Read Books Novel

Risking Fate

Risking Fate (Mitchell Family #4)(13)
Author: Jennifer Foor

Ever since Noah and Bella’s fiasco with the horses, we had to keep a better eye on them when they were together. We were pretty sure they had learned their lesson, but we could never be too careful.

We pulled up at the house and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. There were no children running around and nothing was on fire. I never expected to walk into what we saw as we opened the door to the house. On one couch was Colt, sound asleep with Christian on his chest. He was snoring lightly and never even stirred as we shut the door. On the loveseat were Noah and Bella. They were side by side and sleeping as well. Ty was sitting in the recliner smiling up a storm.

We tiptoed into the house and went right into the kitchen. I felt arms around me even before I sat my purse down. “Thought you were going to dinner?”

“Thought you Duct taped the kids.”

He leaned down and gave me a kiss and then laughed as he pulled away. “You should have been more worried they were going to Duct tape us. You know how they are when they start scheming.”

“Yeah, just like their fathers.” Ty slapped me on the ass for that one.

Van was getting something out of the fridge and laughed at the two of us. Ty leaned down and spoke quietly in my ear. “I missed you.”

I kissed him on the cheek. “We were only gone for a little while.”

He shrugged and sat down at the table. “I know.” He turned his attention toward Van. “What are you making me?”

“I’m not making you shit!” She teased.

“Well, can you at least get me something to drink?”

She turned around and put her hands on her hips. “Tyler Mitchell, you are not disabled or a guest. Anyone that can walk into my front door without knocking is not considered a guest. Get your ass up and get it yourself.”

He stuck his bottom lip out. “Pleeeaaasssee?”

His begging was pathetic.

She reached in the refrigerator and tossed him a bottle of breast milk. “This is all I have to offer.”

We both knew there were other things to drink, but I laughed at her gesture.

“I heard this tastes good.” He said confidently.

“If you drink that I swear to God I will throw up.” Savanna put her hands back on her hips and looked intently at Ty.

He looked from me then back to her. “Dare me to drink this?”

“Miranda and I have known you too long to dare you to anything. Give me the container!” Savanna reached for the bottle of breast milk and Ty moved it out of the way.

“I’m doing it!”

“Wait! You can’t drink my breast milk, Ty. It’s just….well it’s just weird. Tell him Miranda.”

I shook my head, but couldn’t stop laughing. Van looked like she was going to throw up. I knew that I should have been offended, but for some reason it was more funny than anything. She had such a weak stomach as it was, so this was definitely going to make her hurl. Colt came walking into the kitchen and without even asking, he pretty much knew what was going on.

“Dude, you dare me to drink this breast milk?” Ty held it up for Colt to look at.

Where I thought Colt would get upset, he got a grin on his face and started laughing. “I will give you twenty bucks if you can drink that whole four ounces.”

“Colt! What the hell?” Savanna was astonished.

Ty looked to me. “Baby, I need your permission. Want to make twenty dollars?”

I was pretty sure I was already peeing myself, even before I nodded and watched the little plastic bottle touching his mouth. As it hit his lips it started to come back up. He sat it on the table and closed his eyes. “Oh God, it’s so gross.”

“You ain’t gettin’ twenty bucks unless you finish it,” Colt added.

“Dude, this shit is disgusting.” He stuck out his tongue and scrunched up his face. “Oh, man, I’m gonna puke.”

Savanna ran over to the kitchen sink and started heaving. Colt and I continued laughing. Tears were running down my eyes.

“I think I just peed myself,” I confessed.

“I ain’t drinking that shit anymore. Van needs to eat more candy or something. That is the worst tasting milk I’ve ever had.”

She turned around and shot him a dirty look. “Did you think it would taste good?”

“I thought it was supposed to be sweet.” Ty got up and grabbed a bottle of water. After drinking half the bottle, he started to relax again. “That was the most bitter, nasty shit ever. How can a baby like that?”

“Sometimes it’s sweet.” I stood up knowing that I had to go change my darn pants from laughing and leaking.

“You tasted it before?” Ty asked.

“Well, yeah, when I was breastfeedin’. Don’t act all shocked. I wanted to know what it tasted like. It was my body.”

Of course, Ty being Ty, had to ask more questions. “Did you suck on your own nipple or taste it on your finger?”

“TMI!” Savanna said from across the kitchen.

Ty leaned over and whispered in my ear, “Tell me later.”

If I didn’t know Ty so well, I would have assumed he was insane, but that question was meant to get a rouse out of Van. He loved making her uncomfortable. After our prank this morning, I was sure this was just the beginning. Ty liked to have the upper hand and right now, Van was way ahead of him.

“I need to run out and change my clothes.”

“If you keep peeing yourself, I am going to make you wear diapers.” Ty laughed as he held his hand out for me. “I will be happy to ride you over there. Then maybe you can ride me back.” He winked as we walked out of the kitchen.

“Be back in a bit,” Ty said as we walked out of the house.

Poor Savanna. Ty loved teasing her and if she would pretend it didn’t bother her, he would stop, but she kept making a big deal over it. He loved the attention. “Are you ever goin’ to stop gettin’ on her last nerve?”

“Are you mad at me?” He asked.

“For what? You haven’t done anything wrong to me. You just torment the hell out of her.”

“Cause she is so easy to piss off. You know it’s funny. Besides, she knows I love her and I’m kidding. I would never do something to hurt her or anyone else in our family. It’s all in fun, Baby.” He squeezed my hand and pulled over off the lane.

“Why are you stoppin’?”

“Because I wanted to have a couple moments with you alone.” He kissed my head. “Because I missed you earlier.” He kissed my cheek slowly. “Because I love you so much that being without you for even a little while, makes me feel sad.” He kissed my lips “Because I really don’t need a reason.”
