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Risking Fate

Risking Fate (Mitchell Family #4)(12)
Author: Jennifer Foor

“I was just telling Mom that Ty and I are expectin’ twin boys and we are naming them Jacob and Jackson, Jake and Jax for short.”

My mother’s eyes lit up when she heard me say the word Jacob. She knew I had loved that name. I watched her smile and shake her head the same time. “I should have known that Tyler would give you what you wanted, he always seems to do a good job at that.” Ty being my husband may have rubbed my mother the wrong way at first, for more reasons than just one. We had married and carried on a relationship in secret. When I went to stay at his family’s place for my own safety, I ended up living with Ty right away. My whole family had done so much to try to prevent a relationship between us, but it happened anyway. As much as they wanted to hate the idea, he had proven time and time again that he would do anything for me and Bella, even go as far as making sure everyone knew he was her only father. How could they not come to approve of us? In my mother’s eyes, Ty had become the perfect man.

“I was shocked too at first. I guess I shouldn’t have doubted him. He always comes through for me.”

“That boy adores you girls. It makes me smile just thinking about his love for you,” my aunt added.

Van came up behind me and hugged me. “Did you tell them the good news?”

“Of course I did.”

“Isn’t it great? I can’t wait to see how cute they are going to be. Colt was joking last night how he was going to buy them rival football team outfits and dress them up in them for a picture. He said he would get his favorite and Ty’s favorite. I think it would be a hoot.”

“Actually, I think that is a great idea. Ty would love that. You know he is all for a good joke.” I threw her a wink and thought about him being covered in flour. I should have taken pictures of it. When he had her pinned in the kitchen, I was pretty certain I was about to pee my pants from laughing so hard.

For the next couple hours we hung out with the ladies. It was good to see some old familiar faces from church, and some were not as friendly, when they saw my baby bump. It wasn’t like I cared. My babies were made out of love by me and my husband. They were planned and highly anticipated. There wasn’t one person in the world that could take that away from me.

Before we left the church, to head home and assess the damage that the guys had made while watching the kids, I pulled my mother to the side. “Last night on the way here we stopped for something to eat. I ran into Tucker’s mother.”

She cut me off. “Oh my God, Miranda. You are waiting until right now to tell me something like that?”

“Mom, I was in the bathroom and Bella went running out to her father. I didn’t know she was there until I reached them. She was already bent over trying to ask Bella questions. Ty just thought she was a creepy old lady. He had no idea.”

She pulled me in for another hug. “I am so sorry that happened. Are you okay? Did she say anything to Bella? Is Ty okay?”

I gave her a quick smile as she pulled away and looked into my eyes. She was very concerned. I could see it across her face. “We ran out of there and went somewhere else. Bella didn’t understand, but she was fine once we got to the next place. Ty was just worried about me. He said the lady never gave Bella any information. She just kept askin’ her questions.”

“I am so glad he got you girls away from her. You have no idea how mad we all were when those charges were dropped against that woman. She needs to rot in jail for what she did, but instead is out walking around like she has never done a thing wrong. For the first time, I am so glad you live so far away, Sweetie. I need my grandbabies to be safe. Just knowing you are married to Tyler makes me feel better about it. That boy would move heaven and earth for you and Bella.”

This time my smile went from ear to ear. “I know he would.”

“Are you okay? Is seeing Mrs. Chase still bothering you?”

“I’m tryin’ to be okay, but after seein’ her, I’m just still a little freaked out. I can’t explain it. Ty says it is my hormones playin’ tricks on my mind, but I can’t shake the feelin’.”

“It could be the hormones, Miranda. I hate to see you worried about something.” She pushed the hair away from my face. “We won’t let that woman ever hurt you.”

“I know. I just don’t want her causin’ problems between Ty and Bella. He is her only daddy. It would kill him to disappoint her like that. Am I wrong for makin’ everything point to Ty being her real daddy?”

My mother shook her head and folded her arms across her chest. She cocked an eyebrow and looked directly at me. “Ty may have been many things in the past. A tyrant, a player, a prankster. None of that means a lick when he is being a father to Bella. That boy is completely changed and you girls are the reason. It takes a real man to stand up and be a father to a child. I don’t think you’re wrong at all. I think you’re lucky. This entire family wants nothing more than for Isabella to grow up with one father.”

“She is blood to him, Mom. He wouldn’t have it any other way.”

She put her hands on my shoulders. “Then just stop worrying. She doesn’t even know your last name, Miranda. You need to calm down. That woman is dirt poor. She wouldn’t even have the means to go after you and Ty. Please try to enjoy your visit. I miss you guys so much.”

“I miss you too, Mom.”

While walking back out to the car, I opened my phone and saw I had a few messages from Ty.

Hour 1- still alive-Ty

Hour 2- taped up the kids to the couch and have them watching Lady Gaga marathon –love u-Ty

Hour 3- R u okay? Text me back before I am too drunk to understand you.-Ty

I rolled my eyes and thought about what to say.

I hope Lady Gaga is teaching them about proper attire and how to be respectable little children. If you are drinking, I will cut off your balls.- <3 M

I don’t think ten seconds had passed before my phone chimed with a message.

Cut away cause my super sperm already made two boys at once-Ty

We decided to go out for dinner. See you tonight. – <3 M

I put the phone back in my pocket and ignored the immediate phone calls coming in. Savanna gave me a curious look while she continued to drive. “Is everything okay?”

“Yeah, I told him we weren’t coming home until way later. He is pretty much freakin’ out.”

We both started laughing.

I never doubted Colt or Ty’s ability to babysit. They were both excellent fathers, who, enjoyed spending time with their kids. Colt and Noah were very close and he even took him out on the ranch to work with him when he didn’t have school.
