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Risking Fate

Risking Fate (Mitchell Family #4)(3)
Author: Jennifer Foor

Once she finally went home that day, and I got Ty to stay out of it, I sat down and talked to my brother. Of course, he made me feel like the bad guy, claiming he had no other friends. The truth was that he and Ty were friends, he just hated that Ty would rather stay home with Bella and I, instead of going out to party at bars. I guess Conner and Ty used to be on the same page as far as their lives were concerned. After he and I hooked up, it changed him, completely. Conner couldn’t handle the change, not when he knew how Ty had wandering eyes when he was with Van. I think he held that against him. He loved Ty; he just couldn’t understand him any longer.

I’d invited several of my co-workers over to the house to hang out, even when she was there. After meeting a few of them, he started hanging out with them and some of their friends. Most of them all knew Ty, being that we lived in a small town, so we could keep tabs on Conner, even if he did go out.

For a while, I felt like his babysitter; always making sure he ate right, worked enough hours and went to bed at a decent hour. There were many times where he called me a nag, among other things, causing a verbal confrontation between him and Ty as a result.

I was now reaching my fifth month of pregnancy and was already starting to wonder how much longer I could continue to work on my feet. I will never forget going into that doctor’s office and finding out that our little peanut was actually two peanuts.

We walked into that cold room and I got all changed out of my clothes. Ty was wearing his mechanic uniform, since our appointment was during our lunch break. He stood at my side as the doctor came in and got the monitor on to do the first sonogram. He had been itching to see a picture of the baby for the past five months, but we didn’t have the best insurance and it only allowed for two throughout the pregnancy.

With my husband being unable to keep a secret, we were also finding out the sex. He had names picked out, but refused to tell them to me until he knew what it was going to be. I had made the mistake of telling him that he could pick out the names this time around, since he obviously didn’t have a say with Bella.

With the anticipation in the room being so intense I was ready to puke, I watched the monitor as the doctor rubbed the wand over my already growing belly. In a matter of seconds we heard a gasp followed by an “Oh my”.

I looked to Ty, who seemed as worried as me. “What is it? Is something wrong with the baby?”

My doctor shook her head. “No, nothing is wrong with the babies.”

For a moment time stood still. Ty’s hold on my hand became loose and he looked down at me, and then turned toward the doctor. “Wait a minute…did you just say…I’m sorry, but did you just say babies…like plural?” Ty’s rambling made me look straight at the doctor.

She smiled and nodded her head, while she got the position on the monitor and pointed to two separate little peanuts. “You’re having twins. Congratulations.”

I put my hand up to my mouth and started crying and laughing at the same time. When I felt no reaction from Ty, I squeezed his hand to grab his attention. He had been still staring at the screen. “Babe, are you okay?”

“She said twins.” He spoke like the doctor wasn’t in the room anymore.

“Mr. Mitchell do you need to sit down?” She asked him.

He shook his head, while wetness formed in his eyes, before bending down to kiss me. As he pulled away, he had a huge grin on his face. “We’re having twins.”

I let out a cackle. “I heard.” We looked back at the screen and watched as she looked at both of the little babies growing inside of me.

“This one here is a boy.” The doctor pointed to the screen. I heard an air filled laugh come out of Ty as we both awaited the second result. “And it looks like this one is also a boy.”

Ty just stood there staring at the screen. “Twin boys. Holy shit, Miranda, we’re having twin boys.” He leaned down and planted his lips on mine. “I told you I had super sperm, Baby.”

Aside from the super sperm comment, Ty did the best he could to contain himself. He made it out to the parking lot before notifying the entire family of our unexpected addition. Of course, I was pretty sure if he could have alerted the media, we would have been on the evening news when we arrived home that night.

We were still so excited from our news that I had forgotten to ask him about the name until I was climbing out of the car to head back into the salon. I leaned down and reached my body into the driver’s side for my kiss goodbye. “I love you.”

Ty kissed me twice before he spoke. “Can you believe this shit? We’re having f**king twins.”

“If they both weigh ten pounds I am going to kill you.”

He started laughing. “If your ass gets fat, I will still want to hit it, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

I smacked him on the shoulder. “Ty can you be serious? I was talking about the size of them coming out of me.”

“Once the first one comes out the other one will just slide behind him.” He seemed confident that he knew everything about childbirth. We shouldn’t have let him in the room when Christian was born. Now he thought he knew as much as the doctors.

“Now that we know what we’re having, do I get to name one of the boys?” I hadn’t even considered being able to name this one and refused to get my hopes up about names. Ty knew I had wanted Bella to be named Jacob, but he insisted it was his turn.

He startled me when he climbed out of the car and grabbed my hand. “What are you doing?”

He pulled us into the salon and got my bosses attention. “Amy, I need you to clear my wife’s schedule for the day. Is it possible?”

Amy was the best boss ever. She had given me a chance when I thought I would never have one. It was my job that helped me stay with Ty so long ago. She had done so much for me and our friendship had grown because of my appreciation for her.

Amy worked her ass off for her family, while her deadbeat husband refused to hold a job. He preferred getting drunk and lying around in his tighty whities all day. Amy would work ten hours a day, sometimes even more, to avoid going home to him. She had even taken on his daughter from a previous marriage. She was sixteen and loved playing with Bella. The thing was, her husband Rick was overbearing. There were a few times where Ty and I had even suspected that she was being abused. I had confronted her on several occasions, and each of them resulted in her giving me the silent treatment for days on end. I cared about her and her safety. I knew firsthand what it was like to be abused by a man.
