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Risking Fate

Risking Fate (Mitchell Family #4)(33)
Author: Jennifer Foor

“Honey, I can explain.”

Miranda grabbed Iz out of my lap and started walking toward the door. “Save it!”

I brushed past Heather as I chased down my wife. “You’re a f**king bitch Heather.”

Before Miranda could get out the door, Heather put her two cents in. “It was only a matter of time before he called me. He always calls me.”

I froze.

Miranda went flying out the door, while I chased after her. She was getting Iz into the car and shut the door. Conner was across the parking lot heading in our direction. “Baby, please let me explain.”

“Explain? Explain how you lied to me? How you call her? Was that who called last week during lunch? Save the bullshit Ty. I should have believed everyone when they said you could never change. How could you do this to our family? Why couldn’t I be enough for you?”

“You’re wrong. I swear to you that nothing happened….I” Before I could say anything else, I was being shoved into the side of the car. “Tell me why I just heard what I heard.”

I knew he was referring to Miranda accusing me of cheating. “It’s not what it looks like. I swear on my children, Conner. I never touched that bitch. I’d never cheat on Miranda.”

“How did she know then Ty? How would she have known about the test?” Tears poured out of Miranda’s eyes and she covered her face to hide her sadness from me. I reached for her, but got stopped by Conner’s forceful arms.

“Because her brother is the one doing the test. I had to track down her first to get his help. I swear Miranda. I didn’t tell you because I was afraid you wouldn’t trust me. I never touched her. I hate her. I just didn’t want to tell you on account of you getting yourself all stressed out. I planned on telling you as soon as I had the test in my hands.”

I turned to Conner. “Man, I swear to you. I have never even considered being with anyone else. Your sister is my entire reason for happiness. I’d never cheat on her.”

Conner looked me directly in the eye and I didn’t look away from him. Miranda cried harder and finally climbed into the backseat. “You can fix this yourself, Ty. You of all people know how jealous Miranda can be. Do this shit at home. We’re causin’ a scene.”

I didn’t give a damn who saw me. My pregnant wife was hurting and it was all my fault. I knew I should have just told her the truth.

God Damn it!

Conner and I sat in the front seat, while Miranda’s sniffles filled the backseat. We got about five minutes from the house before Izzy started asking questions. “Daddy, why is Mommy crying?”

“Because Daddy hurt her feelings.”

“Why did you do that?” She asked.

“Because sometimes people do things without thinking them through, Honey. I didn’t want Mommy to be sad.” It was the truth, this was killing me.

“I don’t want Mommy to be sad. Say you’re sorry, Daddy.”

“I did, Honey. Mommy just needs some time to calm down. Everything will be okay, I promise.” That was a lie. I didn’t know. I hoped that something this trivial could be worked out, but Miranda was pissed and I was afraid of what she was going to do.

Conner parked the car and took Izzy inside. He nodded at me, giving me a warning to work shit out. I opened the door and leaned on it, hoping Miranda would step out. She stayed in the car, avoiding eye contact with me. I knelt down on the ground next to the car and tried to grab her hand. She pulled away quickly. “Don’t touch me.”

“Nothing happened.”

She looked at me with such hate. “Why? Did she finally tell you she didn’t want you? Did you finally get rejected, Ty?”

I shook my head and grinded my teeth. “No! She didn’t f**king reject me. I never wanted her. I went to her house to track down her brother. I explained what I needed and after she got in touch with him, I left. I can’t f**king stand her, Miranda. How can you look at me and think so quickly that I would cheat on you?”

“You’ve done it before. With her!”

“Not with you. I’ve never even looked at another woman since we’ve been together. I don’t need to.”

She put her hand up in front of my face. “Save your bullshit excuses. You lied right to my face. I asked you and you lied.”

“You asked if I cheated and I told you the truth. I never f**king cheated on you, Baby. I swear.” Once again I tried to grab her hand. She pulled away.

“If you had nothin’ to hide, then you wouldn’t have had to keep it from me.”

“I kept it from you because I knew you wouldn’t have let me go through with it. Do you honestly think if I had another choice, I wouldn’t have taken it. You know how much our daughter means to me. I had to do this, even if I did it behind your back. Saving her was my first priority. If you hate me for that, then I’m sorry. I love you more than I have ever loved another woman. I’m not interested in anyone else, ever! I would fight for you every single day and give my life to make sure you and our children were taken care of. I know this hurt you, but how do you think I feel sitting here seeing you doubt me? It f**king hurts Miranda.”

“You f**ked up, Ty, not me.” She got up and started walking away from me.

I chased after her. “You’re right. I f**ked up. I don’t regret it though, because it may have saved our daughter.”

“Our daughter Ty, not your daughter. The decision should have been both of ours.”

I threw my hands up in the air. “Tell me what to do? How do I make this better?”

She opened the door to the house and put her head down. “Leave me alone, for starters. I’m not ready to talk to you and I’m not sure what to even say.”

“Baby, please. I’m sorry.”

She slammed the door, leaving me standing there. I knew walking into the house would have just pissed her off, so I headed toward the barn. When I couldn’t find Harvey, or his alcohol stash, I sat down on a bale of old hay and just sulked.

I should have known Heather would sabotage my life. Her lies had caused a wall to be put up between me and my wife. Hell, I didn’t even know if she would ever trust me again. It hurt so much.

My phone vibrated in my pocket and I pulled it out, hoping it was Miranda.


Ty, it’s me, Van.

Guess she called you.

Please tell me you didn’t do it.

I never touched that bitch. I swear to God. I’m not that person anymore, Van. Heather’s a lying bitch. I needed her to get her brother to help me. I swear.
