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Risking Fate

Risking Fate (Mitchell Family #4)(17)
Author: Jennifer Foor

Conner sat up and stretched. He was still yawning when he began to speak. “Floured?”

“Aunt Van sprayed flour all over Daddy. He was all white.” She was rocking back and forth with her hips as she told him the story. It was the cutest thing.

Ty walked over and grabbed her up in his arms. “Time for you to get a bath.” She was kicking and giggling as he carried her back to the bathroom.

Conner sat there waiting for me to explain, so as the giggles continued in the other room, I explained Van’s best prank yet. Conner and Ty were becoming closer, but he thoroughly enjoyed hearing Ty got it this time.

Once we got Bella to bed and Conner went back in his room, Ty joined me in our bedroom. I loved seeing him in only a pair of boxer shorts. His Mitchell tattoo was sexy, but not as hot as Izzy on his heart. He didn’t even tell me he was getting it. He said he had a surprise for me, but wouldn’t tell me what it was. One night he pulled off his shirt and there it was. Of course, Ty was all smiles over it. He loved our little girl to the moon and back.

“What are you thinking about?”

I sat up and leaned on my elbow. “Just how sexy you are and how much I love you.”

He crawled into bed next to me. “I know I’m not perfect, and I probably don’t deserve this life with you. Sometimes I feel like the luckiest man in the world.”

He reached up and turned on the ceiling fan before pulling my body into his. I loved how the cool air made me want to get even closer to him. “You’re perfect for me.”

“When the boys come I want to take turns getting up with them. I know you are going to breast feed, but it would mean a lot to me. Do you think you could pump like Van does for Colt?” He rolled me over on my back and placed his hand across my belly right before he leaned his head over the other part. “I love feeling them in there, knowing they are ours.”

They were starting to really move more and every time Ty talked against my belly, they seemed to respond to his voice. “I think they already know you are their daddy.”

He laughed and kissed my belly. “Baby, I can’t wait to hold them. I can’t wait for Izzy to hold them. I keep picturing it in my mind. The closer it gets the more I lose focus on everything else and daydream about them.”

I had to laugh. “Last week I was cuttin’ Mrs. Emerson’s hair and I started thinkin’ about the kids, imaginin’ them runnin’ around the farm. The next thing I knew, I was done cuttin’ her whole head. I don’t even remember doin’ it.”

He leaned his chin on my stomach and looked up at me. I ran my hand through his hair. “That would have been hilarious if you f**ked up that old woman’s hair.”

“For you maybe. I felt sick over it.”

“Remember when I let you cut my hair for the first time?”

I would never forget that night.

I was still learning and needed a guinea pig. Ty’s mother let me dye her hair, which I did a good job. His father let me give him a good buzz cut, but Ty was scared shitless. His hair was still longer and I wasn’t sure if he was more afraid of his new look or me jacking up his head. He kept making me stop and running to the mirror.

We both started laughing. “I did a good job. You loved it, besides, I think it made you look even hotter.”

“I am pretty f**king hot.” His perfect white teeth were displayed as he gave me the biggest smile. I loved his brown eyes and his long dark eyelashes. His sarcasm was easy for me to appreciate since I’d known him my whole life. It was harder for other people to get his sense of humor.

“You’re alright,” I teased.

“Whatever! I can make your panties wet by just looking your way.” His hand slowly started to slide the t-shirt I was wearing up over my br**sts. His face came up to one of them and he drug his lips lightly over a nipple, but never kissed it. I bit my lip and refused to agree with his comment.

“You aren’t that good.” Think about something not Ty related. Think about dirty socks and peeing your pants…

His bottom lip circled my nipple again. When he spoke, I could feel his hot breath against it. “I know you’re lying. In fact, I know exactly what to do to make you beg.”

I rolled my eyes and focused on those dirty socks. My face curled up and I shook my head. “In your dreams, Mr. Mitchell.”

He used his chin to make my nipple even harder. “Mmm, I love how hard they get. I bet you want it in my mouth.”

“I bet you’re wrong.”Oh God, you are so right…

“I bet you want me right now. In fact, I can tell you are trying so hard to fight it.”

I closed my eyes for a second and looked down at him. “I have a headache. I think I need some water.” Without any warning, I scooted myself out of bed and walked out of the bedroom. I was so hot and bothered that I stopped once I got into the kitchen to catch my breath. I grabbed a bottle of water and took my time walking back into the room.

Sure enough, Ty was laying there with his arms behind his back. “I call bullshit!”

I stood at the foot of the bed and put my hands on my hips. “This ain’t a game of cards.”

“It’s definitely a game. Are you going to climb up here and straddle me or do I have to come and get you?” He never moved his position. I wanted to smack him, but I knew he would like it, and so would I.

“You’re the one beggin’. I am fine just goin’ to sleep right now.” I am such a liar. I wanted to pounce right on him, belly and all.

His disposition never changed. “Goodnight, Baby.” Before I climbed into bed he had closed his eyes.

On one hand, I wanted him so badly that I wanted to scream, but on the other, I knew he would hold it against me and feel like he had won. Ty liked to be in control and so did I. To protect my own ego, I pulled the covers over my body and tried my best to fall asleep.

A good ten minutes went by in a very quiet house. I was sure that Ty had fallen asleep, so I rolled over and nestled myself close to him. As soon as my hands touched his warm chest, I felt him grabbing my hand. He guided it down and sat it right on top of his hard penis.

I giggled and heard him let out a little cackle. “You suck!”

He pulled my hand up to his mouth and kissed my wedding ring. “No I don’t, but you do it better than anyone on the planet, Baby.”

I smacked him on the chest. “Sometimes you really piss me off.”

“That’s only because our makeup sex is the best.” He pulled me close to his body and positioned my hand over his chest. “But the sex isn’t at all why I love you so much. Your trust and friendship is the most important. Get some sleep, Baby. We can make love tomorrow and every other day for the rest of our lives. I know you’re tired and have to work in the morning.”
