty f**k you any day of the week.”

I laughed and then walked out of the bathroom quickly as I realized my phone was vibrating. Finally, Clementine’s date was over. That was long enough. I grabbed the phone and frowned as I realized that it was a text from Lily and not a call from Clementine. Where the f**k was she?

“Dude, you okay?” Tomas came out of the bathroom and frowned at me.

“I’m fine.” I snapped. “Why?”

“You just walked out.” He shrugged.

“You didn’t need me in there to titty f**k her, did you?”

“No.” He grinned. “Let’s get our shots.”

“Yeah.” I nodded. “Then I gotta go.”

“Already?” He looked surprised.

“Yeah, I gotta go somewhere.”

“Oh.” He grinned at me. “Booty call, huh?”

“You know it.” I grinned back at him and checked my phone one more time before putting it back in my pocket.

“You okay to drive?”

“I’m always okay.” I nodded. We walked back to the bar and got our shots and downed them quickly. Both of us walked away from the bar after that, which seemed to disappoint Yvette, but we’d gotten what we needed from her. Her tits looked great under the clothes, but naked they just seemed like balls of cement. “I’m out, okay?” I tapped Tomas on the shoulder as he danced his way over to a cute redhead.

“See you later, bro.” He nodded and I watched as he continued dancing and then started grinding up on the redhead, who seemed very receptive to his movements. I laughed and left the club in a hurry.

“What the f**k, Clementine.” I grabbed my phone and called her as I got into my car. “Where are you?” I muttered under my breath as the phone rang. What was taking so long? Who went on a first date that lasted hours like this? I threw my phone on my car seat as it went to voicemail and drove over to Clementine’s apartment. I noticed immediately that her car was not in her parking spot, so that meant she was definitely not in. I parked my car and waited for her to get home. As the minutes passed, I got angrier and angrier. She was so irresponsible. Who met a guy online and stayed out all night with him?

I suddenly became alert as a Mercedes pulled up. I leaned forward and watched as a guy got out of the car and then ran around to the passenger seat and opened the door. I watched as Clementine got out of the car slowly, holding onto the guy’s arm. My eyes narrowed as I watched them. Clementine’s dress looked even shorter than I remembered and I felt myself growing heated as I stared at her long legs and red pumps. Since when did Clementine wear heels? I frowned as they walked a few yards and stopped. Clementine was grinning from ear to ear and I could see him whispering something in her ear. The dirty dog was trying to get into her pants. I was sure of it. I was about to jump out of the car when I saw the guy lean down and kiss her. I was frozen as I watched them kissing for what seemed like an eternity. Then I saw Clementine pull back and say something. The guy nodded and she leaned up and gave him a kiss on the cheek. I felt myself exhale as I realized that the guy was leaving. At least she had some common sense. I watched as the guy got back into his car and pulled out of the parking lot. Clementine stood there waving as he left and then walked to her apartment door. I sat back feeling absolutely furious. What did she think she was doing kissing a guy on the first date? Was she crazy? I finally jumped out of my car and ran to her apartment door and banged.

“Did you forget something?” She asked sweetly as she opened the door, and then I watched her huge smile turning into a frown. “Rhett? What are you doing here?”

“Do you know what time it is?” I asked as I pushed my way inside the apartment.

“No, why?” She looked confused.

“It’s midnight.” I walked straight to her bedroom. “You met him at what, seven?”

“Huh?” She followed me to her room. “What are you talking about?”

“You were supposed to call me when you got back from your date. I was worried about you.” I sat on her bed and frowned at her. “You went and met some stranger and you’ve been out all night. I had no idea what happened to you.”

“Nothing happened to me, Rhett.” She shook her head and I watched as she pulled her hair up and put it in a ponytail.

“You didn’t call me.” I stared as she removed her long dangly earrings.

“I just got in.” She turned away from me and slipped off her heels.

“Since when do you wear heels?”

“Since I started going on dates.” She sighed and looked back at me. “What is this? Twenty questions?”

“I was just curious.” I looked away as she stared me in the eyes, her brown eyes flashing in annoyance.

“What are you even doing here?” She frowned and walked towards me. “Have you been spying on me?”

“As if.” I rolled my eyes. “I was out with Tomas and just popped by to see if you were okay, because you didn’t call.”

“I’m fine.” She glared at me and leaned forward. “Have you been drinking?” Her eyes narrowed and she sniffed near my mouth.

“I had a couple.” I shrugged.

“And you drove?” She looked angry.

“I’m fine.”

“You’re staying over.” She sighed and shook her head. “I’m not letting you drive home drunk.”

“I’m not drunk.”

“You’re not driving home.” She bit her lower lip. “You can sleep on the couch.”

“What?” I looked at her in shock. “What are you talking about?”

“I don’t think it’s appropriate for us to sleep in the same bed anymore.” She paused and licked her lips nervously. “I don’t think Elliott would like that.”
