Read Books Novel


Rhett (Rhett #1)(35)
Author: J.S. Cooper

Beep beep. My phone went off as I received a text. "When we were young we thought the world was at our feet. Now we are old, we know that nothing’s meant to be." I read Clementine’s text and frowned before calling her.

"Hello?" She sighed as she answered the phone.

"Why did you change the lyrics?"

"Things change all the time." Her voice sounded sad. "I thought the lyrics needed to be updated."

"What’s that supposed to mean?" I sat up in my bed and frowned. "What are you doing? You sound sad."

"I’m fine." She sighed again.

"Clementine O’Hara, what’s wrong?" I growled.

"Nothing is wrong."

"Clemmie." I purred her name and waited for her to answer me. "I know your moods, what’s wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong." She paused. "Elliott and I broke up."

"What do you mean you broke up?" My voice was annoyed, though my heart was jumping. "I thought he wasn’t your boyfriend."

"He wasn’t." She snapped. "However, we were seeing each other and he doesn’t want to see me anymore."

"Why not?" I asked softly, not wanting her to hear how elated I felt.

"No special reason." She mumbled.

"Can I come over?" I asked softly. "We should talk in person."

"Do you want to see Linda?" She answered smartly and I groaned.

“Not really, but I can risk it.”

“Let’s just chat on the phone.” She sighed.

"Can we talk in person?" I jumped out of bed and grabbed a sweater and pulled it on. “Please.”

"I’m in bed."

"So was I."

"You can’t come over and I’m not driving to your place."

"I’ll come and pick you up."

"Why?" She sounded annoyed.

"Don’t be mad at me, Clem. We need to talk in person."

"You’re like a girl, Rhett. We have nothing to talk about." The phone went silent after she spoke and I stood there rigidly. She had hung up on me. I knew that I was pushing it and if it was anyone other than Clementine I wouldn’t even care. But she was my best friend. She was the only constant in my life. I cared about her more than anyone in my life. I wasn’t sure what my life would be like if it wasn’t for her. As corny as it sounded, she made me a better person. I knew that I still had a heart because of her. If she wasn’t in my love I’d be completely cynical.

I called her again and as soon as I heard her answer the phone, I started singing. "When you feel like crying, just think of me." I sang softly. "When you feel like lying, just dream of me. When the whole world feels like it’s crashing, remember me. Call me when you need me. Need me when you can’t be, alone." I could hear her breathing softly into the phone as I sang the friendship song she had created for me for my 17th birthday. I’d pretended to be embarrassed as she’d sung it to me. She’d been so earnest and adorable and I’d been so macho and untouchable. I had rolled my eyes and pretended that I thought it was sappy and totally girly, but it had meant the world to me. I’d thought of the song many times, even in my darkest hours, and it always comforted me.

"You can’t sing." She said softly and I smiled. She was coming around.

"I’m going to come and pick you up and we’ll come back here."

"We’re too old for sleepovers, Rhett."

"We’re never too old, Wendy." I joked and she laughed gently. “And anyway, its day time, so it’s not a sleepover.”

"You’re always going to be my Peter Pan, aren’t you?" Her voice was soft and slightly jaded.

"As long as you’ll have me." I whispered back, my heart feeling empty. Clementine had always compared me to a lost boy and I understood why. It was because I’d felt abandoned by my parents and I knew the emotional part of me had never really grown up. I’d never gotten over my childhood traumas. Even with Clementine’s family in my life. Even with everything else that I had, I’d never understood why my parents hadn’t cared.

"I’m always here for you, Rhett." She sighed. "That’s the problem."

"What does that mean?" I paused, my heart stilling. Her voice sounded resigned and a part of me felt like everything was changing around me and I had no control to stop it.

"Nothing," she sighed. "Just come and pick me up."

"I…" I started and paused. I wanted to tell her that she meant the world to me. I wanted to tell her that I didn’t want anything to change between us. I wanted to tell her that I wish we could go back to high school. I wish we could go back to the days where all she cared about was studying and talking to me. Those were the days when everything was perfect. Or almost perfect. I had football. I had my truck. I had the cheerleading and dance team dying to date me and I had Clementine to call and hang out with when I needed to just chill. I knew it was selfish of me to want everything to remain the same, but that was what had made me happiest.

"I’ll be waiting Rhett." She said softly and then hung up. I grabbed the keys to my mustang and headed over to Clemmie’s apartment.


"You didn’t have to wait outside." I frowned as Clementine jumped into the car as soon as I pulled over. "I would have come to the door." I looked over at her tired face as she got into the car.

"I didn’t want Linda to know you were here." She shrugged and did her seatbelt up without looking at me. The air felt awkward between us and it wondered if I’d ruined everything by kissing her again.

"She’ll get over me." I muttered as I pulled away from the curb.

"It’s not so easy for everyone to get over someone they have a crush on." She muttered under her breath and I laughed.

"There is no reason for her to have a crush on me.” I sighed. “I’ve never given her any reason.” Unlike Penelope, I thought to myself and frowned.

"You’re mean." She sighed and then giggled slightly.

"Are you mad at me?"

"What do you think?" She snapped and finally looked at me.

"Are you mad at me for kissing you or are you upset because you and Elliott broke up?"

"I don’t understand what’s going on." She spoke softly and I felt myself tensing up. "I don’t get why you kissed me. I don’t know why you were upset about Elliott."

"I wasn’t upset." I protested too loudly.

"Penelope thinks you were jealous." She continued and sighed.

"Jealous of what?" I turned onto my street. I could feel myself growing angry and worried. What else had Penelope said? "I wish Penelope would just shut up and keep her thoughts to herself."
