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Ripper's Torment

Moving away from the door, she went to the bathroom and started her nighttime routine. It was only seven, but she needed to wash the day’s sweat and grime from her body. Even sitting in the library had caused her to sweat in the heat. There was no air conditioning inside the small building. Standing underneath the shower she let the hot water scald her body.

Thoughts of Ripper’s large capable hands holding her invaded her mind. Pressing her palms to the tiles she bit her lip trying to contain the whimper of need threatening to escape.

You don’t deserve love or lust.

You’re a whore and a killer.

Turning the heat to cold she gasped at the sudden lashing of ice attacking her skin. When she couldn’t take the chill she turned the water off, climbing out. She wrapped a towel around her body and then around her hair. The mirror was steamed, and when she wiped her hand across to view she gasped as the man from last night stared back at her. Closing her eyes, heart pounding, she forced herself to look back in the mirror to find herself staring right back at her.

“He’s gone, and he’s not coming back.”

Entering her bedroom she heard her cell phone beep. Frowning, she went to see who it was.

Ripper: What you doing?

What the hell was going on with him? They’d gotten along well for the last couple of years, but he never checked up on her.

Judi: I’m home if that’s what you’re worried about.

Throwing the cell to the bed she quickly dried her hair before running a brush through the length. She loved taking the time to get rid of every knot. When she first moved in with Devil, she would spend hours brushing her hair. Lexie would take over when her arms ached. The cell phone buzzed again. Dropping the brush to the bed she picked up the small device.

Ripper: Want to go somewhere?

Judi: Don’t you have a club whore to f**k?

Ripper: No! Want to go for a ride?

Glancing at the door, Judi wondered what the hell he was doing. Ripper was her friend, yet he kept a good distance from her.

Ripper: Well?

Devil and Lexie never checked on her anymore. There was one time Devil had walked in while she was getting dressed. She’d screamed at him, and he’d turned bright red and left. Since then, neither of them entered the room.

Judi: Pick me up in ten.

Ripper: Rebel!

She smiled, going to her wardrobe and putting on a pair of jeans followed by a shirt. Tying her hair up in a ponytail she went toward her window. Slowly she climbed down from her bedroom using the brackets for Lexie’s hanging baskets for support. Lexie was standing in the kitchen, and she heard Devil talking.

“I don’t want anything to happen to you,” Devil said, wrapping his arms around her waist.

“I’m sure there’ll be plenty of pu**y to replace me.”

Judi watched as Devil caught hold of Lexie’s chin, turning her to face him. “I don’t give a f**k about any other pu**y but yours. Promise me if this starts to feel like more you’ll tell me.”

The raw emotion on his face cut Judi deeply. This was the kind of love people wrote about, but they tamed it to make it readable. Devil would die for Lexie and vice versa. Walking away, she left the couple to their moment. Ripper was waiting for her down the road with his main light turned off.

“Come on, Princess. Let’s go and have some fun.” He handed her a helmet waiting for her to climb on the back of his bike.

“What’s gotten into you?” she asked.

“I don’t know. I needed a ride and wanted your company.”

She held onto his waist as he gunned the machine. Pressing her head against his back she felt the power between her thighs as his bike rode the road. Ripper was an expert, and each turn had her tightening her grip.

“I’m not going to put you at risk. Stop panicking.” He shouted to be heard over the wind and noise.

Closing her eyes, Judi basked in the freedom. Rob had taken away her freedom trapping her in cars, hotel rooms or even her apartment with men she didn’t want near her. She had been with them all, fat, thin, businessmen, thugs, even guys she used to go to school with. Judi shivered forcing her eyes tightly closed to rid the memories from her thoughts. She was no longer the town whore, along with all Rob’s other women.

Devil had taken her away from the pain and the stench of sex. Would she ever know what it felt like to be made love to?

The time passed with Ripper working the roads until he pulled up outside a late night diner. They entered taking a seat at the back.

“What are we doing here?” she asked, sitting opposite him.

“I’m hungry and thirsty. Order what you want. Food is on me.”

She glanced down the menu as the waitress took his order of three hamburgers and fries with all the trimmings including slaw. Judi took a milkshake and a burger.

“Wow, how do you not weigh over a ton?” she asked.

“I work the shit off every day.”

“Yeah, I heard f**king was a good weight loss program.” Judi rolled her eyes, chuckling.

Ripper wasn’t chuckling. He looked annoyed. “I don’t f**k everything that walks.”

“I didn’t say you did. I don’t mind you being a man-whore and all that.” She smiled at him, trying to lighten the mood. “Someone has to keep the sweet-butts company.”

“Curse is more than enough company for them.”

“I’m only joking, Ripper. Out of all of the men the sweet-butts talk about you the least.”

He seemed satisfied with her answer. The waitress bought them their food and drinks.

Ripper finished a burger in three bites. Judi stared open mouthed at how much he packed away. He didn’t look like a pig at all.

“Does riding do that to you?” she asked.

“How are you handling what happened last night?” He counteracted her question with one of his own.

“Erm, I’m dealing with it, I think.”

He stared at her, clearly seeing through her lie.

“I got out of the shower, and I thought I saw him.” She stopped to rub at her neck. Her throat felt swollen shut.

“You’ll feel that way a long time.”

“Did you?”

Chapter Four

Ripper stared at Judi wondering how much he should share with her. His life hadn’t always been sunshine and roses. He learned the hard way no one cared about him. Born to a whore, he’d done everything to earn a living. Killing someone had struck him hard the first time, but now, it was second nature. No one messed with him or the brothers of his club. The one salvation in his life was Chaos Bleeds. He owed them everything.
