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Rise of the Evening Star

Awesome! Seth exclaimed.

Can he communicate? Kendra asked.158 Only crudely for now, Coulter explained. His comprehensionis quite good-it had to be, for him to take orders.

And his physical coordination is as precise as ever. But he is only just beginning to experiment with expressing himself and acting on his own. Slowly but surely he has been improving. In time, he should be able to interact with us like a normal person.

So right now he’s like a big baby, Kendra said in wonder.

In many ways, yes, Coulter agreed. One of the jobs I

want the two of you to undertake is to engage in an hour of playtime with Hugo every day. He will not be under any order to heed your commands. I will simply leave him with the mandate to enjoy himself. Then you two are free to talk to him, play catch with him, teach him tricks, whatever you like. I want to see if we can get him functioning more on his own.

Chapter Eight

If he gets too smart, will he stop taking orders? Seth asked.

I doubt it, Coulter said. Obedience to his masters is woven too deeply into his being. It is part of the magic that holds him together. He could, however, develop into a much more useful servant, capable of making decisions and sharing information. And he could start enjoying a higher state of existence.

I like this assignment, Kendra said. When can we start?

How about now? Coulter offered. I don’t think we have enough time for a real foray into the woods today. You159 need to be here after lunch so you can go into town withyour grandmother. I have no idea what you might be doing there. Imitating Seth, Coulter pantomimed like he was locking his lips and throwing away the key. Hugo, I want you to play with Kendra and Seth. Feel free to do whatever you want.

Coulter strode away toward the house, leaving Kendra and Seth with the massive golem. For a moment the three stood in silence. What should we do? Seth asked.

Hugo, Kendra said. Why don’t you show us your favorite flower in the garden?

Favorite flower? Seth complained. Are you trying to bore him to death?

Hugo raised a finger and then waved for them to follow.

He stomped off across the lawn in the direction of the swimming pool. Picking favorites gives him a chance to practice making choices, Kendra explained as they ran to keep up with Hugo.

Fine, then how about favorite weapon or monster or something cool?

Hugo stopped beside a hedge with a flowerbed at the base. He pointed at a large blue and white flower with a trumpet-shaped blossom and vivid, translucent petals. It was delicate and exquisite.

Good pick, Hugo, I like that one, Kendra complimented.

Great, Seth said. You’re very sensitive and artistic.

Now, how about we have some fun? Want to go jump in the

Pool? I bet you could make the best cannonballs!160 Hugo crossed and uncrossed his hands, indicating thathe did not like the idea.

He’s made of dirt, Kendra said. Use your brain.

And rock and clay… I thought it would just make him sort of muddy.

And clog up the filter. You should have Hugo throw you in the pool.

The golem turned his head toward Seth, who shrugged.

Sure, that would be fun.

Hugo nodded, grabbed Seth, and, with a motion like a hook shot, flung him skyward. Kendra gasped. They were still thirty or forty feet away from the edge of the pool. She had pictured the golem carrying Seth much closer before tossing him. Her brother sailed nearly as high as the roof of the house before plummeting down and landing in the center of the deep end with an impressive splash.

Kendra ran to the side of the pool. By the time she arrived, Seth was boosting himself out of the water, hair and clothes dripping. That was the freakiest, awesomest moment of my life! Seth declared. But next time, let me take off my shoes.160 161The Sphinx

Kendra stared out the window at a huge, derelict factory as the SUV idled at a stoplight. Rotting boards crisscrossed the lower windows. The yawning upper windows were nearly devoid of glass. Wrappers, broken bottles, crushed soda cans, and weather-worn newspapers littered the sidewalk. Cryptic graffiti decorated the walls. Most of the spray-painted words looked sloppy, but a few had been expertly rendered with gleaming metallic letters.

Can I take off my seat belt yet? Seth complained, squirming.

One more block, Grandma said.

The Sphinx isn’t staying in a very nice part of town,

Kendra said.162 He has to keep a low profile, Grandma said. Oftenthat translates to less than ideal accommodations.

The light turned green, and they drove through the intersection. Kendra, Seth, and Grandma had been on the road quite a while in order to reach the coastal city of

Bridgeport. Grandma took a much more leisurely approach to driving than Vanessa, but despite the gentle pace and pleasant scenery, the prospect of meeting the Sphinx had kept Kendra on edge for the entire ride.

Here we are, Grandma announced, activating the left blinker and turning into the parking lot of King of the Road

Auto Repair. The run-down auto shop looked abandoned.

There were no cars in the small lot, and all the shop windows were obscured by dust and grime. Grandma avoided a lone, rusty hubcap lying on the asphalt.

What a dump! Seth said. You sure this is the place?

The SUV was just coming to a stop when one of the three doors to the garage slid upwards. A tall Asian man in a black suit waved them inside. He was lean, with wide shoulders and a humorless face. Grandma pulled into the garage, and the man yanked the door down behind them.

Grandma opened her door. You must be Mr. Lich, she said. The man lowered his chin briefly, a motion halfway between a nod and a bow. Mr. Lich gestured for them to exit the vehicle.

Come along, Grandma said, descending from the

SUV. Kendra and Seth got out as well. Mr. Lich was walking away. They hurried to follow him. He led them out a door into an alley where a black sedan was waiting. Bland163 features neutral, Mr. Lich opened the back door. Grandma,Kendra, and Seth ducked inside. Mr. Lich got up front and started the car.

Do you speak English? Seth asked.

Mr. Lich fixed him with a steady stare in the rearview mirror, put the car in drive, and started down the alley.

None of them made further efforts at conversation. They followed a disorienting series of alleys and side streets before finally reaching a main road. After a U-turn, they were back on side streets, until Mr. Lich brought the sedan to a stop in a dirty alley beside a row of dented garbage cans.

He got out and opened the door for them. The alley smelled like taco sauce and rancid oil. Mr. Lich escorted them to a grimy door that read Employees Only. He opened it and followed them inside. They passed through a kitchen into a dimly lit bar. Blinds covered the windows. There were not many patrons. Two guys with long hair were playing pool. A fat man with a beard sat at the bar next to a skinny blonde with a pockmarked face and frizzy curls. Wispy strands of cigarette smoke twisted in the air.
