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Risking Fate

Risking Fate (Mitchell Family #4)(29)
Author: Jennifer Foor

“Of course. You ready to head back to work?” His phone caught us both off guard when it started ringing. Conner had a specific ring on Ty’s phone so he knew to always answer and this wasn’t any ring I recognized. “Who is it?”

Ty ignored me and started to get up and walk away as he answered it. As quick as he walked away, he started heading back in my direction. I just sat there waiting for him to explain why he had to walk away. “Sorry bout that, Baby.”

“Who was that?” I’d never been so up in his shit before and I didn’t even care if he didn’t like it.

“It was just work. There was a bunch of noise and I couldn’t hear good.” I could tell from the way he wouldn’t look at me that he was lying.

He leaned over to kiss me and I reached in his pocket and grabbed the phone. Before he could argue, I looked at the last number. It was a cell number, but no name was by it.

“Miranda, what the f**k is your problem?” He pulled the phone out of my hand.

My Ty didn’t keep secrets from me. He left his phone out and didn’t care who was calling him when he was with me. “You just lied to me.” It was almost a whisper as it came out of my mouth. I grabbed the car keys and started walking toward the car.

“Baby, wait! Please.” He jumped in front of the car door preventing me from getting in. “It’s not what you’re thinking. I swear to God it isn’t.”

“Then why can’t you tell me?”

He jingled change in his pockets. “Because it has to do with Izzy and because what I’m doing is illegal, I didn’t want you involved. The person called with the appointment. Conner and I go in next Thursday for the test.”

I tried to push him out of the way, but he stood still and grabbed my arms. “Baby, I swear it was about Izzy. I am telling you the truth.”

I did believe him, but I hated that he felt like he had to keep it from me. I wanted to be involved. She was my daughter too. “I’ll pick up Bella and get your meatballs before I come to pick you up.”

“You’re going to make me walk back to work?”

“It’s two blocks Ty.”

He grabbed my waist and pulled it into him. “Please don’t be like this. I can’t stand it.”

“You promised no secrets. I’m not your girlfriend, I’m your wife, Ty. I’m almost six months pregnant and I can’t take this stress right now. I’m scared too. Don’t you get that? This just isn’t tearin’ you up inside, I’m feelin’ it too. I can’t stand that you’re shuttin’ me out.” Of course I got myself all upset and started to cry into his chest. “You lied and said it was your work and then you expect me to believe you. You can’t lie to me Ty.”

“I’m just trying to protect you, I swear.”

I looked up at him. My eyes burned from the tears. “Don’t! Don’t you dare protect me from somethin’ that directly involves me.”

He scrunched up his face like he was in pain and kissed my forehead. “Alright.” He climbed into the passenger side and I drove him back to his shop. When he leaned over to kiss me goodbye, I didn’t react to his lips. He hurt me. For two and a half years we had no secrets. Even if it only involved Bella, he had no reason to hide it from me. I wanted to wring his neck.

I went home and ate a whole quart of ice cream and then spent the afternoon throwing it up. When it was time to get Bella and Ty, I felt awful. Bella came running out with a book bag full of artwork and papers. She climbed in the car and immediately began talking. “We need to get meatballs.”

“How about a ‘hi Mom’ first.”

“Sorry, but Daddy says we need meatballs.”

“They are in the bag next to you. I went right before I got here.” I looked in the rear view mirror to spy on my daughter making sure I bought her father’s favorite kind. She got a smile on her face as she closed the bag.

Ty was leaning against the building as we pulled up. He smiled at Bella before climbing into his seat. “Hey ladies. Are you ready for a fancy dinner?”

“YES!” Bella couldn’t contain herself.

Ty reached over the seat and grabbed my leg. “Are we okay?”

I gave him a quick smile and started on our venture home. I wanted more than anything for us to be okay, but I was honestly still a little pissed at him. I didn’t understand why he would lie to me. I was a big girl. I could handle it.

Ty and Bella talked about her day at school, while I drove home in silence. He knew I was still angry at him and I appreciated that he didn’t push my buttons with our daughter in the car.

When I put the car in park and got out to go inside, he ran around to my side and stopped me. Bella had the bag of meatballs in her hand and turned around to wait for us. “Go ahead inside Iz, I need to talk to Mommy real quick.”

She did as she was told and went right into the house. Ty put one hand on either side of me and pinned me against the car. He stared directly into my eyes. “Don’t do this, Baby.”

I wasn’t going to give him his way. “Do what, Ty? Give a shit about your feelin’s? Be mad at you for lyin’ to me?”

“You know this whole thing has me all messed up. Everything I’m doing is for our family. I said I was sorry, Miranda. I can’t have you mad at me. I can’t stand it. I got nothing done all afternoon because all I could think about was you.” I could see the pain in his eyes. He never looked away from me.

“You hurt me today. It broke my heart knowing you lied to me.”

His body came closer and soon I felt him completely pressed against me. “I love you.” As fast as he said it he pulled away and walked into the house. I waited a couple minutes just to be a bitch about it. Maybe I was overreacting, but I didn’t want him lying to me to become a habit. He needed to know he was wrong.

Bella was standing on a chair filling a pot with water, while her father was opening the bag of meatballs and pouring them and a jar of sauce into another pot. He put the lid on it and turned on the other burner to boil the water for the noodles. “I’m going to grab a five minute shower while all of this is cooking. Can you throw in the noodles if it starts to boil before I’m out?”

I nodded as he ran by and headed toward our bedroom. Bella was setting the table with paper plates and plastic forks. When she and Daddy did the cooking, they also did the dishes. Buying them paper plates just made it easier on all of us.
