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Ripper's Torment

Collapsing in a heap, Ripper accepted everything he gave.

“No, you’re not going to kill him. I love him.”

Finding the strength, Ripper got to his knees. His jacket was in the bedroom, but he would give everything.

“I love her,” Ripper said, moving around her so he was in front of Devil.

Another blow landed to his face, shoving him to the floor.

“Stop it,” Judi said, screaming. “Stop hurting him.”

She was picked up out of the way by Pussy. Something kicked in Ripper’s mind, and he got to his feet, grabbing Devil’s gun from his pocket. “You put her the f**k down now.” He turned back to Devil. “I love her. She means everything to me, and I will give up the club to be with her. For her, I will leave, never to return. I will take every beating and come back for more, but I will not give her up.”

“You’re f**king bluffing,” Devil said.

Handing Devil back the gun, Ripper reached out for Judi, tugging her into his arms. “I’ve asked her to marry me.”

Judi lifted her hand up showing everyone the ring. “I said yes. I love him. I don’t want anyone but him. Please, stop.” She was openly sobbing. “I was the one who told him not to say anything. I love him and will do everything to be with him. If you don’t want me around anymore I’ll leave with him and be happy doing so.”

“Prez,” Curse said, gaining his attention. “He covered up one of her kills. I believe him when he says he’s in love with her. He’s not touched any of the sweet-butts and will not go near any of the women.”

The tension could be cut with a knife. Ripper owed Curse far more than he ever thought.

“You’re going to marry her?” Devil asked.


“If she didn’t demand silence, you would have told me what was going on?”

Ripper nodded, feeling the ache in his ribs. Devil must have cracked some, they hurt that much. “I’m not ashamed to be with her at all. She’s my world.”

They were silent for several minutes. “Then you get married today,” Devil said, after much silence.

“What?” Judi asked. “We can’t get married today.”

“You’re getting married today, and that’s the end of it.”

Ripper nodded. “I’ll marry her today.” He leaned down, kissing her neck.

“You marry today, and everything can be finalized at a later date with the paperwork.” Devil took the lead, walking down the stairs. The men, except for Curse, followed behind him. When they were gone, Ripper slumped against the wall, gasping at the pain.

“I’m so sorry,” Judi said, cupping his face.

“What do you have to be sorry about?” he asked, holding onto her side.

“If I’d listened to you this wouldn’t have happened. Shit, I’m so f**king sorry,” Judi said. “Please forgive me.”

“Nothing to forgive, babe. Devil was going to kick whoever decided to date you, Judi. I’m just pleased I’m still f**king standing.” He coughed, groaning at the sudden jolt of pain.

“You’re barely f**king standing at the moment,” Curse said, handing him a jacket.

Coughing, he took the jacket and slowly slipped it on.

“I’ll give the doctor a call to bind those ribs up,” Curse said, moving away.

“Thanks, man, for having my back.”

“I wouldn’t have helped you if I didn’t know you were telling the truth.” Curse left.

Judi looked ready to burst into tears again. “You don’t have to marry me if you don’t want to.”

Taking hold of her hand, he dropped a kiss to the ring he’d given her.

“My only regret is you’re not going to get the white wedding you deserve. I’d marry you in a f**king field so long as I got to stay by your side.” He kept hold of her hand and used the wall to keep him on his feet.

Downstairs, Devil had a minister waiting. The guy looked petrified, but Ripper was not going to back away. He wasn’t lying, and he’d prove it. He loved Judi and would give his life to be with her.

She held onto his shoulder, not letting go as they made their way downstairs together. Judi’s hands kept him steady. Together, they walked down toward the rest of the club. Standing in front of the minister, Ripper spoke the words, and then Judi did, binding their lives together.

Once it was all over, he kissed her lips, and the room cheered and threw their hands up in celebration.

When the minister was gone, Devil walked up to him with Lexie beside him.

“I had every intention of killing you, Ripper,” he said. “You make her sad or think of looking at another woman and you will find yourself six feet under.”

“I’ve got everything I want right here,” Ripper said, tugging Judi to his side.

“She’s still living in my house until college is finished. You can look for a place to live, but you’re staying in the spare bedroom and I will lock you in it. I don’t want any f**king in my house.”

Lexie slapped Devil on the arm. “Leave them alone. This was their makeup wedding. I can’t believe you made them do this today. You can see they’re in love.”

Ripper let Judi go for Lexie to hug her. Staring into Devil’s eyes, he saw the nod outside. Kissing Judi’s temple he made his way outside, trying to ignore the pain with every step he took.

In the outside surrounded by privacy, Ripper waited for the blow that was likely to come. When Devil turned to face him, he was shocked there was no gun pointed at him. “You protected Judi?”

“Yes. She was out one night, and one of her old clients tried to pick her up. She shot him.”

“Where did you bury the body?”

Ripper gave him the location.

“I’m calling Jerry. He was looking for the man you described, and he can handle it from here.” For several minutes Devil took care of business leaving Ripper to wait.

He was married, or close to being married.

Smiling, he looked up at the shining sun. He was married and in love.

“You love her, don’t you?”

“She’s my world.”

Devil nodded. “I see her as a daughter, and if this was not what I think it is, then you’d be dead. I’ll give Judi everything. I don’t care if we don’t have the same blood, but I know you’ll take care of her and love her.”

“I will. I’ll take care of looking for a house. I don’t want her living in the clubhouse.”
